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Chapter 8 terms


alveolus terminal element of respiratory tract where gas exchange occurs
bronchus one of two subdivisions of the trachea
cilium hairlike motile projection from the surface of a cell
expiration breath out
inspiration breath in
alveol- air sac
-ole small
-spirat- breathe
ex- out
in- into
olfaction sense of smell
olfact- small
-ory having the function of
-gen creation
oxy- oxygen
oxygen gas essential for life
pharynx tube from the back of the nose to the larynx
pharyng- phayrnx
pulmonary pertaining to the lungs
rale crackle heard through a stethoscope when air bubbles through liquid in the lungs
respiration process of breathing
sputum matter coughed up and spat out by individuals with respiratory disorders
trachea air tube from the larynx to the bronchi
-atory pertaining to, produced by
-ator person or thing that does something
cautery device to scar, burn, or cut a tissue
cauter- to burn
-ize action
coryza acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose
decongestant agent that reduced swelling and fluid in the nose and sinuses
-congest- accumulation of fluid
de- take away, remove
epistaxis nosebleed
-stax- fall in drops
nas- nose
naris nostril
palate roof of the mouth, floor of the nose
paranasal adjacent to the nose
para- adjacent to
polyp any mass of tissue that projects outwards
rhinitis acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa
rhin- nose
septum thin wall separating two cavities or tissue masses
sinus cavity or hollow space in a bone or other tissue
adenoid single mass of lymphoid tissue in the midline at the back of the throat
aden- gland
hypoxemia low oxygen level in arterial blood
laryngopharynx region of the pharynx below the epiglottis that includes the larynx
nasopharynx region of the pharynx at the back of the nose and above the soft palate
oropharynx region at the back of the mouth between the soft palate an dthe tip of the epiglottis
or/o- mouth
-somn/o- sleep
polysomnography test to monitor brain waves, muscle. tension, eye movement, and oxygen levels in the blood as the patient sleeps
tonsil mass of lymphoid tissue on either side of the throat at the back of the tongue
croup infection of the upper airways in children characterized by barking cough
intubation insertion of a tube into the trachea
laryngotracheobronchitis inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi
larynx organ of sound production
papilla any small projection
stridor high-pitched noise made when there is a respiratory obstruction in the larynx or trachea
vocal pertaining to the voice
papill/o- pimple
voc- voice
-tub- tube
diaphragm muscular sheet separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities
fissure deep furrow or cleft
lobe subdivision of an organ or other part
mediastinum area between lungs containing the heart, aorta, venae cavae, esophagus trachea
pleura membrane covering the lungs and lining the ribs in the thoracic cavity
pleur- pleura
-stin- partition
fiss- split
segment section of an organ or structure
bradypnea slow breathing
brady- slow
-pnea breath
cyanosis blue discoloration of the skin, lips, and nail beds due to low levels of oxygen in the blood
dyspnea difficult breathing
dys- bad, difficult
eu- normal, good
-hale breath
-ptysis spit
eupnea normal breathing
expectorate cough up spit out mucus from the respiratory tract
hemoptysis bloody sputum
hyperpnea deeper and more rapid breathing than normal
tachy- rapid
phlegm abnormal amounts of mucus expectorated from the respiratory tract
tachypnea rapid breathing
asthma episodes of breathing. difficulty due to narrowed or obstructed airways
auscultation diagnostic method of listening to body sounds with a stethoscope
auscult- listen to
bronchiectasis chronic dilation of the bronchi following inflammatory disease and obstruction
bronchiolitis inflammation of the small bronchioles
bronchitis inflammation of the bronchi
bulla bubble-like dialated structure
cystic fibrosis genetic disease which. excessive viscid mucus obstructs passages including bronchi
emphysema dilation of respiratory bronchioles and alveoli
-physema blowing
-secret- secrete
-capn- carbon dioxide
viscos- sticky
hypercapnia abnormal increase of carbon dioxide in the atrial bloodstream
hypersecretion excessive secretion of mucus
rhonchus wheezing sound heard on auscultation of the lungs
viscosity resistance of fluid to flow
adenocarcinoma cancer arising from glandular epithelial cells
anthracosis lung disease caused by the inhalation of coal dust
anthrax a sever, malignant infectious disease
asbestosis lung disease caused by the inhalation of asbestos particles
anthrac- coal
aden/o- gland
aspiration removal by suction of fluid or gas exchange from body cavity
atelectasis collapse of part of a lung
-genic creation
empyema pus in a body cavity , particularly in the pleural cavity
hemothorax blood in pleural cavity
parenchyma specific functional of cells of a gland or organ
silicosis fibrotic lung disease from inhaling silica particles
sarc- flesh
silic- silicone
sarcoidosis lesions of the lungs and other organs
thoracentesis insertion of a needle into the pleural cavity to withdraw fluid or air
endotracheal being inside the trachea
spirometer an instrument used to measure respiratory volumes
spir/o- to breathe
-son/o- sound
tom/o- cut/slice/layer
trans- across
cannula tube inserted into a blood vessel or cavity as a channel for fluid or gas
nebul- cloud
re- back
ventil- wind
-sect- cut off
-izer line of action
Created by: Lebronit
Popular Medical sets




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