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hormonal/glucose reg

final patho

Hormone produced in the hypothalamus Corticotrophin-releasing hormone, dopamine, growth hormone, somatostatin, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, thyrotrophin-releasing hormone
Hormone produced by the hypothalamus ADH (vasopressin) and oxytocin
Anterior Pituitary hormones ACTH, GH, TSH, FSH, LH, Prolactin
Posterior Pituitary hormones ADH, Oxytocin
ACTH: adrenocorticotropic hormone release of corticosteroids
GH: growth horomone triggers growth
TSH: thyroid-stimulating Tells thyroid how much hormone to make
FSH: follicle stimulation stimulates ovarian follicles and somniferous tubules
LH: luteinizing hormone produce of androgen (testosterone)
Prolactin Causes breast to grow and make milk for pregnancy
ADH: Anti-diuretic decrease diuresis by controlling renal function
Oxytocin: stimulates contraction of uterus
Hypopituitarism GH deficiency
Hyperpituitarism Acromegaly; excess GH before closure resulting in overgrowth of long bones
Diabetes Insipidus Results from hyposecretion of ADH
s/s diabetes insipidus Hypovolemia, Tachycardia, Decreased BP
diabetes insipidus cardinal signs Polyuria, Polydipsia. (NOT POLYPHAGIA)
Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Mellitus requires what? serum glucose
SIADH Syndrome of inappropriate Antidiuretics Hormone
SIADH is produced by hypersecretion of posterior pituitary, increased ADH
s/s of SIADH fluid retention, hypotonicity (low Na), Anorexia, irritable, personality changes
Thyroid hormone regulates BMR (basal metabolic rate)
Thyroid secretes what 2 hormones? T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine)
s/s of irregular thyroid function decelerated growth, constipated, sleepy, dry skin, sparse hair, periorbital edema
Goiter Hypertrophy of thyroid gland
Hyperthyroidism Grave's disease
Hyperthyroidism is an enlarged? Thyroid gland and exophthalmos
Hypothyroid levels T3 and T4 decreased, TSH increased
Hyperthyroid levels T3 and T4 increased, TSH decreased
What medicine is given for Hypothyroidism Synthroid
What medicine is given for Hyperthyroidism PTU
Parathyroid glands secrete PTH (parathyroid hormone)
Function of PTH Increasing release of Ca and phosphate from bone Increasing absorption of Ca and excretion of phosphate by the kidneys Promote Ca absorption in GI tract
Adrenal cortex secretes 3 groups of steroids: Glucocorticoids, Mineralocorticoids, Sex steroids
Glucocorticoids Cortisol and corticosterone
Mineralcorticoids aldosterone
Sex steroids androgens, estrogens, progestins
Cushing's syndrome excessive cortisol
Is Cushing's curable? reversible once steroids are discontinued
s/s of cushing's Mood face, red cheeks, excessive hair growth, weight gain, red striae,
Diabetes Mellitus deficiency of insulin; glucose is unable to enter cell and stays in blood causing hyperglycemia
Glycosuria glucose in urine
glycogenesis cells breakdown protein for conversion to glucose by the liver
DM type 1: Ketoacidosis severe insulin deficiency; glucose unavailable for cellular metabolism
ketonuria ketone in urine
Which acid-base imbalance might you see Kussmaul respirations ad hyperkalemia? Metabolic acidosis
Long-term complications of DM macrovascular disease and neuropathy
Glucose monitoring goal range 80-120 mg/dL
CM of DM type 1 deficiency of insulin: destruction of Beta cells; cannot be prevented and requires insulin for life
CM of DM type 2 can't be prevented, body lacks insulin, required insulin when needed
S/s for type 1 and 2 thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision
What lab value is used to determine DM fasting blood sugar
Kussmaul breathing deep labored breathing associated with metabolic acidosis and diabetes
Created by: Anna91715
Popular Medical sets




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