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Medical Terminology
Term | Definition |
a- / an- | Without (eg: anemia) |
ab- | Away from (eg: abduction) |
ad- | Toward (eg: adrenal) |
ante- / pre- / pro- | before (eg: premature) |
anti- / contra- | against, opposed (eg: antibody, contraceptive) |
brady- | slow |
tachy- | rapid |
con- / syn- / sym- | together, with (eg: congenital, synthesis, symbiosis) |
meso- | middle (eg: mesoderm) |
meta- | beyond, after, change (eg: metacarpal, metastasis) |
nulli- | none (eg: nulliparous) |
oligo- | few, deficient (eg: oligospermia) |
adomin/o- / lapar/o- | abdomen (eg: laproscopy) |
col/o- / colon/o- | colon, large intestine (eg: colitis, colonoscopy) |
Sigmoid-/o- | part of the large intestine (eg: sigmoiditis) |
Duoden-/o- | first part of the small intestine (eg: duodenum) |
-cele | hernia, herniated, protrusion (eg: hydrocele) |
crin/o | to secrete (eg: endocrine) |
hist/o- | tissue |
or/o | mouth (eg: oral) |
ped/o- | child (eg: pediatric) |
phag/o | eat, swallow (eg: phagocyte) |
phas/o | speech (eg: dysphasia) |
pleur/o- | relating to the pleura (membrane of the lungs) |
py/o | pus (eg: pyorrhea) |
scler/o | hard |
ur/o urin/o | urine |
-algia / -dynia | pain (eg: myalgia, cephalodynia) |
-e -us | noun marker (eg: erythrocyte; thymus) |
-emia | blood condition |
-genesis | origin; production (eg: spermatogenesis) |
-icle -ole -ula -ule | small part of a whole (eg: ventricle, arteriole, macula, pustule) |
-ium | structural tissue (eg: atrium, pericardium) |
-oid | resembling (eg: lipoid) |
-oma | tumor |
-osis | condition; increasing (eg: acidosis) |
-penia | abnormal reduction (eg: thyropenia) |
-poiesis | formation (eg: hemopoiesis) |
-ptosis | falling down; displacement (eg: nephroptosis) |
-rrhage / -rrhagia | to burst forth, hemmorrhage |
-rrhea | discharge, flow |
-rrhexis | rupture |
-stasis | stop, stand |
stomato- | mouth |
-pepsia | Pertaining to digesation |
-rrhaphy | suture |
Madsaggital | Left and Right |
Transverse | upper and lower body |
Radi/o- | X-ray; forearm |
-pnea, Pne/o, Spir/o | breath; breathing |
Larynx- / Laryng- | vocal chords; larynx |
Phreno- | diaphragm |
S.O.B. | Short Of Breath |
ENT | Ear Nose Throat |
Pharyng/o- | Pharynx (passage btw/behind nose and mouth) |
C.O.P.D. | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
U.R.I. | Upper Respiratory Infection |
chondr/o- | cartilage |
-malacia | softening |
-plasia | development, growth, cellular formation (eg: hyperplasia) |
cost/o- | rib |
D.O. | Doctor of Osteopathy |
C.P.D. | Cephalopelvic Disproportion |
O.R.E.F. | Open Reduction of External Fracture (surgical realignment of bones vs. closed reduction which is physical alignment) |
O.R.I.F. | Open Reduction of Internal Fracture |
arther/o- | arterial walls (eg: atherosclerosis, hardening of the artery walls) |
auscult/o- | listening to the sounds of the body (eg: auscultation; listening to the lungs using a stethoscope) |
coron/o- | encircle or crown (eg: coronary arteries) |
cusp/o- | projection point (eg: cuspid, points on the tooth) |
diastol/o- | rhythmic expansion or dilation |
infarct/o- | area of dead tissue or cells due to thrombus (blood clot) or embolus (traveling blockage) |
isch/o- | hold back; suppressed or deficient (eg: ischemia; restricted blood supply) |
sphygm/o- | pulse (eg: sphygmometer; device to measure pulse) |
steth/o- | chest (eg: stethoscope) |
eosin | red fluorescent dye |
kary/o- | denoting the nucleus of a cell |
neutr/o- | neither; neutral (eg: neutrophil) |
reticul/o- | network |
splen/o- | spleen |
thym/o- | thymus; rage |
abras/o- | to scrape off |
actin/o- | beam, ray of light; radiation |
blephar/o- | eye lid |
contus/o- | bruising |
ecchym/o- | blood in the tissue |
errythm/o- | redness |
integument/o- / integu/o- | layer, skin, membrane or husk of an organism or one of its parts (eg: integumentary system; skin, nails, hair, etc) |
kel/o- | tumor, fibrous growth (eg: keloid) |
kerat/o- | hard; fibrous proteinl; cornea |
lacer/o- | tearing |
onych/o- / ungu/o- | finger and toe nails |
pedicul/o- | lice |
pil/o- | hair |
plast/o- | living substance; growth formation (eg: plastic) |
prurit/o- | severe itching (eg: pruritus) |
psor/o | itching (eg: psoriasis) |
rhytid/o- | wrinkles |
sarc/o- | connective tissue |
theli/o- | cellular layer |
ankyl/o- | crooked, stiff, bent (eg: ankylosis; abnormal stiffening) |
ethm/o- | porous or sieve (eg: ethmoid bone, nasal cavity) |
goni/o- | anatomical angle or corner |
humer/o- | upper arm bone |
ischi/o- | hip bone |
ili/o- | ilium; upper hip bone |
kyph/o- | humpback, curvature in the thoracic region) (eg: kyphoplasty; repair of curvature ) |
lord/o- | skeletal bending or curving |
occipot/o- | back of the hand |
parieto | wall of a cavity |
perone/o- | lower leg bone (fibula) |
sphen/o- | wedge shape (eg: sphenoid bone in skull) |
spondyl/o- | vertebra |
tars/o- | ankle |
uln/o- | forearm bone |
zygomat/o- | cheekbone |
bruit | audible vascular sound related to turbulent blood flow |
albumin | protein found in blood, egg white, milk, and other substances |
B cell | lymphocytes that is part of the immune system and develop from stem cells in the bone marrow |
band cells | immature form of neutrophils; the most commonly produced white blood cell. They are essential for fighting disease. That's why your body produces them in excess during an infection |