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MA Abreviations

ung ointment
tr tincture
tid ter in die (t.i.d.) - three times a day
tsp teaspoon
Tbs tablespoon
tab tablet
stat at once
ss half
sol solution
sc subcutaneous
s sine, s without
Rx take or " take thou"
qs of sufficient quantity
qod every other day
qid quater in die (qid) - four times a day
q2h every 2 hours
q3h every 3 hours
q4h every 4 hours
q (2, 3, 4 ) h every (2, 3, 4 ) hour
qh quaque hora (qh) - every hour
qd quaque die (qd) - every day
q every
pt patient
p.r.n. as needed,... = "pro re nata "
PO Per os (by mouth)
per by or with
pc "post cibum", after meals
oz ounce
OU both eyes, ocul units
OS Ocul sinister = Left eye = sinister eye
OD Right eye = Oculus dexter
non rep do not repeat ( non repetitive )
NPO nothing by mouth
mm milli meter
mL milli liter
mg milli gram
m or min minim
liq liquid
L liter
kg kilo gram
IV intra venous
IU international units
IM intra muscular
qs at bedtime, q = every , s = sumni (sleep )
h hour
gt or gtt "guttae", drops
gr grain
g or gm gram
elix elixir
dr dram
dil dilute
caps capsules
cc cubic centimeters
c abbreviation for cum - Latin for with
b.i.d. "bis in die" Latin, twice a day).
AU both ears, ... auxillary units
aq water
ad lib as desired,...At liberty. For example, a patient may be permitted to move out of bed freely and orders would, therefore, be for activities to be ad lib.
ac ( ante cibum) means "before meals
aa of each. Used when two or more ingredients are present in the same amount. They are listed sequentially with the symbol placed next to the last item of the group which it refers
qhs Quaque hora somni (at bed time)
sig. Signetur (sig) - Let it be labeled.
Sx Symptom
ut dict. = as directed (from "ut dictum", as directed)
quaque every
"h" the number of hours
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
OCP Oral Contraceptive Pills
Δ diagnosis; change
ΔΔ differential diagnosis (the list of possible diagnoses, and the effort to narrow that list)
# fracture
#NOF fracture to the neck of the femur
Ψ psychiatry
Σ sigmoidoscopy (examines up to the sigmoid, the most distal part of the colon, while colonoscopy examines the whole large bowel)
x/12 x number of months
x/40 x number of weeks of pregnancy
x/52 x number of weeks
x/7 x number of days
5-HIAA 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid
5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine, that is, serotonin
AAOx3 awake, alert, and oriented, times 3 (i.e., to person, place, and time)
A/B acid-base ratio
Created by: TONYMILLER
Popular Medical sets




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