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Chapter 10 Cards

Medical Terminology: Creative Study Assignment - Chapter 10

capn/o carbon dioxide
phren/o diaphragm (also mind)
spir/o breathing
steth/o chest
tonsils oval lymphatic tissues on each side of the pharynx that filter air to protect the body from bacterial invasion; also called palatine tonsils
adenoid lymphatic tissue on the back of the pharynx behind the nose; also called pharyngeal tonsil
larynx voice box; passageway for air moving from the pharynx to the trachea; contains the vocal cords
diaphragm muscular partition that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity and that moves upward and downward to aid in breathing
mediastinum partition that separates the thorax into two compartments (containing the right and left lungs) and that encloses the heart, esophagus, trachea, and thymus gland
parenchyma functional tissues of any organ, such as the tissues of the bronchioles, alveoli, ducts, and sacs, that perform respiration
eupnea normal breathing
orthopnea ability to breathe only in an upright position; (orth/o = straight)
stridor high-pitched, crowing sound that occurs with an obstruction in the upper airway (trachea or larynx)
dysphonia hoarseness (phon/o = voice or sound)
epistaxis nosebleed (epi = upon; stazo = to drip)
expectoration coughing up and spitting out of material from the lungs
pulmonary infiltrate density on an x-ray image representing the consolidation of matter within the air spaces of the lungs, usually resulting from an inflammatory process
nasal polyposis presence of numerous polyps in the nose (a polyp is a tumor on a stalk)
sleep apnea periods of breathing cessation (10 seconds or more) that occur during sleep, often resulting in snoring
arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis of arterial blood to determine the adequacy of lung function in the exchange of gases
vital capacity (VC) analysis of arterial blood to determine the adequacy of lung function in the exchange of gases
peak flow (PF) measure of the fastest flow of exhaled air after a maximal inspiration; also called peak expiratory flow rate
pulmonary angiography x-ray imaging of the blood vessels of the lungs after the injection of contrast dye
adenoidectomy an operation to remove adenoid tissue from the nasopharynx
pneumonectomy removal of an entire lung
thoracentesis puncture for aspiration of the chest (pleural cavity)
endotracheal intubation passage of a tube into the trachea via the nose or mouth to open the airway for delivering gas mixtures to the lungs (e.g., oxygen, anesthetics, or air)
incentive spirometry a common postoperative breathing therapy using a specially designed spirometer to encourage the patient to inhale and hold an inspiratory volume to exercise the lungs and prevent pulmonary complications
bronchodilator a drug that dilates the muscular walls of the bronchi
expectorant a drug that increases bronchial secretions and promotes coughing them out
Created by: sstrickland25
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