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Nervous System Terms

Medical Terminology: The Nervous System

chemotherapy Treatment for cancer that uses chemical agents to destroy selected cells or impair their ability to reproduce
paresthesia An abnormal sensation of numbness and tingling
neuroleptic Agents that are a special class of drugs used to treat psychosis, especially schizophrenia
CVA The medical abbrevation for stroke
TIA The abbreviation for a brief episode of loss of blood flow to the brain that often precedes a CVA
astereognosis The inability to judge the form of an object by touch
ataxia The inability to coordinate muscle movements
manic depressive disorder or bipolar disorder The disorder in which a person experiences mood swings between mania and depression
brainstem The part of the brain that controls breathing, body temperature, and heart rate
down The prefix cata- means
catatonic A state of being unresponsive and unmoving
brain The meaning of the combining forms in the terms hydrocephalic and cerebral
dysphasia Speech disorder in which there is an impairment of speech and of comprehension of speech caused by a brain disorder
cognitive therapy A kind of psychotherapy that aims to change unwanted patterns of thinking
ECT The abbreviation for a treatment for severe depression that used electricity to induce convulsions in the brain
glue The meaning of the combining form in the term glial
hyperesthesia Increased sensitivity to stimulation such as touch or pain
sleep The meaning of the combining form in hypnotic
poliomyelitis Inflammation of the grey matter of the spinal cord caused by a virus
kinesiology The study of movement
word or phrase The meaning of the combining form in the word dyslexia
motor Nerves that carry motor impulses to the brain and glands are __________ nerves
spinal cord The meaning of combining form in the term myelopathy (in reference to the nervous system)
narcolepsy A sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollably and suddenly falling asleep
myasthenia gravis A condition characterized by muscle weakness
neurosis A chronic disorder featuring irritability of the nervous system (nervousness) and characterized by anxiety and/or extreme behavior dedicated to avoid anxiety situations.
neuralgia Pain along the course of a nerve
CP The abbreviation for a partial paralysis and lack of motor coordination caused by damage to the cerebrum during development or injury at birth
hemiparesis Partial paralysis of half of the body, right or left
polysomnography An electrodiagnostic procedure for sleep disorders that measures various physiological aspects of sleep
mind The meaning of the combining form in psychotic
spastic paralysis A central nervous system disorder characterized by stiff and awkward muscle control
cerebrum The largest portion of the brain
thalamus Part of the brain that relays sensory information to the cortex
cerebellum Part of the brain that control and coordination of skeletal muscles
temporal The lobe of the brain that is responsible for hearing, taste, and smell.
autonomic The __________ nervous system carries involuntary impulses to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and various glands
split The meaning of the combining form in schizophrenia
knowing The meaning of the combining form in the term atopognosis
sensation The meaning of the combining form in the term hyperesthesia
Transient ischemic attack A brief episode of loss of blood flow to the brain that often precedes a CVA
Cerebrovascular accident The medical term for stroke
Electroconvulsive therapy A treatment for severe depression that used electricity to induce convulsions in the brain
cerebral palsy Partial paralysis and lack of motor coordination caused by damage to the cerebrum during development or injury at birth
PTSD The abbreviation for a condition resulting from an extremely traumatic experience, injury, or illness that leaves the sufferer with persistent thoughts and memories of the ordeal
Post traumatic stress disorder The condition resulting from an extremely traumatic experience, injury, or illness that leaves the sufferer with persistent thoughts and memories of the ordeal
schizophrenia The disease of brain chemistry characterized by disorganized thought, delusions, hallucinations, and withdrawal
tonic clonic The modern term describing a grand mal epileptic seizure
SAD The abbreviation for a mood disorder marked by episodes of major depression that most often occur during the fall and winter (abbreviation)
Seasonal affective disorder The mood disorder marked by episodes of major depression that most often occur during the fall and winter
Babinski sign The pathological response to stimulation of the plantar surface of the foot indicated when the toes curl upward
Absence The seizure previously known as petit mal
Peripheral The spinal cord is part of the ____________ nervous system.
delirium The state of mental confusion due to disturbances in cerebral function caused by fever, shock, or drug overdose
seizure The meaning of the suffix in the term catalepsy
abnormal impulse toward The meaning of the suffix in trichotillomania
sedative A drug that quiets nervousness
sympathetic The ______________ nervous system prepares the body in stressful or emergency situations.
weakness The meaning of the suffix in the term myasthenia
Created by: alslush
Popular Medical sets




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