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HST-Sem 2
Terminology for Semester 2
Term | Definition |
Acute | Condition begins abruptly and duration is short |
Chronic | Recurring, persistent medical condition |
Inpatient | Patient who requires hospitalization |
Outpatient | Patient who receives care without being admitted to the hospital |
Edema | Swelling caused by fluid accumulation |
Embolism | Arterial blockage |
Etiology | Cause or origin of disease |
Prognosis | Predicted outcome of disease or treatment |
Pyrexia | Raised body temp; fever |
Febrile | Feverish; pertaining to fever |
Eupnea | Normal, relaxed breathing |
Apnea | Cessation of breathing |
Dyspnea | Labored, painful breathing |
Tachypnea | Fast breathing |
Bradypnea | Slow breathing |
Tachycardia | excessively rapid heart rate |
Bradycardia | abnormally slow heart rate |
Arrythmia | irregular heartbeat |
Rythym | regularity or irregularity of the pulse or respirations |
Quality | strength of pulse beats |
Blood Pressure | the force of blood that is exerted against the vessel wall as the heart beats |
Sphygmomanometer | instrument used to measure blood pressure |
Hypertension | high blood pressure |
Hypotension | Low blood pressure |
Stethoscope | instrument used to listen to the sounds produced by the heart, lungs, and other organs |
Epistaxis | bleeding from the nose |
Diaphoresis | excessive sweating |
Syncope | temporary loss of consciousness |
Anoxia | an absence or deficiency of oxygen |
Asphyxia | lack of oxygen that results in unconsciousness |
Enteral | involving or passing through the intestine |
Parenteral | administering or occurring elsewhere (outside GI tract) |
Cirrhosis | the liver is scarred and permanently damaged |
Pancreatitis | inflammation of the pancreas |
Diabetes | the body's ability to produce or respond to insulin is impaired |