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EMS Abbreviations

LKW Last Known Well
AAA Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
ALS Advanced Life Support
BLS Basic Life Support
SpO2 O2 saturation taken with a Pulse Oximeter SaO2 is 02 saturation measured by blood gas analysis
O2 Oxygen molecule
CO2 Carbon Dioxide molecule
DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one or more of the deep veins in the body, usually in the legs
SAMPLE History Assessment Signs and Symptoms Allergies Medications Past Medical History Last Intake (food, fluids, meds) Events leading up
OPQRST Pain Assessment Onset - sudden/gradual? Palliative/Provokes Quality - describe Radiating - moving? Severity scale - 1-10 Time - when did it start
TIA Transient Ischemic Attack A temporary period of symptoms similar to those of a stroke. Usually lasts only a few minutes and doesn't cause permanent damage.
F A S T Stroke Assessment Facial Drooping - as them to smile Arm Weakness - close eyes and hold arms out straight Speech Difficulty - ask to repeat a phrase Time - Last Know Well / get to hospital ASAP
BVM Bag Valve Mask A manual, positive pressure, breathing device. Do not over pressure. Watch for chest raise and stop. O2 rate is 15+
NRB Non-ReBreather mask Used for high flow O2 delivery. Patient does not breath back any CO2 Not always tolerated and hard to talk through 10-15 lpm
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases an umbrella term used to describe a series of progressive lung diseases characterized by difficulty breathing. The two primary COPD diseases are: Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis
A B C Stop the Bleed Alert 911 or ALS Bleeding - find it Compress - stop it
CAT Combat Application Tourniquet Designed for ease of self application Most common type for EMS as well.
ER Emergency Room
SAILER Oral Communication - from dispatch Sex Age Incident/chief complaint Location of incident/patient Equipment needed Resources needed
PCR Patient Care Report SOAP or D-CHART
Hx History (D-CHART) History of present illness/injury (HPI) Interventions taken by all involved (family, etc) Pertinent/significant medical history SAMPLE info
Ax Assessment (D-CHART) Age, gender, LOR (AVPU), ABCs with comments Pertinent negatives Detailed complaint and other symptoms Results of physical exam (DCAP-BTLS) Vitals with significant finding highlighted
Rx Treatment / Prescription (D-CHART) Latin for Recipe
Tx Transport (D-CHART)
SOAP A method of PCR Narrative Subjective – symptoms patient says, qualitative findings Objective – signs and observations, quantitative, facts Assessment – general impression (like a diagnosis) Plan – how did we treat, excoriate, move
D-CHART Patient Care Report Chief Complaint Hx - history As - assessment Rx - treats Tx - transport
LOR / LOC Level of Consciousness / Level of Response Typically use AVPU
AVPU LOR Rating Alert/Awake - follows commands Verbal - responds to voice but not alert Pain - moves or cries to pain Unresponsive - no response
CPR Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
B ABCDE Primary Assessment Bleeding Airway Breathing Circulatory Deformities / Disability / Decision Expose
DCAP-BTLS Physical Exam focused on trauma Deformity Contusions Abrasions/avulsions Punctures/penetrations Burns/bleeding/bruises Tenderness Lacerations Swelling
PERRL(A) Pupils are Equal, Round, and Reactive to Light and Accommodating - follow movement
RICES Rest Ice Compression Elevation Splint
SLIC Size of adjunct Lubricate the adjunct Insert the adjunct Check the adjunct
NOI Nature of Illness
MOI Mechanism of Injury
Pt Patient
AMS Altered Mental Status
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
CMS Circulatory Motor Sensory A test for neurological injuries - typically at the extremities C - pulse - skin color - nail refill M - wiggle fingers and toes - squeeze my hand S - can you tell which finger/toe I am holding?
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Law in the US that among other things provide protections for patients sensitive information. Care givers need permission from the patient to exchange protected health information (PHI)
PHI Protected Health Information The types of information protected under HIPAA. Name, DOB, medical history, treatments, etc.
BSI Body Substance Isolation A set of measures used to protect yourself from infections. This includes the use of PPE, as well as distance, washing, wind direction, etc.
PPE Personal Protective Equipment Equipment used to accomplish BSI
MSDS / SDS Material Safety Data Sheets Documents, kept on site, that cover the chemicals that the facility might be using or storing. They are standardized and include first responder information.
AED Automated External Defibrillator
MOLST Medical Order for Life Supporting Treatment
DNR (Living will or MOLST directive) Do Not Resuscitate Living will or MOLST directive
DNI (Living will or MOLST directive) Do Not Intubate Living will or MOLST directive
CC (Living will or MOLST directive) Comfort Care only Living will or MOLST directive
DOA Dead On Arrival Do you know the criteria?
MI Myocadiac Infarction (heart attack)
CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid
OPA Oropharyngeal Airway Adjunct
NPA Nasopharyngeal Airway Adjunct
CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Keeps pressure in the lungs and airway even during exhalation
AMS Altered Mental Status A level of LOR - AVPU Patient is awake but not responding appropriately or is not fully oriented
IC Incident Commander/Command The person put in charge of the incident
ICS Incident Command System Part of NIMS that provides a methods and structure for managing any incident regardless of cause, size, scope, or complexity
MCI Mass Casualty Incident An incident involving 2 or more patients in which the number of patients exceeds the capability of the immediately available resources.
NIMS National Incident Management Systems A standard framework for responding and managing incidents involving multiple jurisdictions
START (triage) Triage method Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment
SALT (triage) Triage method Sort Access Life Saving interventions Treatment and/or Transport
PSAP Public-Safety Answering Point An entity responsible for receiving 9-1-1 calls and processing those calls Dispatch may or may not take 911 calls directly.
HEENT Head areas to examine Head Ears Eyes Nose Throat
CHATT Communications Chief Complaint History Assessment Treatments Transport
AEIOU-TIPS Mnemonic for AMS causes Alcohol Epilepsy Insulin Oxygen Uremia Trauma Infection Psychosis Stoke
Created by: danfar
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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