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business for profit
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3.01 Vocab

Business Activity

Goals objectives that business will achieve
business for profit operates to make money
financial analysis that process of planning ,maintaing monitoring ,controlling , reporting the us e of fiancial resources
mission to travel
business work
nonprofit makes money to specific journey
resources to support, and information effectivily
business activities to make a profit
profits a valuable go back
production is keep on going
overhead expenses , whatever it takes to run the business
financing debt and equality
angel investors long -term growth
debt owned someone fiances
bonds out back
loans that require principal
interest repayment over time
Equity what the business owns or controls minus debts.
assets to welfare particular undertaking
accounting being useful
financial records to ananlyz the information
expenses the fees
income money recieved
Human resources management long terms , planning and organizations
human resources the department within a business that is responsible for all things worker-related
supervisors supervisor's overall role is to communicate organizational needs, oversee employees
managers responsible for leading and supervising employees
executives covers everything the business needs in this regard.
Recruiting appropriate employees
Orienting new employees to their jobs
information management knowledge, facts, or data
database such as run an advanced inquiry on a company
technology over time to change and change
Marketing creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings , clients, partners, and society at large.
credit need to purchasing the producted
operations day-to-day activities
manufacturing makes” the good
Quality control attempts to keep this type of situation from going on
Purchasing goods and services it needs to keep production going and to accomplish its business goals
Inventory management . Keeping the right inventory balance is an important part of the operations activity
Strategic management i dtermine to succed the goasl
tactics moslty to change
visions business a clear focus, and can stop you heading in the wrong direction
strategies support those goals
credit rating. Salaries for employees in research and development
job descriptions new tasks
merger between two large businesses
outsourcing outside organizations or consultants to perform one or more of the primary business activities
a virtual srvice medium of communication
Created by: ashley.p709
Popular Economics sets




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