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LAC RBT Chapter 4

LAC RBT 101 Chapter 4

Differential Reinforcement Providing reinforcement is contingent on either the occurrence of a behavior or reduced occurrence of a behavior while withholding reinforcement for the problem behavior.
Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behaviors A procedure for decreasing problem bx in which reinforcement is delivered for a behavior that serves as a desirable alternative to the bx targeted for reduction and serves the same function, R+ is withheld following instances of the problem bx.
Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors A procedure for decreasing problem bx in which reinforcement is contingent on the absence of the problem behavior occurring during specific time intervals and is withheld if the problem bx is exhibited during that time interval.
Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behaviors A procedure for decreasing problem bx in which reinforcement is delivered for a bx that is topographically incompatible with the bx targeted for reduction and withheld following instances of the problem bx.
Differential Reinforcement of Low Rates of Behavior A procedure meant for decreasing rates of bx that are not undesirable at minimal rates but can be undesirable if the occur too frequently. R+ is delivered if the rate of bx occurs at or above the desired inter response time.
Differential Reinforcement of High Rates of Behavior A procedure for increasing rates of desired bx. Reinforcement is delivered if the rate of behaviors occurs at or below the inter response time.
Prompting A supplemental stimulus that raises the probability of a correct response.
Response Prompts Prompts that follow an instruction, to increase the chance of the learner engaging in the correct response.
Stimulus Prompts Adding or changing something in the environment, usually before giving an instruction, to increase the chance of the learner engaging in the correct response.
Positional Prompt A form of Stimulus Prompting; the correct item is moved closer to the learner than the rest of the array.
Size Differentiation A form of Stimulus Prompting; the correct answer is visibly larger than the incorrect answers.
Color Differentiation A form of Stimulus Prompting; the correct answer is a different color than the incorrect answers.
Brightness Level A form of Stimulus Prompting; the correct answer is a brighter shade of a color than the incorrect answers.
Increased Details A form of Stimulus Prompting; the incorrect answers are blurry, and the correct answer is clear.
Prompt Fading The systematic, gradual removal of prompts so that the learner engages in the behavior without prompts present.
Stimulus Fading A procedure of transferring control of responding from one stimulus or set of stimuli to another by gradually removing one while the other is gradually introduced.
Most to Least Intrusive Physical Prompts Full Physical, Partial Physical, Gesture or Model, Independent
Most to Least Intrusive Verbal Prompts Verbal, Partial Verbal, Verbal Gesture, Independent
Errorless Teaching Prompt comes immediately following the Sd, before the clients response.
Shaping The process of systematically, differentially reinforcing successive approximations to a terminal behavior. Behavior can be shaped in terms of topography, frequency, latency, duration and magnitude/amplitude/level.
Created by: RBTLAC
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