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Nervous System Exam

Nervous+Nervous System

Column 1Column 2
What is the purpose of the neuroglia cell to structurally and functionally support the neurons
what are examples of the CNS astrocyte and oligondendrocytes
Examples is PNS Schwann cells`
Synaptic Transmission? the impulse
Synapse junction between 2 neurons or a neuron and target cell
telodendron branched structure on presynaptic neurons
synaptic cleft gap between the two cells
neurotransmitter chemical stimulates and bridges the synaptic cleft
Presynaptic neurons depolarization wave to the synapse and releasing the chemical to stimulate the cell
postsynaptic neurons neuron that contains the receptor and receives the neurotransmitter
Terminal/synaptic end bulb slightly enlarged bulb that contains many mitochondria that provides energy to the proccesses
receptors specialized proteins on a posy synaptic membrane "lock and key"
Primary neurotransmitter of sympathetic nervous system norepinephrine
Adrenergic neurons neurons that release norepinephrine
Primary neurotransmitter of parasympathetic Acetylcholine
cholinergic neurons neurons that release acetylcholine
nicotinic acetylcholine recptors located at the neromuscular junction
muscarinic acteylcholine recptors target organs
parts of the neurons dendrites, cell body, axon, nodes of ranvier, telodendron
neuron function not stimulating is the resting state
Polarization negative inside and positive outside
depolarization stimulated impules from an adjoining neuron .
what are the 2 classifications of nerotransmitters exciting neurotransmitters(depolarization of the membrane) and inhibatory neurotransmitters(hyperpolarization)
Vessels(alpha1) adrenergic receptors, vasoconstriction of the skin,GI tract and kidney
Heart(beta1) adrenergic receptors increase heart rate and force of constriction
bronchioles (beta2) adrenergic receptors cause bronchodialation
catecholamines norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine
GABA found in the brain , helps tranquilization w/sedation
Glycine found in the spinal cord
Cerebr/o Brain
Encephal/o Brain
Cerebell/o Cerebellum
Lob/o Lobe
Cephal/o Head
Crani/o Head,Skull
Mening/o Meninges (membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord)
Gangli/o Nerve Bundle
Dur/o Dura (tough outer membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord)
Neur/o Nerve
Myel/o Spinal Cord, Bone Marrow
Esthesi/o Feeling, Sensation
Phas/o Speech
Phren/o Mind
Psych/o Mind
Somn/o Sleep
Hypn/o Sleep
Gnosi/o Know
-mania Excessive desire
-paresis Partial paralysis
-phobia Excessive fear
Ton/o Muscle tone, tension, pressure
Tax/o Arrangement, order, coordination
-plegia Paralysis
-asthenia Weakness
Delirium Brief loss of mental function
Dementia Loss/decline of mental function
Dystonia Condition characterized by involuntary muscle movements
Myoclonus Muscle twitching
Somnambulism Sleep walking
Syncope Fainting
Cephalagia Head pain
Encephalagia Brain pain
Hemiparesis Partial paralysis on half the body
Hemiplegia Paralysis on half the body
Monoparesis Partial paralysis of one limb
Monoplegia Paralysis of one limb
Causalgia Burning sensation
Parasthesia Abnormal sensation (numbness of tingling in the skin)
Synesthesia Condition where one sensation is experienced as another
Agnosia Inability to comprehend
Apathy Lack of emotion
Nystagmus Involuntary back and forth eye movements
Prosopagnosia Inability to recognize faces
Afferent Nerve A nerve that carries impulses toward the central nervous system
Efferent Nerve A nerve that carries impulses away from the central nervous system
Idiopathic Having no known cause or origin
Interictal Time between seizure
Postictal Time after a seizure
Preictal Time before a seizure
Clonus Muscle spasm or twitching
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) An accident involving blood vessels of the brain
Stoke Loss of brain function caused by interruption blood flow/supply to the brain
Hemorrhagic Stroke A stroke where the blood loss is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel
Ischemic Stroke A stroke where the blood loss is caused by a blockage
Transient Ischemic Stroke A "mini stroke" caused by the blockage of a blood vessel, which goes away within 24 hours
Cerebral Aneurysm The dilation of a blood vessel in the brain
Cerebral Arteriosclerosis The hardening of an artery in the brain
Cerebral Atherosclerosis The hardening of an artery in the brain caused by the buildup of fatty plaque
Cerebral Embolism The blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a foreign object such as fat or bacteria
Cerebral Thrombosis The blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a blood clot
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) The hardening of the nerve cells on the sides (lateral) of the spine leading to the loss of muscle tissue from disuse
General Anesthetic Causes complete loss of sensation
Local Anesthetic Anesthetic that does not cause loss of consciousness
Regional Anesthetic Anesthetic that injected into a nerve causing loss of sensation over a particular area
Topical Anesthetic Local anesthetic applied to the surface of the area to be anesthetized
Analgesic A drug that relieves pain
Anticonvulsant A drug that composes convulsions
Thrombolytic A drug that dissolves clots
Created by: kanthonyeacc
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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