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Chapter 10 Med Terms

Med Terms

faci/o band, fascia (fibrous membrane supporting ans separating muscles)
fibr/o fiber, fibrous tissue
leiomy/o smooth muscle (visceral)
lumb/o loins (lower back)
musccul/o or my/o muscle
ten/o or tend/o or tendin/o tendon
-algia pain
-asthenia weakness, debility
-pathy disease
-plegia paralysis
-rrhaphy suture
-sarcoma malignant tumor of connective tissue
-tomy incision
carp/o carpus (wrist bones)
cervic/o neck, cervix uteri (neck of the uterus)
cost/o ribs
crani/o cranium (skull)
humer/o humerus (upper arm bone)
metacarp/o metacarpus (hand bones)
phalang/o phalanges (bones of the fingers and toes)
Spondyl/o or vertebra/o vertebra (backbone)
stern/o sternum (breastbone)
calcane/o calcaneum (heel bone)
femor/o femur (thigh bone)
fibul/o fibula, (smaller outer bone of the lower leg)
patell/o patella (kneecap)
pelv/i or pelv/o pelvis
radi/o radiation, x ray; radius (lower arm bone on the thumb side)
tibi/o tibia (larger bone of the lower leg)
ankyl/o stiffness; bent , crooked
arthr/o joint
chondr/o cartilage
lamin/o lamina (part of the vertebral arch)
myel/o bone marrow; spinal cord
orth/o straight
oste/o bone
-clast to break; surgical fracture
-cyte cell
-desis binding; fixation (of bone or joint)
-malacia softening
-physis growth
-porosis porous
abduction moving a body part away from the body
adduction moving a body part toward the body
extension straightening a body part
flexion bending a body part
hyperextension excessive straightening of a body part
dorsiflexion bending the toes and foot up at the ankle
plantar flexion bending the foot down at the ankle
rotation turning the joint
internal rotation turning the joint inward
external roatation turning the joint outward
pronation turning the joint downward
supination turning the joint upward
AROM Active range of motion are done by the person
PROM Passive range of motion-health care worker moves the joint
AAROM Active-assistive range of motion the person does the exercise with some assistance from the health care worker
Created by: bellam08
Popular Medical sets




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