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Chp 13 - Blood Sys 3

Lab Tests/Procedures: Davi-Ellen Chabner The Language of Medicine 8th Edition

Presence of antibodies that coat & damage erythrocytes Antiglobulin test
Time required for blood to stop flowing from tiny puncture wound (< 8 min) Bleeding time
Simplate or Ivy method are examples of this test Bleeding time
Test used to check Rh- women or autoimmune hemolytic anemia Antiglobulin test
Test used in platelet disorders, and during use aspirin as a blood thinner Bleeding time
Time required for blood to clot in test tube (<15 min) Coagulation time
# of WBC, RBC, platelets, hemoglobin, hematocrit, red cell indices (MCH, MCV, MCHC) Complete blood count - CBC
Speed at which erythrocytes settle out of plasma Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (sed rate)
Sed rate increases due to... Infection, joint inflammation, tumor, which increases fibrinogen content of blood
Percentage of Erythrocytes in volume of blood Hematocrit (Hct)
Blood is spun in centrifuge so erythrocytes fall to the bottom Hematocrit (Hct)
Amount of hemoglobin in sample Hemoglobin (H, Hg, HGB)
Presence of plasma factors that act in a portion of the coagulation pathway Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
Monitor patients on anticoagulants such as heparin Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
# of platelets per mm3 or microliter (150,000-350,000) Platelet count
Ability of blood to clot Prothrombin time (PT)
Time elapsed between adding calcium & thromboplastin to a plasma sample, and the appearance of a visible clot Prothrombin time (PT)
Monitor patients on anticoagulant coumadin (warfarin) Prothrombin time (PT)
# of erythrocytes per mm3 or microliter (4-6 mil) Red blood cell count (RBC)
Microscopic exam of stained blood smear to determine cell shape Red blood cell morphology
# of leukocytes per mm3 or microliter(500-10,000) White blood cell count (WBC), automated counters
Percentage of total WBC of different types of leukocytes White blood cell differential. Manual differential is when cells are tained/counted under microscope by a technician to determine percentages.
Increase in immature neutrophils term, indicating body's effort to fight severe infection Shift to the left
Created by: bethybb
Popular Medical sets




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