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Chapter 8

Female Reproductive System: Words Not Built From Word Parts

abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) irregular bleeding in the absence of pregnancy; menometrorrhagia, menorrhagia, and metrorrhagia are some types
adenomosis growth of endometrium into the muscular portion of the uterus
Bartholin cyst blockage of one of the glands on either side of the vagina; usually causes a tender, swollen lump on the affected side, which may become infected, resulting in a Bartholin cyst
breast cancer malignant tumor of the breast
cervical cancer malignant tumor of the cervix, which progresses from cervical dysplasia to carcinoma. Its cause is linked to HPV infection
endometrial cancer malignant tumor of the endometrium (uterine cancer)
fibrocystic breast changes (FCC) thickening tissue (fibrosis), benign cysts, and pain or tenderness in one or both breasts; thought to be caused by monthly hormonal changes
ovarian cancer malignant tumor of the ovary
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) inflammation of some or all of the female pelvic organs; can be caused by many different pathogens. If untreated, the infection may spread upward from the vagina, involving the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and other pelvic organs
polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) condition typically characterized by hormonal imbalances, ovulatory dysfunction, and multiple ovarian cysts
premenstrual syndrome (PMS) syndrome involving physical and emotional symptoms occurring up to 10 days before menstruation. Symptoms include nervous tension, irritability, mastalgia, edema, and headache.
toxic shock syndrome (TSS) severe illness characterized by high fever, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, and myalgia, followed by hypotension and in severe cases, shock and death; caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes
uterine fibroid benign tumor of the uterine muscle (aka myoma of the uterus or leiomyoma)
uterovaginal prolapse dropping of the uterus (and sometimes vagina) due to weakened pelvic muscles; the uterus moves downward into and is sometimes visible outside the vagina
vaginal fistula abnormal connection between the vagina and another organ, such as the urinary bladder, colon, or rectum
anterior and posterior colporrhaphy (A&P repair) surgical repair of a weakened vaginal wall to correct a cystocele and a rectocele
conization surgical removal of a cone-shaped area of the cervix; used in the treatment of noninvasive cervical cancer (aka cone biopsy)
dilation and curettage (D&C) surgical procedure to widen the cervix and remove contents from the uterus using a curette, an instrument for scraping or suctioning; the procedure can be diagnostic or therapeutic
endometrial ablation procedure to destroy or remove the endometrium by use of laser, electrical, or thermal energy; used to treat abnormal uterine bleeding
myomectomy excision of a uterine fibroid (myoma)
tubal ligation surgical closure of the fallopian tubes for sterilization; tubes may be cut and tied (ligated, cut and cauterized, or closed off with a clip, clamp, ring, or band
uterine artery embolization (UAE) placement of metal coils or small gelatin beads into uterine arteries to stop blood flow supplying uterine fibroids or to stop severe hemorrhage after childbirth
sentinel lymph node biopsy injection of blue dye and/or radioactive isotope used to identify the sentinel lymph node(s)
stereotactic breast biopsy technique that combines mammography and computer-assisted biopsy to obtain tissue from a breast lesion
transvaginal sonography (TVS) ultrasound procedure that uses a transducer placed in the vagina to obtain images of the ovaries, uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and surrounding sturctures. To diagnose masses, monitor pregnancy, evaluate ovulation for infertility
CA-125 test blood test used to monitor treatment for ovarian cancer and to detect recurrence once treatment is complete. It is a protein found on the surface of most ovarian cancer cells and is released into the bloodstream
HPV test cytological study of cervical and vaginal secretions to detect high-risk forms of the human papillomavirus that can cause abnormal cervical cells and cervical cancer; used for cervical cancer screening
Pap test cytological study of cervical and vaginal secretions to detect abnormal and cancerous cells; primarily used for cervical cancer screening
anovulation failure of the ovary to release an egg
dyspareunia difficult or painful intercourse
fistula abnormal passageway between 2 organs or between an internal organ and the body surface
oligoovulation infrequent release of an egg
contraception intentional prevention of conception
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) replacement of hormones, estrogen and progesterone, to treat symptoms associated with menopause
speculum instrument for opening a body cavity to allow visual inspection
menarche beginning of menstruation (specifically, onset of the first menstrual period)
menopause cessation of menstruation, usually around the ages of 48-53
Created by: kbkrause
Popular Medical sets




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