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Group 12 E
Rachel L., Ashley V., Francine M., Moazzam A., Lexy C.
Term | Definition |
Chir(o), Cheir(o)- | of or pertaining to the hand. ma |
chlor(o)- | denoting a green color ma |
Chol(e)- | Of or pertaining to bile ma |
chondr(i)o- | cartiilage, gristle, granule, granular ma |
andr(o) | pertaining to a man fm |
angi(o) | blood vessel fm |
aniso | describing something as unequal fm |
ankyl(o) ancyl(o) | denoting something as crooked or bent fm |
ante | describing something as positioned in front of another thing fm |
anti | describing something as against or opposed to another fm |
apo | seperated from, derived from fm |
archi (i,e,o) | first, primitive fm |
arsen(o) | of or pertaining to a male; masculine fm |
arteri (o) | of or pertaining to an artery fm |
arthr(o) | of or pertainingto joints, limbs fm |
articul(o) | joint fm |
ary | pertaining to fm |
ase | enzyme fm |
asthenia | weakness fm |
atel (o) | imperfect or incomplete development fm |
ather(o) | fatty deposit, soft gruel lie deposit fm |
ation | process fm |
atri(o) | an atrium (esp. heart atrium) fm |
aur(i) | of or pertaing to the ear fm |
aut(o) | self fm |
aux(o) | increase; growth fm |
chrom(ato)- | color ma |
-cidal, cide | killing, destroy ma |
cili- | of or pretaining to the cilia, the eyelashes; eyelid ma |
circum- | denoting something as "around another" ma |
cis- | on this side ma |
clast | break ma |
co- | with, together, in association ma |
col-, colo-, colono- | colon ma |
colp(o)- | Of or pertaining to the vagina MA |
com- | with, together MA |
contra | against MA |
cor- | with, together MA |
cor-, core-, coro- | Of or pertaining to eye's pupil MA |
cordi- | Of or pertaining to the heart MA |
cornu- | Applied to processes and parts of the body describing them likened or similar to horns MA |
coron(o)- | crown MA |
cost(o)- | of or pertaining to the ribs MA |
cox- | Of or relating to the hip, haunch, or hip-joint MA |
crani(o)- | Belonging or relating to the cranium MA |
-crine | to secrete (M. Ali) |
Cholecyst(o)- | of or pertaining to gallbladder ma |
Balano- | Of the glands penis or glans clitoridis (RL) |
Bi- | Twice, Double (RL) |
Bio- | Life (RL) |
Blast(o)- | Germ or Bud (RL) |
Blephar(o)- | Of or pertaining to the eyelid (RL) |
Brachi(o)- | Of or relating to the arm (RL) |
Brachy- | Indicating ‘short” or less commonly ‘little’ (RL) |
Brady- | Slow (RL) |
Bronch (i)- | Bronchus (RL) |
Bucc(o)- | Of or pertaining to the cheek (RL) |
Burs(o)- | Bursa (fluid sac between the bones) (RL) |
Capill- | Of or pertaining to hair (RL) |
Capit- | Pertaining to the head as a whole (RL) |
Carcin(o)- | Cancer (RL) |
Cardi(o)- | Of or pertaining to the heart (RL) |
Carp(o)- | Of or pertaining to the wrist (RL) |
Cata- | Down, under (RL) |
-cele | Pouching, hernia (RL) |
-Centisis | Surgical puncture for aspiration (RL) |
Cephal(o)- | Of or pertaining to the head (as a whole) RL |
Cerat(o)- | Of or pertaining to the cornu; a horn (RL) |
Cerebell(o)- | Of or pertaining to the cerebellum (RL) |
Cerebr(o)- | Of or pertaining to the brain (RL) |
Cervic- | Of or pertaining to the neck, the cervix (RL) |
Chem(o)- | Chemistry, drug (RL) |
Cry(o)- | Cold |
Cutane- | Skin |
Cyan(o)- | Denotes a blue color |
Cycl- | Circle, cycle |
Cyph(o)- | Denotes something as bent |
Cyst(o)-, cyst(i)- | Of or pertaining to the urinary bladder |
Cyt(o)- | Cell |
-cyte | Cell |
Dacryo | Tear |
Dactyl(o)- | Of or pertaining to a finger or toe |
De- | Away from cessation |
Dent- | Of or pertaining to teeth |
Dermat(o)-, derm(o)- | Of or pertaining to the skin |
-desis | Binding |
Dextr(o)- | Right, on the right side |
Di- | Two |
Di- | Apart, separation |
Dif- | Apart, separation |
Digit- | Of or pertaining to the finger |
-dipsia | “(Condition of) thirst” |
Dis- | Separation, taking apart |
Dors(o)-,dors(i)- | Of or pertaining to the back |
Duodeno- | Duodenum, twelve upper part of the small intestine, connects to the stomach |
Dynam(o)- | Force, energy, power |
-dynia | Pain |
Dys- | Bad, difficult |
A-, an- | Denotes an absence of, without (AV) |
Ab- | Away (AV) |
Abdomin(o)- | Of or relating to the abdomen (AV) |
-Ac, -acal | Pertaining to (AV) |
Acanth(o)- | Thorn or spine (AV) |
Acous(io)- | Of or relating to hearing (AV) |
Acr(o)- | Extremity, topmost (AV) |
-Acusis | Hearing (AV) |
-Ad | Toward, in the direction of (AV) |
Ad- | Increase, adherence, motion toward, very (AV) |
Aden(o)-, Aden( i )- | Of or relating to a gland (AV) |
Adip(o)- | Of or relating to fat or fatty tissue (AV) |
Adren(o)- | Of or relating to adrenal glands (AV) |
-Ademia (BrE) | Blood condition (AV) |
Aer(o)- | Air, gas (AV) |
Aesthesio- (BrE) | Sensation (AV) |
-Al | Pertaining to (AV) |
Alb- | Denoting a white or pale color (AV) |
Alge(si)- | Pain (AV) |
-Algia | Pain (AV) |
Alg(i)o- | Pain (AV) |
Allo- | Denoting something as different, or as an addition (AV) |
Ambi- | Denoting something as positioned on both sides; Describing both of two (AV) |
Amnio- | Pertaining to the membranous fetal sac (amnion) (AV) |
Amph-, amphi- | On both sides (AV) |
An- | Not, without (AV) |