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Language A system of communication though symbols, gestures, and a collection of sounds that a group of people understand to have the same meaning
Ideogram symbols that indicate words/parts of words
Phenome Sounds used that distinguish one word from another
Protolanguage Earliest form of a language
Afro-Asiatic Arabic and Hebrew. Located in S.W. Asia and N. Africa.
Niger-Congo Sub-Saharan Africa. Swahili: No written tradition
Indo-European Most widely spoken. UN official languages: English, French
Sino-Tibetan Various Chinese languages and dialects. Mandarin is most widely spoken language
Nomadic warrior Hypothesis Languages spread through military due to herders from Kazakhstan conquering Europe and Asia 4,000 BCE
Sedentary Farmer Hypothesis Language spread through agriculture. 6,000 BCE from turkey
Language spread from religion Missionaries spread Islam and Arabic language
Language spreads from trade 500 CE Swahili became lingua franca. Spread through Bantu Migration. Isn’t always official language or 1st language of the counties but each knows the language
Language spread through colonialism English, Dutch, French. All official languages
Isogloss Geographic boundary in which a particular linguistic feature occurs
Accent Way people speak and the way words are pronounced in different parts of the world
Syntax Arrangement of words and phrases
Vernacular The common language/dialect spoken by people
Dialect Region of language that differs from other areas using specific words (Ya’ll)
Standard language Most acceptable for government, business, education and mass communication
Orthography Conventional spelling of a language
Creole Indigenous and colonizer languages are mixed
Ebonic Dialect spoken by some African Americans
Created by: Ayden H
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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