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patho final ch 33


Key regulator of body temperature Hypothalamus
Conduction Warm skin to cold surface
Convection Air movement that makes you hotter or colder
Radiation Heat transfer to body from light
Evaporation Vaporization of liquids on skin
Blood vessels clamp down to hold body heat Vasoconstriction
Piloerection goosebumps
Newborn babies have this to help them keep warm making them incapable to shiver Brown fat
Blood vessels relax, flushed feeling when you get hot Vasodilation
When does BMR increase? When you are cold
When does BMR decrease? When you are hot; sluggish feeling
Thermoregulation behavioral controls Exercise, seeking shelter, adjusting clothes
Body temp less than 35C;95F Hypothermia
Symptoms of mild hypothermia Hypertension, Tachycardia, Vasoconstriction, Hyperventilation, Cyanosis, Joint pain
Symptoms of Moderate hypothermia ** no longer shivering** Respiratory acidosis, shallow breathing, hypotension, cardiac dysrhythmia, Delirium, Decreased LOC
Symptoms of severe hypothermia Lactic acidosis, edema, thready pulse, pupils dilated, unconscious
Profound Hyperthermia survival unlikely, Asystole, hyperkalemia
Cell death from cold exposure Frostbite
Therapeutic hyperthermia Stops the spread of ischemia; cardiac bypass, MI, Strokes, Birth injury
Symptoms associated with fever and treatment Fatigue, Muscle aches, Headache; Acetaminophen or ibuprofen
Stage of fever? Chills: shivering, vasoconstriction 1st stage of fever
Stage of fever? Plateau: decreased cold sensation 2nd stage of fever
Stage of fever? Breaking the fever 3rd stage
Heat stress Earliest sign of hypothalamus dysfunction (unable to regulate): excessive sweating, Tachypnea, Tachycardia
Heat exhaustion Heavy sweating, dizziness, nausea, heat cramps, bradycardia
Heat stroke No sweat (flushed/dry), confusion, altered LOC, hypotension, bradycardia, seizures, delirium, brain damage
Core body temp increased due to medical treatment Malignant hyperthermia
Dantrolene treats malignant hyperthermia
SCA Autosomal recessive (every chromosome but XY)
Neo= new growth
Created by: Anna91715
Popular Medical sets




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