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MedTerm Study Guide

Study Guide

parts of the skeletal system bones, ligaments, joints
bones in arch of foot tarsals and metatarsals
functions of the skeletal system provides framework and mineral storage; blood cell structure for body formation; anchoring site of muscles
medical name for shin bone tibia
wrist bones carpals
appendicular skeleton appendages (arms, legs, pelvis) + pelvic and shoulder girdles
sternum breast bone
scapula shoulder blade
NPO nothing by mouth
phalanges fingers, toes
ligaments short hands of connective tissue connecting bones, cartilages, or joints
DJD degenerative joint disease
lumbar puncture spinal tap
spinal tap lumbar puncture
surgical removal of a limb amputation
artifical limb prosthesis
solid mold used to immobilize cast
external manipulation used to set a bone back into position closed reduction and internal fixation (CRIF)
relieves pain, inflammation, and fever Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
relieves fever anti-pyretic
reduces pain and induces sleep by suppressing the nervous system narcotic
ORIF open reduction internal fixation (use of steel rods to realign broken bones)
analgesic drug that relieves pain
kyphosis abnormal outward curve (humpback)
condition of swayback lordosis
condition of curved/crooked spine scoliosis
condition of holes in the bone osteoporosis
overstretching or tearing of the ligaments sprain
sprain trauma to the surrounding ligaments of a joint
dislocation separation of two bones where they meet at a joint
simple fracture bone fractures into two pieces
compound fracture bone fractures into multiple pieces; damage to surrounding tissues; previous complications/illnesses may aggravate condition
greenstick fracture bone bends and cracks, instead of completely breaking into seperate pieces
comminuted fracture bone that is broken in at least two places
pathological pertaining to disease
spiral (or complete) fracture bone is broken with a twisting motion; corkscrew - like
strain (pulling a muscle) muscle or tendon is pulled too far
colles fracture break in the radius close to the wrist
stress fracture tiny crack in bone, caused by repetitive stress or overuse
oblique fracture bone is broken at an angle
transverse fracture bone is broken perpendicular to it's length
Created by: Saiadithyaa
Popular Medical sets




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