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AICP Planng History6

Influential Planners

Daniel Burnham Architecht. 1893 White City at Chicago Exposition, 1909 Plan for Chicago
Paul Davidoff Planning Theorist. Advocacy Planning. Suburban Action Institute. Mt Laurel inclusionary zoning case
Patrick Geddes Father of Regional Planning. Author "Cities in Evolution"
Ebenezer Howard Garden Cities, "To-morrow: A peaceful path to Ral Reform." "Garden Cities of Tomorrow"
Jane Jacobs "Death & Life of Great American Cities"
Pierre Charles L'Enfant Designed Washington DC
Alfred Bettman Attorney. Euclid v Ambler. Ohio zoning enabling legislaion. First President America Society of Planning Officials
Kevin Lynch Proffessor. MIT. "Image of the City"
Ian McHarg Father of modern ecology. TDR. "Design with Nature"
Robert Moses knows as "Great Expediter". oversaw constuction of NY's transportation system
Lewis Mumford "Culture of Cities" Member of Regional Planning Assoc of America built Sunnyside Gardens & Radburn with City Housing Corp
Frederick Law Olmsted, Sr City Beatiful Movement Architecht. Co-design Central Park, Designed Riverside, Il
Federick Lack Olmsted, Jr Fist President American City Planning Institute. Designed Forest Hills Gardens. Standard City Enabling Act
Clarence Perry Father of the Neighborhood Unit Concept. "Housing for the Mechanic Age" " Regional Survey of NY and its Environs"
George Pullman Railroad tycoon. Company town Pullman workforce housing.
Jacob Riis "How the Other Half Lives" "Children of the Poor"
Clarence Stein Co-designer of Radburn. Member of Regional Plan Assocation of America. Chair NY Commission of Housing
Catherine Bauer Wurster Housing advocate. "Modern Housing" US Housing Act of 1937
Charles Lindbloom Proffesor. Incrementalism "policy by muddling through" "Politics & the Markets" "The Intelligence of Democracy"
Rachel Carson Zoologist/Marine Biologist. "Silent Spring". Mother of Environmental Movement
Le Corbusier Swiss Architecht. Father of Modernism
Norman Krumholz Planner & Professor. Equity Planning. "Making Equity Planning Work". Cleveland Plan
Amitai Etzioni Sociologist. communitarism "Spirit of Community"
Judith Innes Proffessor. Consensus Building & Collaborative Planning "Reframing Public Participation: Strategies for the 21st Century"
Saul Alinksy Father of Community Organizing. encourage controversy & conflict... Boycots & Marches. Radicalism "Rules for Radicals"
Hebert Simon Professor. Artificial Intelligence. Practical/Rational Decision Making "Administrative Behavior"
Sherry Arnstein Public Participation."A Ladder of Citizen Participation." "Maximum Feasible Manipulation"
James Kunstler New Urbanist "The Geography of Nowhere" " The City in Mind" Anti Modernism, Strip Malls, & Sprawl
Peter Calthorpe New Urbanist Architect. Environmentalist. TOD. "Sustainable Communities" "The Next American Metropolis: Ecology, Community, and the American Dream"
Harland Batholomew First full time planner in US
Created by: kathie_we
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