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final patho

inflammation body response to injury and is mediated by immune system; defense response in attempt to heal and repair
purpose of inflammtion neutralize the antigen and heal injury
Acute inflammation resolves when invader is gone; compete healing by connective tissue
Chronic inflammation persistent inflammation for long period of time
chronic inflammation can lead to what asthma, COPD, DM
causes of inflammation trauma, foreign bodies, burns, infection, allergy response, ischemia
s/s of inflammation Erythema (red skin), edema, heat, pain, loss of function
phagocytosis when WBC's travel to injury site and consume invaders
Cirrhosis irreversible inflammatory fibrotic liver disease; infiltration of leukocytes; NO CURE
Patho of cirrhosis liver takes on cobbly appearance, liver become larger or smaller and harder to palpate
cirrhosis disease progression healthy liver-> fatty liver-> liver fibrosis (scar tissue)-> cirrhosis= irreversible liver damage
Causes of cirrhosis viral/parasitic infection, hep a-b-c, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, biliary cirrhosis, alpha I antitrypsin deficiency
s/s of cirrhosis easy bruising/bleeding, esophageal varices, jaundice, pruritis, asterixis (muscle tremor), edema, spider nevi, slurred speech, caput medusa
What is the gold standard to diagnose cirrhosis Liver biopsy
rheumatoid arthritis autoimmune condition, deterioration of connective tissue
Three processes in RA 1. Neutrophils & other cells in the synovial fluid become activated 2. Inflammatory cytokines: induce enzymatic breakdown of cartilage & bone 3. T cells also interact w/ synovial fibroblasts through
s/s of Rheumatoid arthritis : gradual onset vague/not apparent; inflammation, fever, weakness, anorexia, aching and stiffness in A.M.
s/s of Rheumatoid arthritis : disease progression painful, tender, stiff, decreased ROM, redness, edema, spongy with palpation
s/s of Rheumatoid arthritis : late stages joint deformities and decreased functional use; ulnar deviation, swan neck, boutonniere deformity
Patient may develop what during late stages of Rheumatoid arthritis? Vasculitis, pericarditis, splenomegaly
How to diagnose Rheumatoid arthritis presence of antibodies ACPA or RF
Created by: Anna91715
Popular Medical sets




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