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medical anatomy

medical terms of the human body

anatomical position upright standing position, face and feet pointing forward, arms at the side and palms facing forward.
frontal vertical, splits body into front and back halves.
sagittal vertical, splits body into left and right halves.
transverse horizontal, splits the body into upper and lower halves.
medial twards the midline (center of the body)
itis inflammation
osis any condition
malacia soft
megal enlarged
algia pain
oma tumor
plast surgical repair
path disease
ologist specialist
ology the study of
penia deficiency
spasm involuntary contraction
oid resemble
scop observe
gram record
otomy cut into
ostomy to create an opening
ectomy surgical removal
lysis loosened destruction
rrhexis rupture
synarthroses immovable joints, skull
amphiarthrosis slightly moving joints, ribs and spine
diarthroses pass through, freely moving
fibrous joints bones held together by ligaments
pubic symphysis bones held together my cartilage
gliding plane joints little bones that dont do anything, just slide on eachother
hinge joints go back and forth on eachother
pivot joint neck and forearm that pivots
condyloid joints oval joints that allow to move backwards and forwards and away and together
saddle joints bones that fit like pringles and move against each other
ball and socket joint the shoulder and hip joint backwards forwards and sideways, and rotating movements
collateral straight line
anterior to the front
posterior to the back
semilunar half curved around
concave knee tibia
convex knee feimer
osteoarthritis breakdown in the bone within the joint
osteo bones
arthr joints
superior towards the top of the body
inferior towards the bottom of the body
anterior towards the front of the body
posterior towards the back of the body
proximal situated closest to the point of attachment
origin attachment to a IMMOVABLE bone
insertion attachment to a MOVABLE bone
supination fore arm rotates laterally so palm faces up
pronation forarm rotates medially so palm faces down
opposition when you move thumb to each tip of each finger.
synovial joints bones separated by a joint cavity, lubricated by synovial fluid. shoulder, hip, elbow, knee, carpal, interphalangeal
fibrous joint bones held together by collagenous fibers. skulls stitches, teeth in joints, distal radioulnar joints and t
a without, not
an without, not
auto self
bi 2
brady slow
DYS bad
hemi half
hyper above, more than normal
hypo under
inter between
pre before
quad 4
retro backwards
semi half
intra within
multi many
peri around or near
poly many
post after
how many bones are in your body 206
how many bones are in your skull 22
5 clissification of bones? short, long, flat, sesamoid, irregular
all kinds of joints ball and socket, immovible, slightly movable, broad reange of motion
homatopiesis the process of producing
frontal forehead
parietal sides and roof of your skull
occipital back/ bottom of the skull
temporal sides/ by ears
madibenle lower movable jaw bone
Maxillae upper jaw bone
cervical vertebrae neck, 7
thoratic vertebrae where ribs attatch, 12
lumbar vertebrae Large, weight-bearing vertebrae of the lower back, 5
scral Fused vertebrae which articulate with the pelvic bones, 5
coccyx Four fused vertebrae that form the tailbone,4
ulna inside
radius outside
steno naro or contracted
cheil lip
benign not cancerous
melan black
onco tumor
viscero organ
spenic wedge
anti against
myco fungus
plasia development
rug wrinkle, fold, or crease.
iso =
malign bad
adnexa ties, connection
lapar abdominal wall
ment mind
somato body
trachel neck
hypno sleep
scler hard
cardiac muscle
smooth muscle blood vessels, stomach
skeletal muscles
sensory nerves feeling
motor nerves moving
frontal lobe
parietal lobe
occipital lobe
temporal lobe
brain stem
sept wall or fence
scirr hard
antr cavity
plak plate
alveol cavity
sedat quiet/calm
furca forked shaped
radic root
en in
phob fear
pariet wall
gemin twins/pair
grad taking steps
calc calcium
labi lip
micro small
pro in front of or before
mechano matchine
tongue glosso
otis media middle ear infection
myopia nearsightedness
hyperopia farsightedness
dynam power
traumat wound
ameb change
strict draw tight
turbin shaped like a top
neo new
therm heat
sym together
ramus branch
pan all
ab away from/ not
ante before
ex out
puer child
proli offspring
macro large
cryo cold
mal bad
glom ball
alvol small structures in respiratory system.
vert trun
eu good
ambi both
amphi both sides
clas break
duct tube
fiss split
ger old
heter udder
hom same
sta stand
volv to roll
splanchn internal organs
Created by: francest000
Popular Medical sets




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