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3.01 Vocab
Business Activity
Term | Definition |
Goals | objectives that business will achieve |
business for profit | operates to make money |
financial analysis | that process of planning ,maintaing monitoring ,controlling , reporting the us e of fiancial resources |
mission | to travel |
business | work |
nonprofit | makes money to specific journey |
resources | to support, and information effectivily |
business activities | to make a profit |
profits | a valuable go back |
production | is keep on going |
overhead | expenses , whatever it takes to run the business |
financing | debt and equality |
angel investors | long -term growth |
debt | owned someone fiances |
bonds | out back |
loans | that require principal |
interest | repayment over time |
Equity | what the business owns or controls minus debts. |
assets | to welfare particular undertaking |
accounting | being useful |
financial records | to ananlyz the information |
expenses | the fees |
income | money recieved |
Human resources management | long terms , planning and organizations |
human resources | the department within a business that is responsible for all things worker-related |
supervisors | supervisor's overall role is to communicate organizational needs, oversee employees |
managers | responsible for leading and supervising employees |
executives | covers everything the business needs in this regard. |
Recruiting | appropriate employees |
Orienting | new employees to their jobs |
information management | knowledge, facts, or data |
database | such as run an advanced inquiry on a company |
technology | over time to change and change |
Marketing | creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings , clients, partners, and society at large. |
credit | need to purchasing the producted |
operations | day-to-day activities |
manufacturing | makes” the good |
Quality control | attempts to keep this type of situation from going on |
Purchasing | goods and services it needs to keep production going and to accomplish its business goals |
Inventory management | . Keeping the right inventory balance is an important part of the operations activity |
Strategic management i | dtermine to succed the goasl |
tactics | moslty to change |
visions | business a clear focus, and can stop you heading in the wrong direction |
strategies | support those goals |
credit rating. | Salaries for employees in research and development |
job descriptions | new tasks |
merger | between two large businesses |
outsourcing | outside organizations or consultants to perform one or more of the primary business activities |
a virtual srvice | medium of communication |