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Chapter 8 Elements
Term | Definition |
-alveol- | air sac |
-bronch/i- | bronchus |
-spirat- | breathe |
-olfact- | smell |
-oxy- | oxygen |
-pharyng- | pharynx |
-pulmon/o- | lung |
-trache- | trachea |
-cauter- | to burn |
-congest- | accumulation of fluid |
-stax- | fall in drops |
-rhin- | nose |
-sinus- | sinus |
-aden- | gland |
-pnea- | breathe |
-ox- | oxygen |
-laryng/o- | larynx |
-pharynx- | pharynx |
-nas/o- | nose |
-or/o- | mouth |
-somn/o- | sleep |
-tonsill- | tonsil |
-glottis- | mouth of windpipe |
-glott- | mouth of windpipe |
-tub- | tube |
-papill/o- | pimple |
-voc- | voice |
-diaphragm/a- | diaphragm |
-fiss- | spit |
-lob- | lobe |
-stin- | partition |
-pleura- | pleura |
-cyan/o- | dark blue |
-hale- | breathe |
-pector- | chest |
-hem/o- | blood |
-asthm- | asthma |
-auscult- | listen to |
-constrict- | to narrow |
-cyst- | cyst |
-fibr- | fiber |
-physema- | blowing |
-capn- | carbon dioxide |
-secret- | secrete |
-viscos- | sticky |
-aden/o- | gland |
-carcin- | cancer |
-anthrac- | coal |
-asbest- | asbestos |
-aspirat- | to breathe on |
-atel- | complete |
-pneum/o- | lung, air |
-py- | pus |
-thora- | chest |
-coni- | dust |
-sarc- | flesh |
-silic- | silicon |
-tubercul- | nodule swelling |
-mediastin/o- | mediastinum |
-spir/o- | to breathe |
-tom/o- | cut |
-son/o- | sound |
-dilat- | expand |
-immuniz- | make immune |
-muc/o- | mucus |
-lyt- | dissolve |
-nebul- | cloud |
-sect- | cut off |
-ventil- | wind |