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Group 12 E

Rachel L., Ashley V., Francine M., Moazzam A., Lexy C.

Chir(o), Cheir(o)- of or pertaining to the hand. ma
chlor(o)- denoting a green color ma
Chol(e)- Of or pertaining to bile ma
chondr(i)o- cartiilage, gristle, granule, granular ma
andr(o) pertaining to a man fm
angi(o) blood vessel fm
aniso describing something as unequal fm
ankyl(o) ancyl(o) denoting something as crooked or bent fm
ante describing something as positioned in front of another thing fm
anti describing something as against or opposed to another fm
apo seperated from, derived from fm
archi (i,e,o) first, primitive fm
arsen(o) of or pertaining to a male; masculine fm
arteri (o) of or pertaining to an artery fm
arthr(o) of or pertainingto joints, limbs fm
articul(o) joint fm
ary pertaining to fm
ase enzyme fm
asthenia weakness fm
atel (o) imperfect or incomplete development fm
ather(o) fatty deposit, soft gruel lie deposit fm
ation process fm
atri(o) an atrium (esp. heart atrium) fm
aur(i) of or pertaing to the ear fm
aut(o) self fm
aux(o) increase; growth fm
chrom(ato)- color ma
-cidal, cide killing, destroy ma
cili- of or pretaining to the cilia, the eyelashes; eyelid ma
circum- denoting something as "around another" ma
cis- on this side ma
clast break ma
co- with, together, in association ma
col-, colo-, colono- colon ma
colp(o)- Of or pertaining to the vagina MA
com- with, together MA
contra against MA
cor- with, together MA
cor-, core-, coro- Of or pertaining to eye's pupil MA
cordi- Of or pertaining to the heart MA
cornu- Applied to processes and parts of the body describing them likened or similar to horns MA
coron(o)- crown MA
cost(o)- of or pertaining to the ribs MA
cox- Of or relating to the hip, haunch, or hip-joint MA
crani(o)- Belonging or relating to the cranium MA
-crine to secrete (M. Ali)
Cholecyst(o)- of or pertaining to gallbladder ma
Balano- Of the glands penis or glans clitoridis (RL)
Bi- Twice, Double (RL)
Bio- Life (RL)
Blast(o)- Germ or Bud (RL)
Blephar(o)- Of or pertaining to the eyelid (RL)
Brachi(o)- Of or relating to the arm (RL)
Brachy- Indicating ‘short” or less commonly ‘little’ (RL)
Brady- Slow (RL)
Bronch (i)- Bronchus (RL)
Bucc(o)- Of or pertaining to the cheek (RL)
Burs(o)- Bursa (fluid sac between the bones) (RL)
Capill- Of or pertaining to hair (RL)
Capit- Pertaining to the head as a whole (RL)
Carcin(o)- Cancer (RL)
Cardi(o)- Of or pertaining to the heart (RL)
Carp(o)- Of or pertaining to the wrist (RL)
Cata- Down, under (RL)
-cele Pouching, hernia (RL)
-Centisis Surgical puncture for aspiration (RL)
Cephal(o)- Of or pertaining to the head (as a whole) RL
Cerat(o)- Of or pertaining to the cornu; a horn (RL)
Cerebell(o)- Of or pertaining to the cerebellum (RL)
Cerebr(o)- Of or pertaining to the brain (RL)
Cervic- Of or pertaining to the neck, the cervix (RL)
Chem(o)- Chemistry, drug (RL)
Cry(o)- Cold
Cutane- Skin
Cyan(o)- Denotes a blue color
Cycl- Circle, cycle
Cyph(o)- Denotes something as bent
Cyst(o)-, cyst(i)- Of or pertaining to the urinary bladder
Cyt(o)- Cell
-cyte Cell
Dacryo Tear
Dactyl(o)- Of or pertaining to a finger or toe
De- Away from cessation
Dent- Of or pertaining to teeth
Dermat(o)-, derm(o)- Of or pertaining to the skin
-desis Binding
Dextr(o)- Right, on the right side
Di- Two
Di- Apart, separation
Dif- Apart, separation
Digit- Of or pertaining to the finger
-dipsia “(Condition of) thirst”
Dis- Separation, taking apart
Dors(o)-,dors(i)- Of or pertaining to the back
Duodeno- Duodenum, twelve upper part of the small intestine, connects to the stomach
Dynam(o)- Force, energy, power
-dynia Pain
Dys- Bad, difficult
A-, an- Denotes an absence of, without (AV)
Ab- Away (AV)
Abdomin(o)- Of or relating to the abdomen (AV)
-Ac, -acal Pertaining to (AV)
Acanth(o)- Thorn or spine (AV)
Acous(io)- Of or relating to hearing (AV)
Acr(o)- Extremity, topmost (AV)
-Acusis Hearing (AV)
-Ad Toward, in the direction of (AV)
Ad- Increase, adherence, motion toward, very (AV)
Aden(o)-, Aden( i )- Of or relating to a gland (AV)
Adip(o)- Of or relating to fat or fatty tissue (AV)
Adren(o)- Of or relating to adrenal glands (AV)
-Ademia (BrE) Blood condition (AV)
Aer(o)- Air, gas (AV)
Aesthesio- (BrE) Sensation (AV)
-Al Pertaining to (AV)
Alb- Denoting a white or pale color (AV)
Alge(si)- Pain (AV)
-Algia Pain (AV)
Alg(i)o- Pain (AV)
Allo- Denoting something as different, or as an addition (AV)
Ambi- Denoting something as positioned on both sides; Describing both of two (AV)
Amnio- Pertaining to the membranous fetal sac (amnion) (AV)
Amph-, amphi- On both sides (AV)
An- Not, without (AV)
Created by: Rlangus
Popular Medical sets




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