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Term | Definition |
derm | skin |
nephr | kidney |
stomat | mouth |
cutane | skin |
or | mouth |
ren | kidney |
lith | stone |
gastr | stomach |
hemat | blood |
arthr | joint |
erythr | red |
leuk | white |
thromb | blood clot |
hepat | liver |
itis | inflammation |
megaly | enlargment |
oma | tumor |
centesis | surgical puncture |
ectomy | removal |
lysis | seperation, destruction, loosening |
pexy | fixation |
plasty | surgical repair |
rrhaphy | suture |
stomy | forming an opening(mouth) |
tomy | incision |
tripsy | crushing |
algia/dynia | pain |
cele | hernia, swelling |
ectasis | dialation, expansion |
edma | swelling |
emesis | vomiting |
ernia | blood condition |
plasia | formation/growth |
plasm | living substance or substance of cell |
nuer | nerve |
neo | new |
bronchi | bruncus |
lymph | lymph |
an | without or not |
dys | bad painful difficult |
plegia | paralysis |
hemi | one half |
rreah | discharge |
spasm | invoulantary contractions twitching |
stenosis | narrowing, stricture |
toxic | poison |
pathy | suffering |
trophy | nourishment development |
blephar | eyelid |
arteri | artery |
graph | instrument for recording |
graphy | process of recording |
meter | instrument of measurement |
metry | act of measurement |
scope | instrument of examination |
scopy | visual examination |
gram | recording , writing |
-iatry | medicine, treatment |
-ician | specialist |
-ist | specialist |
-y | condition or process |
-icle | small |
-ole | small |
ule | small |
uli | small |
mast | breast |
-ia | condition |
hyper | high |
hypo | low |
therm | heat |
intra | inside, within |
macro | large |
micro | small |
pre | before |
nat | birth |
peri | around |
post | after |
epi- | above, upon |
eu- | good normal |
pnea | breathing |
oligo- | a few or scanty |
infra- | under below |
sub- | under below |
cost | ribs |
nas | nose |
inter- | between |
pro | before |
gnosis | knowing |
-al | relating to |
retro- | backward, behind |
version | turning |
juxta | beside near |
per | through, excessive very |
semi | half |
mono- | one |
uni- | one |
bi- | two |
di | two |
tri- | three |
quadri- | four |
dipl-,diplo-, | double |
multi- | many |
poly- | many |
primi - | first |
opia | vision |
bacterial | bacteria |
mega- | great, large |
gravida | pregnant women |
-cyte | cell |
ab- | away from |
ad- | toward |
circum- | around |
-duction | act of leading, brining, conduction |
odont | teeth |
dia- | through, across |
Trans- | Through |
Ecto , exo , extra- | Outside , outward |
-Tropia | Turning |
Para- | Near, beside , beyond |
Super- | Upper , above |
Supra- | Above , excessive , superior |
Ultra- | Excess, beyond |
Pan- | All |
Psuedo | False |
Cyesis | Pregnant |
Syn | Union joined |
Dactyl | Fingers, toes |
A- | Without |
Anti- | Against |
Contra- | Against |
Brady- | Slow |
Tachy- | Rapid |
Mal- | Bad |
Hetero- | Different |
Homo- | Same |
Homeo- | Same |
Esthesia | Feeling |
-ception | Conceiving |
Tocia | Birth |
-graft | Transplantation |
abduction | movement away from the medial plane of the body or one of its parts |
adduction | movement toward the median plane of the body |
medial | pertaining to the middle of the body structure |
lateral | pertaining to a side |
superior (caphalad) | toward the head or upper portion of a structure |
inferior (caudal) | away from the head, or towaard the tail or lower part of structure |
proximal | nearer to the center (trunk of the body) or to the point of attachment to the body |
distal | further from the center (trunk of the body) or from the point of attachment to the body |
anterior (ventral) | near the front of the body |
posterior (dorsal) | near the back of the body |
parietal | pertaining to the outer wall of the body cavity |
visceral | pertaining to the viscera, or internal organs, espicially the abdominal organs |
prone | lying horizontal with the face downward, or indicating the hand with palms turned downward |
supine | lying on the back with the face upward, or indicating the position of the hand or foot with the palm or foot upward |
inversion | turning inward or inside out |
eversion | turning outward |
palmar | pertaining to the palm of the hand |
plantar | pertaining to the sole of the foot |
superficial | toward the surface of the body |
deep | away from the surface of the body (internal) |
hist | tissue |
nucle/o | nuclues |
kary/o | nuclues |
abdomin/o | abdomen |
cervic/o | neck: cervix uteri (neck of uterus) |
crani/o | cranium (skull) |
ili/o | ilium (lateral, flaring portion of hip bone) |
inguin/o | groin |
lumb/o | loins, lower back |
umbilic/o | navel |
pelv/i or pilv/o | pelvis |
spin/o | spine |
thorac/o | chest |
albin/o | white |
chlor/o | green |
chrom/o | color |
cirrh/o | yellow |
jaund/o | yellow |
xanth/o | yellow |
cyan/o | blue |
melan/o | black |
poli/o | gray, gray matter (of brain or spinal cord) |
acr/o | extremity |
fasci/o | band, fascia (fibrous membrane supporting and separeting muscles |
idi/o | unkown, peculiar |
morph/o | form, shape, structure |
path/o | disease |
radi/o | radiation, x-ray, radius (lower arm bone sonography on thumb side) |
son/0 | sound |
viscer/o | internal organs |
xer/o | dry |
adip | fat |
-ose | relating to |
adipose | fatty; pertaining to fat |
androgen | generic term for an agent, usually a hormone (testosterone) that simulates activity of the accessory male sex organs or stimulates the development of male characteristics |
dors | back(of body) |
dorsal | indicating a position; pertaining to the back or posterior (of a structure) |
duct- | to lead; carry |
ductule | a very small duct |
homeostasis | relative constancy or equilibrium in the internal environment of the body, which is maintained by the ever-changing processes of feedback and regulation in response to external or internal changes |
-stansis | standing still |
hypodermis | subcutaneous tissue layer below the dermis |
integument | a covering(the skin) consisting of the epidermis and dermis, or corium |
systemic | pertaining to the entire body rather than to one of its individuals parts |
episi | perinuem |
tympan | tympanic membrane |
amni | amniotic fluid |
angi | blood vessel |
cyst | A closed, sac-like pocket of tissue that can form anywhere in the body. |
episi | perineum is the thin layer of skin between your genitals (vaginal opening or scrotum) and anus |
tympan | tympanic membrane |
epipl | omentum |
onc | tumor |
aut | self |
enter/o/lysis: | separating intestinal (adhesions) |
para/lysis | : loss of voluntary movement in a muscle |
ceph/algia | : headache |
dorsodynia | pain in the upper back |
Histr/o/dynia | pain in the uteruse |
glossodynia | pain in the tounge |
meningocele | birth defect where there is a sac protruding from the spinal column |
varic/o/cele | an enlargement of the veins within the loose bag of skin that holds your testicles (scrotum) |
aer/o/cele | A cavity or pouch filled with air or gas, especially one connected to the trachea or larynx. |
hydr/o/cele | swelling in the scrotum that occurs when fluid collects in the thin sheath surrounding a testicle |
Duct ectasia (or mammary duct ectasia) | occurs when a milk duct in the breast widens, and its walls thicken. |
Pyel/ectasis | dilation of the renal pelvis |
chol/angi/ectasis | dilation of the bile ducts |
telangi/ectasis | dilation of the capillary vessels |
lip/edema | is a disorder where there is enlargement of both legs due to deposits of fat under the skin |
myx/o/edema | swelling of the skin and underlying tissues giving a waxy consistency, typical of patients with underactive thyroid glands. |
angi/o/edema | Swelling of the lower layers of the skin, often around the mouth, or of the mucosa or submucosa of the mouth or throat which can appear quickly in response to an allergen or due to other conditions |
Melen/emesis: | Vomiting of dark-colored or blackish material |
ur/emia | increase urea in blood |
py/emia | increase pus in blood |
septic/emia | increase Bactria in blood |
viremia | viruses present in the bloodstream |
chondr/o/plasia: | formation of cartilage by chondrocytes |
cata/plasia | degeneration of cells or tissue |
neo/plasia | excessive growth due to tumor |
x/o/plasm | cytoplasm of a nerve cell axon. |
Ne/o/plasm | abnormal, uncontrolled growth of new tissue as in a cancer cell. |
cardi/o/plegia | paralysis of the heart |
para/plegia | paralysis of the legs |
quadri/plegia | paralysis of all four extremities |
ot/o/rrhea | discharge from ear |
rhin/o/rrhea | discharge from nose |
gono/rrhea | a discharge caused by gonococcus infection |
leuco/rrhea | white discharge |
vas/o/spasm | sudden constriction of a blood vessel, causing a reduction in blood flow. |
enter/o/spasm | intestinal colic |
pylor/o/spasm | painful contraction of the pylorus |
entero/stenosis | narrowing of the intestines |
nephr/o/toxic | toxic or destructive to the kidney |
photo/toxic | the skin susceptible to damage by light. Used of certain medications and cosmetics. |
hemat/oma: | A localized swelling filled with blood resulting from a break in a blood vessel |
ather/oma | A lipid-containing lesion that forms on the innermost layer of the wall of an artery in atherosclerosis |
lip/oma | A benign tumor composed chiefly of fat cells. |
lymph/oma | tumor of the lymph nodes |
psych/o/pathy | à disorder of the mind |
a/trophy | lack of nourishment, wasting of the tissues of the body |
hyper/trophy | excessive nourishment, overgrowth |
acro/megaly | enlargement of the extremities |
dermo/graph | an instrument for marking or writing on the skin |
electro/encephala/o/graph | an instrument to measure electrical activity of brain |
chromat/o/graphy | techniques for the separation of complex mixture |
tomo/graphy | techniques for creating three-dimensional images of the internal structure |
ultra/sono/graphy | high-frequency sound waves to image internal body structure |
chol/angio/graphy | X-ray examination of the bile ducts after the administration of a radiopaque contrast medium |
Phono/cardio/gram | graphic record of heart sounds and murmurs that is produced by phonocardiograph |
Audio/gram | graphic record of hearing ability for various sound frequencies that is used to measure hearing loss. |
puls/o/meter | instrument to measure the pulse |
oximeter | instrument for measuring continuously the degree of oxygen saturation of the circulating blood |
sphygmo/mano/meter | instrument for measuring blood pressure, particularly in arteries |
spiro/meter | instrument for measuring lung diseases |
fet/o/metry | measurement of a fetus |
opto/metry | examining the eye for defects and faults of refraction, with prescribing correctional lenses |
cyt/o/metry | The counting of cells, especially blood cells, using a cytometer or hemo/cyto/meter |
anthrop/o/metry | study of the measurements and proportions of the human body |
laryng/o/scope | A tubular endoscope that is inserted into the larynx through the mouth and used for observing the interior of the larynx |
lapar/o/scope | An endoscope that is inserted through an incision in the abdominal wall and used for viewing or performing minor surgery in the abdominal or pelvic cavities. |
ophthalm/o/scope | An instrument for examining the interior structures of the eye, especially the retina |
micr/o/scopy | The examination of minute objects by means of a microscope |
gastr/o/scopy | examination of the inside of the stomach using a gastroscope |
colon/o/scopy | examination of the inside of the colon using a colonoscope |
proct/o/scopy | examination of the inside of the rectum and anus using a proctoscope |
phys/ician | a professional who practices medicine but not a surgeon \ |
ophthalmolog/ist | A physician who treats eye diseases (optician) |
cholecyst | gall bladder |
cholang | bile duct |
Bronch/o/pneumonia | inflammation of the bronchi |
Epi/cardium | outermost layer of the heart |
Kal | (potassium) |
natr | (sodium) |
, calc | calcium |
magnesia | (magnesium) |
glyc | (glucose) |
hyper/somnia | excessive sleep |
Hyper/osmia | hypersensitive sense of smell |
Hyper/algesia | increased sensitivity to pain |
hypo/chondriac | under the cartilage |
hypo/chondria or hypo/chondriasis | a person who is often or always worried about his or her own health |
hypo/dermic | under the skin |
hypo/physis | a growth under (the brain), pituitary body |
hypo/ventilation | low ventilation |
eu/phoria | is the experience (or affect) of pleasure or excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness |
eu/thanasia | easy death |
eu/pepsia | state of normal or good digestion |
olig/uria | : low amount urination |
oligo/hydramnios | too little amniotic fluid |
oligo/spermia | too few sperm |
Pre/eclampsia | A condition of hypertension occurring in pregnancy |
Per/meable | permitting the passage through |
Pre/diabetes | : A latent condition preceding the development of diabetes mellitus |
Pre/hypertension | high normal blood pressure and borderline hypertensive |
post/prandial | after dinner |
Pro/thrombin | plasma protein that is converted into thrombin during blood clotting. |
Pro/drome | running before, an early symptom |
Pro/geria | before old age, premature aging |
Pro/phylaxis | advance protection |
sub/therapeutic | Below the dosage levels used to treat diseases |
sub/lingual | beneath the tongue |
Infra/sonic | sound below the audible hearing range |
Infra/orbital | below eye |
infra/clavicular | below clavicle |
inter/mitten: | Stopping and starting at intervals. |
inter/stitial | spaces between tissues or parts of an organ |
inter/digital | between the fingers or toes |
Intra/uterine | within the uterus |
Retro/peritoneal | behind the peritoneum |
Retro/spective | Looking back |
Retro/cervical | located behind cervix |
Retro/grade | going backward |
Retro/lingual: | behind toungue |
juxta/position | an adjacent position |
per/meate | to spread throughout |
per/forate | to pierce, bore through |
Semi/flexion | midway between extension and flexion |
Semi/supine | the person lies on their back but with the knees bent. |
Semi/luxation | a partial dislocation |
Mono/plegia | paralysis on one limb |
Bi/cuspid valve | valve that only has two leaflets |
Tri/cuspid valve | valve that only has three leaflets |
Tri/geminal | cranial nerve with three branches |
quadr/ennium | period of 4 years |
quadr/uped | a 4-footed animal |
Multi/forme | occurring in or having many forms or shapes or appearances (erythema multiforme) |
Multi/para | a woman having many live births |
Multi/lobar | having several lobes |
Poly/phagia | excessive appetite or eating |
Poly/dipsia | feeling of extreme thirstiness |
Macro/cytic | large red blood |
Macro/glossia | enlargement or hypertrophy of the tongue |
Macro/globulin/emia | increase globulin in blood |
Macro/cephalic | having a large head |
Micro/cytic | small red blood |
diplo/coccus | paired spherical bacteria |
diplo/id | of a cell or organism having two sets of chromosomes or twice the haploid number |
Hemi/paresis | Muscle weakness on one side of the body. |
Hemi/thorax: | One side of the chest. |
Primi/para: | a woman giving birth the first time |
. Primi/ordia | : earliest formed in the growth of an individual or organ (ordire: to begin) |
Primi/tive | belonging to or characteristic of an early stage of development |
Ultra/ligation | ligation of vessel beyond point of origin |
ultra/filtration | extra fine filtration |
ultra/virus | extra virus, filtrable virus |
para/umbilical | alongside the umbilicus |
para/medical: | services and professions which supplement and support medical work |
para/thyroid glands | adjacent to the thyroid |
peri/cardium | around the heart, membrane covering the heart |
peri/ osteum: | around the bone, membrane covering the bone |
peri/stalsis | contraction around, contraction of the intestines |
peri/toneum | membrane stretching around, lining of the abdominal cavity |
circum/flex | bent around |
circum/ocular | around the eye |
circum/ora | around the mouth |
extra/vacation | a discharge of blood from a vessel into the tissues |
extra/cellular: | outside the cell |
supra/costal | above the rib (costa |
supra/sternal | above the (sternum) |
super/acute | excessively sharp or acute |
super/ciliary | above the eyebrow |
super/numerary | in excess of the regular or normal number |
trans/ference | carry across, displacement of symptoms or effect |
trans/fusion | pouring across, transfer of blood |
trans/plantation: | grafting of tissues |
trans/urethral | through the urethra |
ab/embroyonic | away from or opposite the embroyo |
ad/renal | near the kidney |
ad/axial | towards the main axis |
infra/maxillary | below the maxilla |
infra/orbital | below the orbit(eye socket) |
infra/red | beyond the red end of the spectrum |
anti/septic | an agent that destroys bacteria |
anti/coagulant | a drug that prevents the clotting of blood. |
contra/indicated | drug, procedure, or surgery should not be used |
contra/toxin | against toxin |
brady/kinesia | slow movement |
brady/lalia | abnormally slow speech |
a/pathy | lack of feeling |
a/sthenia | lack of strength |
a/taxia | lack of order |
a/trophy | lack of nourishment |
an/emia | lack of blood |
an/esthesia | lack of sensation |
an/a/phylaxis | severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction |
dys/entery | Inflammation of the intestine |
dys/pepsia | bad digestion |
dys/trophy | tissue degeneration |
mal/aria | bad air |
mal/formation | congenital deformity |
mal/practice | mistreatment of a disease |
mal/aise | a general feeling of discomfort, illness whose exact cause is difficult to identify |
homo/logous | describing organs or parts that have the same basic structure |
homo/genous | consisting of parts or having qualities that are the same |
pan/creas | all flesh, the pancreas gland |
pan/demic | a disease attacking all |
pseudo/cele | : false cavity, the 5th ventricle of the brain |
pseudo/stenosis | condition that gives the false impression of an obstruction or narrowing, |
epi/demic | an increase, often sudden, in the number of cases of a disease above what is normally expected in that population in that area |
Physiotherapist | profession concerned with promotion of health, with prevention of physical disabilities, with evaluation and rehabilitation of persons disabled by pain, disease, or injury, and with treatment by physical therapeutic measures as opposed to medical, surgica |
Anatomy | sciences concerned with the identification and description of the body structures of living things |
Physiology | sciences concerned with the study of how the human body works |
Biochemistry | chemistry that deals with the chemical compounds and processes occurring in organisms |
Pathology | the study of the causes and effects of disease or injury.\ |
Pharmacology | : deals with the study of drugs and their actions on living systems |
public health | : the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities |
Biostatistics: | science of collecting and analyzing biologic or health data using statistical methods. |
integumentary system | consists of the skin and its epidermal structures (integumentary glands, hair, and nails) |