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Bioethics Chapter 5

assisted reproduction

Identify a TRUE statement about Joseph Fletcher's views on in vitro fertilization. every case of in vitro fertilization should be considered on its own merits to see if it would help or hurt humanity.
The Vatican emphasized that children should be created only through ___. sexual intercourse.
Paul Ramsey equated in vitro fertilization with ___. genetic manipulation.
identify a reason why fertility clinics should place a restriction on older people creating their children through eggs of younger women.
Identify a reason why fertility clinics should place a restriction on older people creating their children through the eggs of younger women. raising children takes energy and vigor, which diminishes in the older years.
Obstetricians feared the creation of _____ due to mishandling of embryos during vitro fertilization. monsters
According to Joseph Fletcher, religion is best when it is _____. "pro people."
According to Jeremy Rifkin, _____ is a question for test-tube babies. personality identity
Paul Ramsey predicted _____ from in vitro fertilization. societal horrors.
True or false: Children born through in vitro fertilization have no risk of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. FALSE
Identify a neologism created by Paul Ramsey against the use of in vitro fertilization. Supermarket of embryos
Compared to children conceived naturally, in vitro fertilization children are five to seven times more likely to develop _____. retinoblastoma
According to obstetricians, what would happen if scientists mishandled an embryo? severely defective babies can be created.
According to Jeremy Rifkin, _____ is created in babies that are grown up as specimens by lab technicians. psychological harm
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome causes _____ in children. enlarged organs and cancer
According to an Australian study in 2012 that suggested assisted reproduction itself might pose no extra risk, it states that increase in defects associated with assisted reproduction is caused by _____. infertile women having perviously conceived embryos with defects.
Compared to babies naturally conceived, in vitro fertilization babies are three times more likely to be _____. under weight and premature
Jeremy Rifkin termed assisted reproduction as evil _____. genetic engineering.
badly motivated or immature parents of test tube babies could cause ___. psychological trauma.
a seemingly self-contradictory idea that someone can by harmed by being born is known as __. paradox of harm.
A possible cause of defects in children who are born through in vitro fertilization is due to a subtle change in _____ caused by in vitro fertilization. expression of genes
Which of the following statements is true according to the baseline concept related to thinking about harm caused by in vitro conception. Baseline harm requires a starting point from which an adverse change is plotted,
According to Jeremy Rifkin, genetic engineering is defined as _____. artificial manipulation of life.
with abnormal harm, the __ is the cause of harm. event or omission that causes a defect.
In the context of thinking about harm caused by in vitro conception, the baseline concept suggests that someone who does not yet exist cannot be harmed.
The abnormality concept underlies the belief that ____. women should do everything possible to have healthy, unimpaired babies.
In ___ harm, someone can be harmed by being brought into existence with some defect that could have been avoided by taking reasonable precautions. abnormal
Which if the following statements is true according to the baseline concept related to thinking about harm caused by vitro conception? baseline harm requires a starting point from which an adverse change is plotted.
According to Jeremy Rifkin, genetic engineering is defined as ___. artificial manipulation of life.
___ focus on the motives of prospective parents in assisted reproduction. Deontologists
For ___, what matters about new kinds of human creations is that babies are not harmed. utilitarians.
Identify a true statements about the abnormality concept: it is wrong for a woman to take risks with a future person's intelligence or health.
in the __ approach, the wrong is divorced from consequences to the child and instead married to the motives of a mother in conceiving child. deontological
identify a true statement that highlights a motive if a mother that is allowed during traditional assisted reproduction. The motive of having children so someone will take care of their parents during their old age.
identify a reason why children would want to know the details of their genetic ancestors. They would require the details to know about specific genetic information.
Sale of eggs, sperms, embryos in a market violates the Law of Nature.
how do prospective couples scrutinize for syndromes in the egg or sperm donors? by testing the actual embryos.
The deontological approach emphasizes that, even though a child might not be harmed by being brought into existence, ___. a mother can still be wrong for bringing a child into existence.
identify a true statement that highlights the best interest of children during traditional or assisted reproduction. It is in the best interests of children to be created by traditional sex by a married couple.
a compromise that meets the best interests of privacy of gamete donors is to be __. confidential but not anonymous.
Identify a disadvantage of the genetic screening process. cost of screening i s very high.
sale of gametes is intrinsically as well as indirectly wrong because. the inherent values of a human being are incompatible with their conception being priced in a market.
Global capitalism, the Internet, and outsourcing have combined to create ___. reproductive tourism.
prospective couples can screen for future traits of their children by scrutinizing ___. the background of the egg or sperm donors.
Banning implantation of more than two embryos in fertility clinics will result in ____. reduction of multiple births.
identify an important reason why prospective couples screen for the conditions of eggs or sperms. to avoid a child with disabilities.
identify a true statement about assisted reproduction worldwide: countries cary about their attitudes to assisted reproduction.
identify the ways in which governments can regulate fertility clinics. 1. banning the selection of a child to match the disability of existing parents with a disability. 2. banning the provision to choose the gender of embryos except for sex-linked genetic disorders.
Today, the Vatican holds that in vitro fertilization is morally impermissible.
of 100 couples who pay for several attempts at in vitro fertilization, about how many take home a baby. 20-30
In what year was Louise Brown born? 1978
what was the biological barrier to pregnancy in an infertile couple trying to conceive? age of egg.
according to scientists, age of __ can cause infertility. sperm
true or false: highly dramatic techniques create most assisted reproduction technique babies. FALSE
biogenesis works for women who suffer from__. premature menopause.
identify a true statement about couples overcoming infertility through in vitro fertilization. it allows physicians to control how many embryos they implant.
to prevent disabilities resulting from uterine deprivation, physicians recommend ___. selective reduction of all but one or two embryos.
Compared to children conceived naturally, in vitro fertilization children are five to seven times more likely to develop _____. retinoblastoma
A possible cause of defects in children who are born through in vitro fertilization is due to a subtle change in _____ caused by in vitro fertilization. expression of genes
_____ is a technique that unites sperm and egg not in a Petri dish but inside a fallopian tube, approximately where normal conception takes place. Gamete intrafallopian transfer
True or false: Egg retrieval is more complicated than obtaining sperm. TRUE
identify a true statement about couples overcoming infertility by taking drugs. It creates a possibility of fertilization of multiple eggs when the sperm is introduced.
Multiple-birth babies are usually _____. premature
By using _____, older people can create their own children. eggs of younger women
Identify an example of a mishap that can occur for couples due to freezing of eggs or sperms. Embryos getting mixed up between same ethnicity couples
Created by: katthhy.xo
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