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Medical conditions
Question | Answer |
Name the 9 abdominal regions | left/right hypochondriac, left/right lumbar, left/right iliac, peri-umbilical region, epigastric, hypogastric |
Appendicitus Signs & Symptoms | - Common in 12-16 year olds - Pain often starts in peri-umbilical area and settles in right lower quadrant - Pyrexia - Nausea - Vomiting - Pain worsens when walking or coughing |
Hernia Signs & Symptoms | - Internal body part pushes through a weakness in muscle wall - May be a lump/swelling in abdo/groin - Severe sudden pain - Nausea/vomiting - Constipation may indicate serious situation |
Bowel obstruction Signs & Symptoms | - Intermittent/severe abdo pain - Unintentional weight loss - Constant swelling of abdo - Overflow diarrhoea? - Nausea/vomiting - Medical emergency |
Peptic ulcer Signs & Symptoms | - Long term use of NSAIDs - Infection from helicobacter pylori bacteria - Central burning abdo pain - Back pain - Nausea Perforation symptoms (medical emergency): - Sudden epigastric pain - Abdo swelling - Bloating |
Diverticulitis Signs & Symptoms | Marble sized pouches in colon wall tear causing inflammation/infection - Lower abdo pain (left lumber/left iliac regions) - Pyrexia - Diarrhoea - Severe pain |
IBD (Chrons disease/Ulcerative colitus) Signs & Symptoms | - Abdo pain - Fatigue - Weight loss - Blood in stool - Malnutrition |
Gastroenteritis Signs & Symptoms | - Common cause of D&V - Pyrexia - Abdo cramps - Aching limbs - Headache NB: very contagious! |
AAA Signs & Symptoms | - Pulsating mass in abdomen - Pain in lower back - Sweating - Dizzyness - Shortness of breath - Collapse |
Upper GI bleeding Signs & Symptoms | - Blood in sputum - Blood in vomit - Vomit looks like coffee grounds NB: May lead to hypovoaemic shock, most common gastrointestinal event as there are a lot of causes |
Lower GI bleeding Signs & Symptoms | - History of NSAIDs use - Blood in stools |
Pneumonia Signs & Symptoms | - Productive cough - "Crackling sound" when auscultated - Chest pain/tightness - Wheezing - Persistent cough - Confusion/disorientation |
Pulmonary embolism Signs & Symptoms | - Pleuricy - SPO2 <92 - Haemoptysis - Syncope - Pain in one calf - >100 BPM - ECG changes - Dyspnoea - Tachypnoea |
Bronchitis Signs & Symptoms | - Dysnpoea from bronchial tube constriction - Cyanotic - Tachycardia - Tachypnoea - Use of accessory respiration muscles - Dilated slow reacting pupils - Oedema (slow cap refill) - Reduced LOC from hypoxia - Reduced SP02 - Wheezing on ausculation |
Emphysema | - Barrel shaped chest due to trapped air in lungs from alveoli damage - Pink skin - Oedema - Tachypnoea - Tachycardia - Dyspnoea - Wheezing - Use of accessory muscles |
Asthma Acute Severe | - Can't talk in complete sentences - SPO2 <92 - >30 resp rate - >110 BPM |
Asthma Life Threatening | - Silent chest - Cyanosis - SPO2 <92% - Hypotension - Poor resps - Exhaustion - Confusion |
Left Ventricular Failure | - Fluid retention - Less urination - Palpitations - Pulmonary Oedema - Difficulty breathing when lying down - Weight gain from fluid retention - Coughing - Tachycardia - Tiredness & Fatigue |
Right ventricular failure | - Palpitations - Tachypnoea - Tachycardia - Swelling in ankles and jugular - More urine production (esp at night) - Weight gain - Tiredness & Fatigue |
3 causes of hypovolaemic shock | - Severe haemorrhage (internal/external) - Extensive burns (serum is lost) - Severe diarrhoea and or vomiting (water & electrolytes lost) |
3 causes of distributive shock | - Anaphylaxis - Sepsis - Spinal cord injury |
3 causes of obstructive shock | - Cardiac tamponade - Tension pneumothorax - Pulmonary embolism |
3 causes of cardiogenic shock | - Acute heart failure - Cardiac arrest - Arrhythmia |
2 causes of dissociative shock | - Carbon monoxide poisoning - Anaemia |
Adrenal crisis | - Fever - Syncope - Convulsions - Hypoglycemia - Hyponatremia (low blood sodium levels) - Severe D&V (common symptom) - Hypotension |
Addison's disease | - Muscle weakness and stiffening - Withdrawal of steroids - D&V - Anorexia - Increased skin pigmentation - Listlessness and tiredness - Confusion - Hypoglycemia - Chronic dehydration - Menstrual disturbances & loss of body hair in women |
Acute urinary retention | - Severe abdo pain - Unable to pass urine - Reduced flow - Signs of infection - Swelling of bladder |
UTI | - Mainly occur in women - Burning sensation when urinating (dysuria) - Cramping pain in lower abdo or back - Increased frequency passing urine - Confusion in elderly - Strong smelling urine - Haematuria (cloudy urine) - Pyrexia - Nausea & Vomiting |
Kidney stones | - Persistent ache in lower back/left or right hypochondriac regions - Periods of intense pain (minutes or hours) - Restlessness - Pain when urinating (dysuria) - Need to urinate mroe often - Blood in urine - Nausea/vomiting NB: Can lead to UTI |
Acute kidney injury | - Nausea/vomiting/diarrhoea - Passing less than 100ml urine per day - Hypertension - Confusion - Drowsiness - Abdo pian/Back ache Serious cases: - Pulmonary oedema - acidic blood - Muscle weakness/paralysis - Arrythmia |
Chronic renal failure | No symptoms in early stages Late stage symptoms: - Tiredness - Swollen ankles, feet, or hands - Shortness of breath - Nausea - Haematuria (blood in urine) - Hypertension |
Sepsis | - History suggestive of infection - Plus one of the following symptoms: - VPU response - <90mmHg systolic - BPM >130 - Resps >25 - Non-blanching rash - Cyanotic/ashen/mottled skin - Not passed urine for >18 hours - Recent chemo |
Dementia | - Memory loss - Confusion - Mood & personality changes - Problems with planning and performing tasks in the right order - Progressviely worsens over time |
Alzheimer's disease | - Memory loss - Difficulty with calculations - Difficulty with communication - Misplace items - Forget the names of places and objects - Trouble thinking of the right word - Ask questions repetitively |
Parkinson's disease | - Tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement - Tiredness - Pain - Depression - Constipation |
Multiple sclerosis | - Mainly affects women - Fatigue - Vision problems (e.g. blurred vision) - Mobility problems - Pain - Bladder problems - Bowel problems |
Ataxia | Difficulties: - with balance and walking - speaking - swallowing - with tasks that require a high degree of control, such as writing and eating - with vision |
Cerebrovascular Event (CVE) (Stroke) | - Difficulties with speech - Difficulties finding words - One side of face drooping - May not be able to keep both arms raised - Difficulty understaning speech - Sudden loss or blurring of vision - Confusion - Dysphagia - Blinding headache |
Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) | Same symptoms as stroke, but resolves within 24 hours |
Status Epilepticus | Continuous convulsions lasting 5 minutes or longer Or A series of convulsions (>3 or more in an hour) close together without a recovery period in between them |
Meningococcal Disease | - Pyrexia - Vomiting - Headache - Feeling unwell - Non-blanching rash - Aversion to light - Joint/muscle pain especially in neck and shoulders - Diarrhoea |
Causes of coma | - Stroke - Convulsion - Hypoglycemia - Hyperglycemia - Subarachnoid haemorrhage - Overdose - Meningitis - Inadequate airway/respiration Hypovolaemia - Cardiac arrhythmias - Clinical shock - Carbon monoxide - Hypothermia - Raised ICP |
Diabetes | - Hyperglycemia - Feeling very thirsty - Peeing more than usual & at night - Feeling very tired - Losing weight without trying - Thrush that keeps coming back - Blurred vision - Cuts and grazes that are not healing - Fruity-smelling breath |
Traumatic brain injury | - Boggy areas - Visible skull fractures/deformities - Battle signs (bruising behind ears) - "Panda eyes" periorbital ecchymosis - CSF leaking from ears and nose - Cushing's triad |
Cushing's triad | - Respitory irregularity - Bradycardia - Hypertension |
Clinical shock | - Tachycardia - Tachypnoea (Increased Respiratory Rate) or Depth - Abnormal Behaviour - Feeling dizzy/faint - Pale , cold extremities, delayed capillary refill - Sweating, dilated pupils, thirst - Stage 4 – Near fatal – Reduced LOC, Bradycardia |
4 stages of hypovolaemic shock | - 1 No obvious clinical signs - 2 Compensated stage, significant blood loss, body has mechanisms to maintain blood pressure - 3 Decompensated stage. Blood loss too severe to maintain blood pressure - 4 Irreversible swtage. Patient is likely to die |
Raised ICP | - Dilated pupils - Loss of vision - Nausea & vomiting - Fatigue - Increased irritability |
Name 3 acute coronary syndromes | - unstable angina - STEMI - NSTEMI |
Unstable angina/STEMI/NSTEMI | - chest pain - pain may radiate to arms, jaw, neck, upper back - vomiting - nausea - marked sweating - shortness of breath - pallor - clammy skin, cold to touch |
Sickle cell crisis | - severe pain esp in joints - dysnpoea - jaundice - pyrexia - hypotension - tachycardia - altered LOC - dehydrated - aggressiveness/frustration due to pain |
2 types of fracture | - open (compound) - closed |
Sprain | Injury to ligament. Partial or complete tear |
Strain | Injury to muscle or tendons. Partial or complete tear. |
Chemotherapy | - fatigue - nausea/vomiting - hair loss - increased risk of infection - sore mouth - dry or itchy skin - diarrhoea or constipation |
Neutropenic sepsis | Potentially fatal complication of cancer treatment such as chemotherapy. Suspect this in people who have had chemo therap in the last 6 weeks. |
Radiotherapy | - fatigue - sore, red, or darker than normal skin |
Anaphylaxis | Flushed skin Tachycardia Chest tightness Tongue and throat swelling Wheeze Hoarseness Dyspnoea Strider Hypotension Bronchospasm Cyanosis Circulatory collapse Respiratory collapse Distributive shock |
Hypoglycaemia | <4 mmol/l in diabetics <3 mmol/l in non-diabetics |
How would you take a BM from a baby? | Lancet in their palm while they are being held by mum/dad |
Should you use an alcohol wipe before taking a Bm | No, it may affect the measurement. Use a wound cleansing wipe, or gauze. |
Name the bones around the eye socket | Lacrimal Sphenoid Ethmoid Nasal bone Maxilla Frontal bone |
Alimentary canal | Digestive path from mouth to anus. |
Hypertension | >140mmHg systolic or >90mmHg diastolic |
Hypotension | <90mmHg systolic |
Normal temperature range | 35.8 - 38.2 degrees celcius |