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Chapter 7 Terms


allergist specialist in hypersensitivity reactions
anemia decreased number of RBC
colloid Liquid containing suspended particles
hematocrit percentage of RBC in the blood
hematology Medical specialty of the blood and its disorders
all- other, strange
-erg- work
coll- glue
matrix substance that surrounds and protects cells, is manufactured by the cells and holds cells together
nutrient constituent of food necessary for the body to function normally
plasma Fluid, noncellular component of blood
platelet small particle involved in clotting process
serum fluid remaining after the removal of blood cells and. the formation of a clot
vitamin essential organic substance necessary in small amounts for normal cell function
vita- life
-amin(e) nitrogen containing substance
-let little, small
plate- flat
aggulatinate stick together to form clumps
ag- to
-glutin- stick
-ate composed of
erythrocyte Red blood cell
erythr/o- red
heme iron-based component of hemoglobin that carries oxygen
-globin protein
hem/o- blood
hemoglobin red-pigmented protein that is the main component of red blood cells
oxyhemoglobin combo of hemoglobin and oxygen
hypoxia below-normal levels of oxygen in tissues, gases, or blood
hypoxic deficient in oxygen
pallor paleness of skin
pernicious anemia chronic anemia due to lack of vitamin B12
-nici- lethal
per- through
polycythemia disease of bone marrow, excess production of RBC
trait discrete characteristic that has a known quality
agranulocyte white blood cell without any granules in cytoplasm
aplastic anemia condition where the bone marrow is unable to produce sufficient red cells, white cells, and platelets
basophil basophil's granules attract a basic blue stain in the laboratory
eosinophil eosinophil granulates attract a rosy-red color on staining
leukocyte white blood cell
granulocyte white blood cell that contains multiple small granules in its cytoplasm
lymphocyte small white blood cell with a large nucleus
hemolysis destruction of red blood cells so that hemoglobin is liberated
monocyte large white blood cell with a single nucleus
mononucleosis presence of large numbers of specific diagnostic mononuclear leukocytes
neutrophil neutrophils' granules take up purple stain equally, whether the stain is acid or alkaline
polymorphonuclear white blood cell with a multilobed nucleus
-phil attraction
bas/o- base
eosin/o- dawn
granul/o- small grain
-plas- formation
coagulant substance that causes clotting
coagul- clot, clump
-ant forming
fibrin stringy protein fiber that is a component of a blood clot
fibroblast cell that forms collagen fibers
hematoma collection of blood that has escaped from vessels into surrounding tissue
hemophilia inherited disease from a deficiency of clotting factor Vlll
hemostasis control of or stopping bleeding
leukemia disease when the blood is taken over by white blood cells and their precursors
pancytopenia deficiency of all types of blood cells
pan- all
prothrombin protein formed by the liver and converted to thrombin in the blood-clotting mechanism
-in substance
-thromb- blood clot
antibody protein produced in response to an antigen
autologous blood transfusion with the same person as donor and recipient self-transfusion
embolus detached piece of thrombus, a mass of bacteria, quantity of air, or foreign body that blocks a blood vessel
infusion introduction to intravenously of a substance other than blood
petechia pinpoint capillary hemorrhagic spot in the skin
purpura skin hemorrhagic spot that are red initially then turn purple
rhesus factor antigen on surface of red blood cells of RH+ individuals
transfusion transfer of blood or a blood component from donor to recipient.
-gen produce, create
-logous relation
-fusion to pour
erythroblastosis fetalis hemolytic disease of a newborn
-is belonging to
incompatible substances that interfere with each other physiologically
maternal derived from the mother
placenta organ that allows metabolic exchange between the mother and the fetus
miscarriage spontaneous expulsion of the products or pregnancy before fetal viability
spherocyte a spherical cell
spher/o- sphere
-ible can do
-iability able to do
mis- not, incorrect
aspiration removal by suction of fluid or gas from a body cavity
aspirat- to breath on
coagulopathy disorder of blood clotting
corpuscle red blood cell
index standard indicator of measurement
macrocyte large red blood cell
microcyte small red blood cell
parenteral administering medication by any other means than the GI tract
-enter- intestine
par- beside, abnormal
transplant transfer of one tissue or organ to another
trans- across
-plant insert, plant
absorb take in
allergen substance creating a hypersensitivity reaction
interstitial spaces between cells in an organ or tissue
node circumscribed mass of tissue
pathogen disease-causing microorganism
pollutant substance that makes an environment unclean or impure
pollut- unclean
interstiti- space between cells
efferent moving away from the center
afferent moving towards the center
immune protected from an infectious disease
adenoid single mass or lymphoid tissue in the midline at the back of the throat
bacterium unicellular, simple, microscopic organism
follicle spherical mass of cells containing a cavity
immunoglobulin specific protein evoked by an antigen
spleen vascular, lymphatic organ in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen
thymus endocrine gland located in the mediastinum
tonsil mass of lymphoid tissue on either side of the throat at the back pf the tongue
hypersplenism condition in which the spleen removes blood components at an. excessive rate
inguinal the groin
lymphaden- lymph node
lymphangi/o- lymphatic vessels
neo- new
neoplasm new growth, either a benign or malignant tumor
antecubital in front of the elbow
-cubit- elbow
ante- in front of, before
autoimmune immune reaction directed against a person's own tissue
gurney stretcher on wheels used to transport hospital patients
mutation change in the chemistry of a gene
specific relating to a particular entity
attenuate weaken the ability of an organism to produce disease
complement group of proteins in serum that finish off the work of antibodies to destroy bacteria and other cells
humoral immunity defense mechanism arising from antibodies in the blood
vaccinate administer vaccine
humor- fluid
attenu- weaken
alloimmune immune reaction directed against foreign tissue
all/o- other, strange
anaphylaxis immediate severe allergic
dormant inactive
dorm- sleep
histamine compound liberated in tissues as a result of injury or an immune response
hist- derived from histidine
-phylaxis protection
ana- excessive
incubation process to develop an infection
incub- lie on, hatch
opportun- take advantage of
retro- backwards
kaposi sarcoma type of skin cancer most seen in AIDS paitents
opportunistic organism or disease in a host with lowered resistance
retrovirus virus with RNA core
urticaria rash of itchy hives
broad-spectrum antibiotic with a wide range of activity against a variety of organisms
clostridium difficile gram-positive spore-forming bacteria that causes antibiotic-associated diarrhea
contagious infection can be transmitted from person to person or form a person to a person
endemic disease present in a community
nosocomial acquired while in the hospital
nos/o- disease
-com- take care of
-be life
clostrid- spindle
-tag- touch
Created by: Lebronit
Popular Medical sets




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