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Drug classifying
Drug Class
Drugs Classification | Brand Name Drugs | Generic Name Drugs | Drug Action |
Vasopressor | [ Levophed ] | Vasopressor | Raises BP |
Vassopressor | [ Aramine ] | Vassopressor | Raises BP |
Hemostatic | Vitamin K | Hemostatic | stops bleeding --- |
Hemostatic | Hemostatic | Humafac | stops bleeding |
Hemostatic | Hemostatic | Amicar | stops bleeding |
Vasodilator | Vasodilator | Nitro-glycerin | Lowers Bp |
TRanquilizer | TRanquilizer | Thorazine | reduces mental tension & anxiety |
TRanquilizer | TRanquilizer | Mellaril | reduces mental tension & anxiety |
Tranquilizer | Tranquilizer | Haldol | mental tension & anxiety reduced |
Sedatives | [ Buticaps ] | Sedatives | calms w/o drowziness |
Sedatives | [ Amytal ] | Sedatives | calms w/o sleepiness |
Sedatives | Sedatives | phenobarbital | calms w/o sleepiness |
Muscle relaxant | Muscle relaxant | Valium | relaxes skeletal muscles |
Laxative | Laxative | Metamucil powder | Loosens & promotes BM |
Laxative | Laxative | Dulcolax | Loosens & promotes BM |
Hypo gly cemic | [ Diabinese ] | hypoglycemic | lowers blood glucose level |
Hypnotic | [ Senocal ] | hypnotic | creates sleep or hypnosis |
Hypnotic | [ Placidyl ] | hypnotics | creates sleep or hypnosis |
Expectorant | [ Robitussin ] | expectorant | removes phlem |
Diurectic | [ Lasix ] | diurectic | increases urine |
Diurectic | [ Diuril ] | diurectic | increases urine |
Diurectic | [ Osmitrol ] | diurectic | increases urine |
Decongestant | [ Sudafed ] | decongestant | reduces nasal congestion |
Decongestant | [ Neo-Synephrine ] | decongestant | reduces nasal congestion |
Decongestant | [ Afrin ] | decongestant | reduces nasal congestion |
Contraceptive | Contraceptive | Ortho-Novum | prevents conception |
Bronchodilator | [ Proventil ] | bronchodilator | opens bronchi |
Bronchodilator | [ Isuprel ] | bronchodilator | opens bronchi |
Anti-Ulcer | [ Tagamet ] | anti-ulcer | heals ulcers |
Anti-Ulcer | [ Zantac ] | anti-ulcer | heals ulcers |
Anti-Tussive | [ Pertussin ] | anti-tussive | stops cough |
Anti-Tussive | [ Romilar ] | anti-tussive | stops cough |
Anti-pyretic | [ Tylenol ] | anti-pyrectic | stops fever |
Anti-pyretic | Anti-pyretic | aspirin | stops fever |
Anti-pyschotic | [ Thorazine ] | anti-pyschotic | schizo phrenia, Chronic brain syndrome |
Anti-psychotic | [ Haldol ] | anti-psychotic | chronic brain disorder/ schizo-phrenia |
Analgesic | [ Tylenol ] | Analgesic | relieves pain |
Analgesic | [ Aspirin ] | Analgesic | relieves pain |
Analgesic | [ Motrin-Advil ] | Ibuprofen | relieves pain |
Anesthestic | [ Xylocaine ] | Lidocane | local /general lack of feeling |
Anesthestic | [ Novacaine ] | Anesthestic | local /general lack of feeling |
AntAcid | (blank) | MOM, Mylanta, Gelusil, Amphojel | neutralizes acid |
Anti-Anemic | [ Imferon ] | Anti-Anemic | replaces Iron |
Anti-Anxiety | [ Valium, Librium, Xanax ] | Anti-Anxiety | relieves anxiety & muscle tension |
Anti-Arrhythmic | [ Xylocaine ] | Anti-Arrhythmic | controls cardiac arrhythmias |
Anti-Arrhythmic | [ Inderal ] | Anti-Arrhythmic | controls cardiac arrhythmias |
Anti-Biotics | [ Augmentin ] | Anti-Biotics | destroys micro-organisms |
Anti-Biotics | [ Polycillin ] | Anti-Biotics | destroys micro-organisms |
Anti-Biotics | [ Pentids ] | Anti-Biotics | destroys micro-organisms |
Anti-Cholnergic | [ Artane ] | Anti-Cholnergic | blocks nerve impulses |
Anti-Coagulant | [ Coumadin ] Warfarin/Heparin | Anti-Coagulant | delays blood clotting |
Anti-Convulsant | [ Tegetrol ] | Anti-Convulsant | prevents convulsions |
Anti-Convulsant | [ Dilantan ] | Anti-Convulsant | prevents convulsions |
Anti-Convulsant | [ Zarontin ] | Anti-Convulsant | prevents convulsions |
Anti-Depressant | [ Prozac ] | Anti-Depressant | prevents depression |
Anti-Depressant | [ MAO inhibitors ] | Anti-Depressant | prevents depression |
Anti-Depressant | [ Marplan ] | Anti-Depressant | prevents depression |
Anti-Diarrheal | [ Lomotil ] | Pepto-Bismol | prevents diarrhea |
Anti-Diarrheal | [ Lomotil ] | Kaopectate | prevents diarrhea |
Anti-Dote | [ Narcan ] | naxolone | counter-acts poisons |
Anti-Emetic | [ Marinol ] | Anti-Emetic | Prevents N&V |
Anti-Emetic | [ Dramamine ] | Anti-Emetic | prevents motion sickness |
Anti-Histamine | [ Claritin ] | Benadryl | counter -acts histamine |
Anti-Hypertensive | [ Lopressor ] | Anti-Hypertensive | controls High BP |
Anti-Hypertensive | [ Catapres ] | Anti-Hypertensive | controls High BP |
Anti-Hypertensive | [ Aldomet ] | Anti-Hypertensive | controls High BP |
Anti-Inflammatory | [ Naprosyn ] | Anti-Inflammatory | counter-acts inflammation |
Anti-Inflammatory | [ Advil - Motrin ] | Anti-Inflammatory | counter-acts inflammation |
Anti-Manic | [ Lithium ] | Anti-Manic | manic depresive disorder |
Anti-Neoplastic | [ Cytoxan & Myleran ] | Anti-Neoplastic | destroys cancer cells |
(blank) | Donepezil | (blank) | (blank) |