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PSW Module 9


Dyspnea The feeling of breathlessness.
Cachexia Weight loss accompanied by loss of muscle, regardless of intake. Often associated with end of life.
Dementia Confusion developing gradually and is caused by a disease of the brain.
Delirium Confusion that develops suddenly and can be treated. A common cause can be a UTI.
Advance Care Plan/ACP Determine clients goals, wishes, desires, and concerns about their end of life care. Confirms persons Substitute Decision Maker/SDM.
POA- Power of Attorney/SDM-Substitute Decision Maker Speaks on behalf of the person when they cannot do it themselves.
Points about Grief: Grief is a natural reaction to loss, Grief is a whole person experience, Some people need help(counseling) and People grieve in different ways.
What are the 3 C's related to the concerns of a child when their loved one is dying? Did I Cause it? Can I Catch it? Who is going to Care for me?
Compassion fatigue? Is a state of physical and mental exhaustion resulting from care giving and a lack of personal self care.
Red, Yellow and Green light analogy: Green-Best possible state of wellness Yellow-Things are not good, fatigued and irritable Red- Not coping at all, not sleeping or functioning
Principals and guidelines for proper opioid administration. Must be given regularly around the clock, May need titrate to get the right dose to relieve pain, Breakthrough doses may be needed, Other meds may be needed as well, Given orally.
Side effects of opioids can be: Constipation, nausea and drowsiness.
What questions do you ask when a client is experiencing pain? Can you describe the pain? Where is it? Rate 0-10? When did it start?What makes it better or worse?How can I help right now? What is your for the pain?
What do you ask or do when a client states they want to die? Can you tell me more about what is happening? Can you clarify what you are asking for? Report to the nurse immediately. Know the policy on MAID where you work.
Cultural Safety: Creating a safe environment where indigenous people or people of other cultures can trust they are safe to express their feelings and concerns
Cultural Humility: Reflecting on your own cultural bias and acknowledge them. Keep information present and learn about other cultures to develop relationships of trust.
Cultural Sensitivity: Recognize the differences and similarities between cultures and realize that no ones culture is better then another's.
What is SBAR? Situation, Background, Assessement, Recommendation. Used to collect information before reporting to the nurse.
What is PAINAD? It is a Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia scale to determine the level of pain the client is experiencing based on behavior.
What is the purpose of the Palliative Performance Scale or PPS? Identifies the persons current level of functioning, which can help identify increased needs for care.
What components comprise the PPS? Ambulation, Activity and Evidence of Disease, Self-Care, Intake and Conscious Level. Rated from 100%-very high too 0%- Deceased.
What components comprise the PAINAD/ Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale Breathing (Independant of Vocalization), Negative Vocalization, Facial Expression, Body Language and Consolability. Rated on a scale of 0-being normal, 1-occasional, some signs of discomfort, and 2-Poor breathing, negative vocalization, obvious discomfort
What is the difference between palliative care and end of life care? Palliative care aims to relieve suffering and improve quality of life soon after the diagnosis of terminal disease/illness. End of Life care is provided in the last days and hours of life.
Dehydration A state of the body where there is a lack of adequate fluid in the bodies tissues to maintain function. Often occurs closer to death.
Appropriate Death Defined as what is right for the person at this time, in these circumstances or when the person is dying. The death correlates with the situation at the time.
What are common fears of Opioid use? Symbolism-use means death, Dependancy-body becomes accustomed to it, different then addiction, Tolerance-will lose effectiveness, Substance Use Disorder-addiction, misuse, Judgement-for needing them, Respiratory Depression-slow breathing down
What steps are followed when an expected death happens at home? Note the time, notify the nurse, provide comfort for the family, provide care to the body if necessary or wanted.
You walk in a room and find a client not breathing, what do you do? Call the nurse immediately, you do not know how long they haven't been breathing or what their DNR status is.
What is the best position for someone who has gurgling respiration? Side lying with head pointing slightly downwards.
What is a body map used for? To identify areas where symptoms are felt or grief is experienced.
What are key points about dying from dementia? The overall trajectory is decline, death is certain to occur, many interventions are not effective in late stage dementia, increase in sleep, wounds that don't heal.
Cultural Competence Is acknowledging personal bias and cultural views, asking clients, family, or community about their culture in order to effectively and respectfully provide holistic care to clients of that specific culture.
Cultural Protocal Refers to customs, standards and behaviors of a specific culture.
Cultural Awareness Acknowledging that you view another's culture through the lens of your own culture or bias and with this knowledge seek information about the other persons culture, so that you gain understanding.
PPS-Palliative Performance Scale 100%-70%- Normal to mildly reduced condition, 70%-40% Reduced to Semi-Dependent Condition, 40%-10%Completely dependent for most things, 10%-0% Largely non responsive or functioning to deceased.
MAID-Medically Assistance in Dying Doctor or Nurse Practitioner administers or gives meds to self administer to cause a compassionate death to those suffering from a terminal illness or disease.
Principals for Supporting Physical Comfort Focus on Persons goals of care, Provide Information and education to help client/family in symptom management, Prevent symptoms when possible ,Individualize comfort measures, Monitor, Record and report responses, Remind them to take meds.
Medication doses are: Tailored to individual needs, Administered around the clock, Provided as needed, Administered by simplest route, record and report side effects and concerns, use non pharmaceutical comfort measure, Report/record response to med/comfort measures
Created by: Katie A
Popular Medical sets




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