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LUNG | 3am to 5 am | 11 | ARM TAI YIN | Begins upper chest just below the clavicle ends at the end of the thumb nail | METAL | LARGE INTESTINE CHANNEL (ARM YANG MING) (5 am to 7 am) |
LARGE INTESTINE | 5 am to 7 am | 20 | ARM YANG MING | Begins at the index fingernail and ends at the side of the nostril | METAL | LUNG CHANNEL (ARM TAI YIN) (3 am to 5 am) |
STOMACH | 7 am to 9 am | 45 | FOOT YANG MING | Begins at face under the eye down front side of body along center of foot ends outside of 2nd toe nail | EARTH | SPLEEN CHANNEL (FOOT TAI YIN) (9 am to 11 am) |
SPLEEN | 9 am to 11 am | 21 | FOOT TAI YIN | Begins at big toe onto calf & thigh to groin to abd to medial chest to axilla ends at chest 5th intercostal space | EARTH | STOMACH CHANNEL (FOOT YANG MING) (7 am - 9 am) |
HEART | 11 am to 1 pm | 9 | ARM SHAO YIN | Begins under arm pit to inner surface of arm ends at nail of 5th finger | FIRE | SMALL INTESTINE CHANNE: (FOOT SHAO TAI YANG) (1pm to 3pm) |
SMALL INTESTINE | 1 pm to 3 pm | 19 | ARM TAI YANG | Begins at little finger mail up side of hand to back of arm to shoulder above to neck to face ends front of ear | FIRE | HEART CHANNEL (ARM SHAO YIN) (11am to 1pm) |
URINARY/BLADDER | 3pm to 5pm | 67 | FOOT TAI YANG | Begins at inner corner of eye over head down neck and ends at the edge of pinky toe nail | WATER | KIDNEY CHANNEL (FOOT SHAO YIN) (5pm to 7pm) |
KIDNEY | 5pm to 7pm | 27 | FOOT SHAO YIN | Begins at bottom of foot ( only point on bottom of foot) inside ankle up calf and thigh up center of body to chest along sternum ending beneath the clavicle | WATER | URINARY BLADDER CHANNEL (FOOT TAI YANG) (3pm to 5pm) |
PERICARDIUM | 7pm tp 9pm | 9 | ARM JUE YIN | Begins lateral to the nipple goes onto arm down center of palm surface of arm and forearm onto the hand ends by the nail of the middle finger | FIRE | TRIPLE WARMER CHANNEL (ARM SHAO YANG) (9pm to 11pm) |
TRIPLE WARMER | 9pm to 11pm | 23 | ARM SHAO YANG | Begins by the nail of 4th finger up back of hand ends at the point just lateral to the eyebrow | FIRE | PERICARDIUM CHANNEL (ARM JUE YIN) (7pm to 9pm) |
GALL BLADDER | 11pm to 1am | 44 | FOOT SHAO YANG | Begins at outer corner of eye and ends at the 4th toe nail | WOOD | LIVER CHANNEL (FOOT JUE YIN) (1am to 3am) |
LIVER | 1am to 3 am | 14 | FOOT JUE YIN | Begins at edge of big toenail ends just under the rib cage at the tip of the 9th rib | WOOD | GALL BLADDER CHANNEL (FOOT SHAO YANG) (11am to 1pm) |
REN (CONCEPTION VESSEL) | NONE | 24 | REN CHANNEL | Begins below the navel on the midline goes up chest and ends at the lower lip | NONE | DU CHANNEL (GOVERNING VESSEL) |
DU (GOVERNING VESSEL) | NONE | 28 | DU CHANNEL | Begins at tailbone up the back over the head and ends at the upper lip | NONE | REN CHANNEL (CONCEPTION VESSEL) |