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Ch. 15

Musculoskeletal System

calc/o, calci/o calcium
kyph/o posterior curvature
lamin/o lamina
lord/o curve
lumb/o loins, lower back
myel/o bone marrow
orth/o straight
oste/o bone
scoli/o crooked, bent
spondy/o vertebra
vertebr/o vertebra
-blast immature cell
-clast to break
-listhesis slipping
-malacia softening
-physis to grow
-porosis pore, passage
-tome instrument to cut
acetabul/o acetabulum
calcane/o calcaneus
carp/o carpals
clavicul/o clavicle
cost/o ribs
crani/o cranium
femor/o femur
humer/o humerus
ili/o ilium
ischi/o ischium
malleol/o malleolus
mandibul/o mandible
maxill/o maxilla
metacarp/o metacarpals
metatars/o metatarsals
olecran/o olecranon, elbow
patell/o patella, kneecap
pelv/o pelvis
phalang/o phalanges
pub/o pubis
radi/o radius
scapul/o scapula
stern/o sternum
tars/o tarsals
tibi/o tibia
uln/o ulna
ankyl/o stiff
arthr/o joint
articul/o joint
burs/o bursa
chondr/o cartilage
ligament/o ligament
rheumat/o watery flow
synov/o synovial membrane
ten/o tendon
tendin/o tendond
-desis to bind, tie together
-stenosis narrowing
fasci/o fascia
fibr/o fibrous
leiomy/o smooth muscle
my/o muscle
myocardi/o heart muscle
myos/o muscle
plant/o sole of the foot
rhabdomy/o skeletal muscle
sarc/o muscle and flesh
-asthenia lack of strength
-trophy development
ab- away from
ad- toward
dorsi- back
poly- many. much
Created by: castigisselle
Popular Medical sets




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