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chapter 8-10


anemia reduction of red blood cells noticed by the patient as weakness and fatigue an / emia no / blood condition
ecchymosis large bruise from Greek, for “to pour out”
hematoma mass of blood within an organ, cavity, or tissue hemat / oma blood / tumor
hemophilia condition in which the blood doesn’t clot, thus causing excessive bleeding hemo / phil / ia blood / love / condition
hemorrhage excessive blood loss hemo / rrhage blood / burst forth
petechia small bruise from Latin, for “freckle” or “”
reperfusion injury injury to tissue that occurs after blood flow is restored re / per / fusion injury again / through / pour
lymphadenopathy any disease of a lymph gland (node); used to refer to noticeably swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck lymph / adeno / pathy lymph / gland / disease
lymphedema swelling caused by abnormal accumulation of lymph, usually in the extremities lymph / edema lymph / swelling
splenalgia pain in the spleen splen / algia spleen / pain
splenodynia pain in the spleen spleno / dynia spleen / pain
anisocytosis condition characterized by a great inequality in the size of red blood cells an / iso / cyt / osis not / equal / cell / condition
elliptocyte oval red blood cells ellipto / cyte oval-shaped / cell
elliptocytosis condition characterized by an increase in the number of oval-shaped red blood cells ellipto / cyt / osis oval-shaped / cell / condition
embolism blockage in a blood vessel caused by an embolus embol / ism embolus / condition
embolus mass of matter present in the blood em / bolus in / throw
erythrocyte red blood cell erythro / cyte red / cell
erythrocytosis abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells erythro / cyt / osis red / cell / condition
hematopoiesis formation of blood cells hemato / poiesis blood / formation
hemolysis breakdown of blood cells hemo / lysis blood / breakdown
leukocyte white blood cell leuko / cyte white / cell
leukocytosis increase in the number of white blood cells leuko / cyt / osis white / cell / condition
leukopenia deficiency in white blood cells leuko / penia white / deficiency
macrocytosis condition characterized by large red blood cells macro / cyt / osis large / cell / condition
microcytosis condition characterized by small red blood cells micro / cyt / osis small / cell / condition
myelopoiesis formation of bone marrow myelo / poiesis bone marrow / formation
neutropenia deficiency in neutrophil neutro / penia neutrophil / deficiency
normocyte normal-sized red blood cell normo / cyte normal / cell
oligocythemia deficiency in the number of red blood cells oligo / cyt / hemia few / cell / blood condition
pancytopenia deficiency in all cellular components of the blood pan / cyto / penia all / cell / deficiency
phagocytosis process in which phagocytes (a type of white blood cell) destroy (or eat) foreign microorganisms or cell debris phago / cyt / osis eat / cell / condition
poikilocytosis condition characterized by red blood cells in a variety of shapes poikilo / cyt / osis various / cell / condition
polycythemia excess of red blood cells poly / cyt / hemia many / cell / blood condition
reticulocyte immature red blood cell; the root comes from its netlike appearance reticulo / cyte net / cell
spherocyte red blood cell that assumes a spherical shape sphero / cyte sphere / cell
thrombocyte cell that helps blood clot; also known as a platelet thrombo / cyte clot / cell
thrombocytopenia deficiency in the number of platelets (clot cells) thrombo / cyto / penia clot / cell / deficiency
thrombocytosis increase in the number of platelets (clot cells) thrombo / cyt / osis clot / cell / condition
thromboembolism blockage of a vessel (embolism) caused by a clot that has broken off from where it formed thrombo / embol / ism clot / embolus / condition
thrombogenic capable of producing a blood clot thrombo / gen / ic clot / formation / pertaining to
thrombosis the formation of a blood clot
thrombus blood clot from Greek, for “lump, clot,” or even “curd of milk”
asplenia absence of a spleen or of spleen function a / splen / ia no / spleen / condition
hepatosplenomegaly enlargement of the liver and spleen hepato / spleno / megaly liver
lymphocyte lymph cell lympho / cyte lymph / cell
lymphopenia abnormal deficiency in lymph lympho / penia lymph / deficiency
splenectopy displacement of the spleen; sometimes called floating spleen splen / ec / top / y spleen / out / place / condition
splenolysis breakdown (destruction) of spleen tissue spleno / lysis spleen / breakdown
splenomalacia softening of the spleen spleno / malacia spleen / softening
splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen spleno / megaly spleen / enlargement
splenoptosis downward displacement (drooping) of the spleen spleno / ptosis spleen / drooping condition
thymic hyperplasia overdevelopment of the thymus thym / ic hyper / plasia thymus / pertaining to over / formation
antibody substance produced by the body in response to an antigen anti / body against / body
antigen substance that causes the body to produce antibodies anti / gen against / creator
hematocrit test to judge or separate the blood; it is used to determine the ratio of red blood cells to total blood volume hemato / crit blood / judge (separate)
hematology study of the blood hemato / logy blood / study
hemoglobin iron-containing pigment in red blood cells that carries oxygen to the cells hemo / globin blood / globe
hypoperfusion inadequate flow of blood hypo / per / fusion under / through / pour
immunoglobulin protein that provides protection (immunity) against disease immuno / globulin immune system / sphere
immunology study of the immune system immuno / logy immune system / study
immunologist specialist in the study of the immune system immuno / logist immune system / specialist
lymphangiogram record of the study of lymph vessels lymph / angio / gram lymph / vessel / record
lymphangiography procedure to study the lymph vessels lymph / angio / graphy lymph / vessel / writing procedure
perfusion circulation of blood through tissue per / fusion through / pour
phlebology study of veins phlebo / logy vein / study of
phlebotomist specialist in drawing blood phlebo / tom / ist vein / cut / specialist
phlebotomy incision into a vein; another name for drawing blood phlebo / tomy vein / incision
sphygmomanometer fancy name for the device used to measure blood pressure sphygmo / mano / meter strangle / thin / instrument for measuring
autoimmune disease disease caused by the body’s immune system attacking the body’s own healthy tissue auto / immune self / immune
coagulopathy any disease that deals with problems in blood coagulation coagulo / pathy coagulation / disease
deep vein thrombosis formation of a blood clot in a vein deep in the body, most commonly the leg deep vein thromb / osis deep vein clot / condition
hemoglobinopathy disease of the hemoglobin hemo / globino / pathy blood / globe / disease
hypercoagulability increased ability of the blood to coagulate hyper / coagul / ability over / coagulation / ability
immunocompromised having an immune system incapable of responding normally and completely to a pathogen or disease immuno / compromised immune / compromised
immunodeficiency immune system with decreased or compromised response to disease-causing organisms immuno / deficiency immune / deficiency
immunosuppression reduction in the activity of the body’s immune system immuno / suppression immune / suppression
ischemia blockage of blood flow to an organ isch / emia hold back / blood condition
phlebarteriectasia dilation of blood vessels phleb / arteri / ectasia vein / artery / dilation
spherocytosis condition in which red blood cells assume a spherical shape sphero / cyt / osis sphere / cell / condition
thrombophlebitis inflammation of vein caused by a clot thrombo / phleb / itis clot / vein / inflammation
anemia reduced red blood cells an / emia no / blood condition
aplastic anemia anemia caused by red blood cells not being formed in sufficient quantities a / plas / tic an / emia no / formation / pertaining to no / blood condition
hemolytic anemia anemia caused by the destruction of red blood cells hemo / lytic an / emia blood / breakdown no / blood condition
iron deficiency anemia anemia caused by inadequate iron intake iron deficiency an / emia iron deficiency no / blood condition
bilirubinemia presence of bilirubin in the blood bili / rubin / emia bile / red / blood condition
hyperbilirubinemia excessive bilirubin in the blood hyper / bili / rubin / emia over / bile / red / blood condition
hypercholesterolemia excessive cholesterol in the blood hyper / cholesterol / emia over / cholesterol / blood condition
hyperlipidemia excessive fat in the blood hyper / lipid / emia over / fat / blood condition
hypervolemia increased blood volume hyper / vol / emia over / volume / blood condition
hypovolemia decreased blood volume hypo / vol / emia under / volume / blood condition
septicemia presence of disease-causing microorganisms in the blood septic / emia rotting / blood condition
uremia presence of urine in the blood ur / emia urine / blood condition
hepatosplenitis inflammation of the liver and spleen hepato / splen / itis liver / spleen / inflammation
hypersplenism increased spleen activity hyper / splen / ism over / spleen / condition
lymphadenitis inflammation of a lymph gland (node) lymph / aden / itis lymph / gland / inflammation
lymphangiectasia dilation of a lymph vessel, normally noticed by swelling in the extremities lymph / angi / ectasia lymph / vessel / dilation
lymphangitis inflammation of lymph vessels lymph / ang / itis lymph / vessel / inflammation
mononucleosis condition characterized by an abnormally large number of mononuclear leukocytes mono / nucle / osis one / nucleus / condition
myelodysplasia disease characterized by poor production of blood cells by the bone marrow myelo / dys / plas / ia bone marrow / bad / formation / condition
osteomyelitis inflammation of bone and bone marrow osteo / myel / itis bone / bone marrow / inflammation
splenitis inflammation of the spleen splen / itis spleen / inflammation
splenopathy any disease of the spleen spleno / pathy spleen / disease
splenorrhexis rupture of the spleen spleno / rrhexis spleen / rupture
thymopathy disease of the thymus thymo / pathy thymus / disease
tonsillitis inflammation of a tonsil tonsill / itis tonsil / inflammation
leukemia cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by the abnormal increase in white blood cells leuk / emia white / blood condition
lymphoma tumor originating in lymphocytes lymph / oma lymph / tumor
myeloma cancerous tumor of the bone marrow; when the tumors are present in several bones, it is called multiple myeloma myel / oma bone marrow / tumor
thymoma tumor of the thymus thym / oma thymus / tumor
anticoagulant drug that prevents the coagulation of blood anti / coagul / ant against / coagulation / agent
hemostatic drug that stops the flow of blood hemo / static blood / standing
thrombolytic drug that breaks down blood clots thrombo / lytic clot / breakdown agent
laparosplenectomy surgical removal of the spleen through the abdomen laparo / splen / ectomy abdomen / spleen / removal
lymphadenectomy surgical removal of a lymph gland (node) lymph / aden / ectomy lymph / gland / removal
lymphadenotomy incision into a lymph gland (node) lymph / adeno / tomy lymph / gland / incision
nephrosplenopexy surgical fixation of the spleen and a kidney nephro / spleno / pexy kidney / spleen / fixation
splenectomy surgical removal of the spleen splen / ectomy spleen / removal
thymectomy surgical removal of the thymus thym / ectomy thymus / removal
tonsillectomy surgical removal of a tonsil tonsill / ectomy tonsil / removal
apheresis general term for a process, similar to dialysis, that draws out a patient’s blood, removes something from it, then returns the rest of the blood to the patient’s body from Greek, for “separation”
cytapheresis apheresis to remove cellular material cyt / apheresis cell / separation
plasmapheresis apheresis to remove plasma plasm / apheresis plasma / separation
plateletpheresis apheresis to remove platelets (for the purpose of donating them to patients in need of platelets) platelet / pheresis platelet / separation
transfusion infusion into a patient of blood from another source trans / fusion across / pour
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia
AML acute myeloid leukemia
BMT bone marrow transplant
CBC complete blood count
CML chronic myeloid leukemia
DIC disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
EBV Epstein-Barr virus
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Hit hematocrit
Hgb hemoglobin
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HSM hepatosplenomegaly
HUS hemolytic uremic syndrome
INR international normalized ratio
ITP intravenous
IV intravenous
IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin
LAD lymphadenopathy
PLT platelet count
PT prothrombin time
PTT partial thromboplastin time
RBC red blood count; red blood cell
TTP thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
WBC white blood count; white blood cell
angina pectoris oppressive pain in the chest caused by irregular blood flow to the heart angina pectoris to choke chest
arrhythmia irregular heartbeat a / rrhythm / ia no / rhythm / condition
dysrhythmia irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia is more common) dys / rhythm / ia bad / rhythm / condition
palpitation rapid or irregular beating of the heart from Latin, for “to flutter”
pectoralgia chest pain pector / algia chest / pain
aortalgia pain in the aorta aort / algia aorta / pain
diaphoresis profuse sweating dia / phoresis through / carry
hemorrhage loss of blood hemo / rrhage blood / burst forth
phlebalgia pain in a vein phleb / algia vein / pain
endocardium tissue lining the inside of the heart endo / card / ium inside / heart / tissue
epicardium tissue lining the outside of the heart epi / card / ium upon / heart / tissue
myocardium heart muscle tissue myo / card / ium muscle / heart / tissue
pericardium tissue around the heart peri / card / ium around / heart / tissue
bradycardia slow heartbeat brady / card / ia slow / heart / condition
cardiomegaly enlarged heart cardio / megaly heart / enlargement
cardiotoxic poisonous to the heart cardio / toxic heart / poison
cyanosis bluish appearance to the skin—a sign that the tissue isn’t receiving enough oxygen cyan / osis blue / condition
murmur abnormal heart sound from Latin, for “to grumble” or “hum”
tachycardia rapid heartbeat tachy / card / ia fast / heart / condition
vena cava large-diameter vein that gathers blood from the body and returns it to the heart vena cava vein hollow
inferior vena cava portion of the vena cava that gathers blood from the lower portion of the body inferior vena cava lower vein hollow
superior vena cava portion of the vena cava that gathers blood from the upper portion of the body (head and arms) superior vena cava upper vein hollow
angiogenesis development of blood vessels angio / genesis vessel / creation
angiolith stone forming in the wall of a blood vessel angio / lith vessel / stone
angiopoiesis formation of blood vessels angio / poiesis vessel / formation
angiosclerosis hardening of a blood vessel angio / scler / osis vessel / hard / condition
aortectasia dilation of the aorta aort / ectasia aorta / dilation
aortic stenosis narrowing of the aorta aort / ic sten / osis aorta / pertaining to narrow / condition
aortolith stone deposit in the wall of the aorta aorto / lith aorta / stone
arteriolith stone in the artery arterio / lith artery / stone
arteriorrhexis rupture of an artery arterio / rrhexis artery / rupture
arteriosclerosis hardening of an artery arterio / scler / osis artery / hard / condition
atherogenesis formation of fatty plaque on the wall of an artery athero / genesis fatty plaque / creation
atherosclerosis hardening of an artery due to buildup of fatty plaque athero / scler / osis fatty plaque / hard / condition
embolus mass of matter present in the blood em / bolus in / throw
embolism blockage in a blood vessel caused by an embolus blockage in a blood vessel caused by an embolus
ischemia blockage of blood flow to an organ isch / emia hold back / blood condition
occlusion closing or blockage of a passage from Latin, for “to close off”
phlebosclerosis hardening of a vein phlebo / scler / osis vein / hard / condition
thrombus blood clot from Greek, for “lump,” “clot,” or even “curd of milk”
varicose veins an enlarged, dilated vein toward the surface of the skin varicose veins swollen / twisted veins
vasospasm involuntary contraction of a blood vessel vaso / spasm vessel / involuntary contraction
venosclerosis hardening of a vein veno / scler / osis vein / hard / condition
venospasm involuntary contraction of a vein veno / spasm vein / involuntary contraction
venostasis trapping of blood in an extremity due to compression veno / stasis vein / standing
angiogram record of the blood vessels angio / gram vessel / record
angiography procedure to describe the blood vessels angio / graphy vessel / writing procedure
aortogram record of the aorta aorto / gram aorta / record
arteriogram record of an artery arterio / gram artery / record
venogram record of a vein veno / gram vein / record
angioscope device for looking into a blood vessel angio / scope vessel / device for looking
cardiac catheterization process of inserting a tube (catheter) into the heart cardi / ac catheter / ization heart / pertaining to catheter / procedure
echocardiogram image of the heart produced using sound waves; the same procedure as an ultrasound performed on pregnant women, but instead it is performed on a heart. echo / cardio / gram echo / heart / record
echocardiography use of sound waves to produce an image of the heart; the same procedure as an ultrasound performed on pregnant women, but instead it is performed on a heart echo / cardio / graphy echo / heart / writing procedure
electrocardiogram record of the electrical currents of the heart electro / cardio / gram electricity / heart / record
electrocardiography electrocardiography procedure for recording the electrical currents of the heart electro / cardio / graphy electricity / heart / writing procedure
sonography use of sound waves to produce diagnostic images; also called ultrasound sono / graphy sound / writing procedure
stress electrocardiogram records electrical signals of the heart while the patient experiences increases of exercise stress stress electro / cardio / gram stress electricity / heart / record
transesophageal echocardiogram record of the heart using sound waves performed by inserting the transducer into the esophagus trans / esophag / eal through / esophagus / pertaining to echo / cardio / gram echo / heart / record
vascular endoscopy procedure to look inside a blood vessel vascul / ar endo / scopy vessel / pertaining to inside / looking procedure
blood pressure the force exerted by blood on the walls of blood vessels
diastolic pressure pressure exerted on blood vessels when heart is relaxed dia / stol / ic pressure through / send / pertaining to
systolic pressure pressure exerted on blood vessels when heart is contracting sys / stol / ic pressure together / send / pertaining to
cardiologist heart specialist cardio / logist heart / specialist
cardiology branch of medicine dealing with the heart cardio / logy heart / study
cardiovascular pertaining to the heart and blood vessels cardio / vascul / ar heart / vessel / pertaining to
circulation moving of blood from the heart through the vessels and back to the heart from Latin, for “to go in a circle”
coronary circulation circulation of blood from the heart to the heart muscle (the heart always feeds itself first) coron / ary circulation heart / pertaining to
phlebologist specialist in veins phlebo / logist vein / specialist
phlebology study of veins phlebo / logy vein / study
phlebotomist one who draws blood phlebo / tom / ist vein / incision / specialist
phlebotomy incision into a vein—the technical term for drawing blood phlebo / tomy vein / incision
pulmonary circulation circulation of blood from the heart to the lungs (to oxygenate it) pulmon / ary circulation
systemic circulation circulation of blood from the heart to the rest of the body sys / stem / ic circulation together / stand / pertaining to
angiocarditis inflammation of the heart vessels angio / card / itis vessel / heart / inflammation
atrial fibrillation quivering or spontaneous contraction of muscle fibers in the heart’s atrium atri / al fibrill / ation atrium / pertaining to little fibers / process
atrial septal defect (ASD) flaw in the septum that divides the two atria of the heart atri / al sept / al de / fect atrium / pertaining to septum / pertaining to bad / made
cardiac arrest cessation of functional circulation cardi / ac arrest heart / pertaining to stop
cardiomyopathy disease of the heart muscle cardio / myo / pathy heart / muscle / disease
congestive cardiomyopathy heart cavity is unable to pump all the blood out of itself (congestive) and becomes stretched (dilated), which causes weak/slow pumping of blood con / gestive cardiomyopathy together / bring
dilated cardiomyopathy another term for congestive cardiomyopathy dilated cardio / myo / pathy expanded heart / muscle / disease
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy heart muscle becomes enlarged and blocks blood flow hyper / troph / ic cardiomyopathy over / developed / pertaining to
restrictive cardiomyopathy heart muscle hardens, restricting the expansion of the heart, thus limiting the amount of blood it can pump to the rest of the body re / strict / ive cardiomyopathy back / tied / pertaining to
carditis inflammation of the heart card / itis heart / inflammation
congenital heart defect flaw in the structure of the heart present at birth con / genit / al heart de / fect together / birth / pertaining to heart bad / made
congestive heart failure (CHF) heart failure characterized by the heart cavity being unable to pump all the blood out of itself (congestive) con / gest / ive heart failure together / bring / pertaining to
coronary thrombosis obstruction of a coronary artery by a clot coron / ary thromb / osis heart / pertaining to clot / condition
endocarditis inflammation of the tissue lining the inside of the heart endo / card / itis inside / heart / inflammation
myocardial infarction (MI) death of heart muscle tissue myo / cardi / al in / farc / tion muscle / heart / pertaining to in / stuff / condition
myocardial ischemia blockage of blood to the heart muscle myo / cardi / al isch / emia muscle / heart / pertaining to hold back / blood condition
myocarditis inflammation of the heart muscle myo / card / itis muscle / heart / inflammation
pericardial effusion fluid pouring out into the tissue around the heart peri / cardi / al ef / fusion around / heart / pertaining to out / pour
pericarditis inflammation of the tissue around the heart peri / card / itis around / heart / inflammation
valvulitis inflammation of a heart valve valvul / itis valve / inflammation
ventricular septal defect (VSD) flaw in the septum that divides the two ventricles of the heart ventricul / ar sept / al de / fect ventricle / pertaining to septum / pertaining to bad / made
aneurysm bulge in a blood vessel an / eury / sm up / wide / condition
angioedema swelling of the blood vessels angio / edema vessel / swelling
angioma blood vessel tumor angi / oma vessel / tumor
aortic aneurysm bulging or swelling of the aorta aort / ic an / eury / sm aorta / pertaining to up / wide / condition
aortic regurgitation flow of blood backward from the aorta into the heart; caused by a weak heart valve aort / ic re / gurgit / ation aorta / pertaining to back / bubble / condition
aortitis inflammation of the aorta aort / itis aorta / inflammation
arteriopathy disease of the arteries arterio / pathy artery / disease
arteritis inflammation of the arteries arter / itis artery / inflammation
deep vein thrombosis formation of a blood clot in a vein deep in the body, most commonly the leg deep vein thromb / osis deep vein clot / condition
hypertension high blood pressure hyper / tens / ion over / stretch / condition
hypotension low blood pressure hypo / tens / ion under / stretch / condition
normotension normal blood pressure normo / tens / ion normal / stretch / condition
phlebitis inflammation of the veins phleb / itis vein / inflammation
phlebostenosis narrowing of the veins phlebo / sten / osis vein / narrow / condition
thrombophlebitis inflammation of vein caused by a clot thrombo / phleb / itis clot / vein / inflammation
vasculitis inflammation of blood vessels vascul / itis vessel / inflammation
apnea cessation of breathing a / pnea not / breathing
eupnea good/normal breathing eu / pnea good / breathing
tachypnea rapid breathing tachy / pnea fast / breathing
bradypnea slow breathing
hypopnea shallow breathing hypo / pnea under / breathing
hyperpnea heavy breathing hyper / pnea over / breathing
dyspnea difficulty breathing dys / pnea bad / breathing
orthopnea able to breathe only in an upright position ortho / pnea straight / breathing
hyperventilation overbreathing; the condition of having too much air flowing into and out of the lungs; leads to hypocapnia hyper / ventil / ation over / breathing / process
hypoventilation hyper / ventil / ation over / breathing / process
dysphonia bad voice condition (also known as hoarseness) dys / phonia bad / sound / voice
epistaxis nose bleed
rhinorrhagia excessive blood flow from the nose (another term for a nosebleed)
rhinorrhea runny nose
bronchospasm involuntary contraction of the bronchus
phrenospasm involuntary contraction of the diaphragm (also known as the hiccups)
pleuralgia pain in the pleura
pleurodynia pain in the pleura
thoracalgia chest pain
bronchorrhea discharge from the bronchi
expectoration coughing or spitting material out of the lungs
hemoptysis coughing up blood
sputum mucus discharged from the lungs by coughing
auscultation a health care professional using a stethoscope to listen to a patient’s chest
cyanosis a bluish color in the skin caused by insufficient oxygen
pectoriloquy speaking from the chest; used as a means of finding masses in the lung. A health professional listening to a patient’s chest asks the patient to whisper a word. The word will be audible in areas where fluid or a mass is present. Hence the chest “speaks”
pectus carinatum a chest that protrudes like the keel of a ship
pectus excavatum a chest that is hollowed out
percussion striking the body surface (in this context, to cause vibrations that can help locate fluid buildup in the chest)
retraction the sucking in of the skin around bones during inhalation, happens when someone is in respiratory distress
atelectasis incomplete expansion
bronchiectasis expansion of the bronchi
caseous necrosis the death of tissue with a cheeselike appearance
chylothorax chyle in the chest
empyema pus inside the chest
hemothorax blood in the chest
phrenoplegia paralysis of the diaphragm
phrenoptosis drooping of the diaphragm
pleural effusion fluid pouring out into the pleura
pneumohemothorax air and blood in the chest
pneumothorax air in the chest
pulmonary edema swelling in the lungs
pyothorax pus in the chest
tracheostenosis narrowing of the trachea
hypercapnia excessive carbon dioxide
hypercarbia excessive carbon dioxide
hypocapnia insufficient carbon dioxide
hypocarbia insufficient carbon dioxide
hypoxemia insufficient oxygen in the blood
hypoxia insufficient oxygen
computed tomography an imaging procedure using a computer to cut
pulmonary angiography an imaging procedure for recording pulmonary blood vessel activity
ventilation–perfusion scan (VQ scan) a scan that tests whether a problem in the lungs is caused by airflow (ventilation) or blood flow (perfusion)
bronchoscopy procedure to look inside the bronchi
capnography procedure to record carbon dioxide levels
capnometer instrument to measure carbon dioxide levels
endoscope instrument to look inside
nasopharyngoscope an instrument to look at the nose and throat
oximetry procedure to measure oxygen levels
polysomnography recording multiple aspects of sleep
pulmonary function testing (PFT) a group of tests used to evaluate the condition and operation of the lungs
spirometry procedure to measure breathing
thoracoscopy examination of the chest
laryngitis inflammation of the larynx
laryngotracheobronchitis inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi
rhinitis inflammation of the nasal passages
sinusitis inflammation of the sinus
pansinusitis inflammation of all sinuses
sleep apnea a condition where the patient ceases to breathe while asleep
tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils
tracheitis inflammation of the trachea
tracheomalacia softening of the trachea
asthma a disease causing episodic narrowing and inflammation of the airway
bronchiolitis inflammation of a bronchiole
bronchitis inflammation of the bronchi
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) a group of lung diseases characterized by the continual blockage of lung passages
cystic fibrosis a disease causing thick mucous buildup in the lungs and pancreas, named after the changes it causes to the lungs
diaphragmatocele hernia of the diaphragm
emphysema a disease that causes the alveoli to lose elasticity; emphysema patients can inhale but have difficulty exhaling
obstructive lung disorder a lung disorder caused by a blockage
pleuritis inflammation of the pleura
pleurisy another word for pleuritis
pneumatocele hernia of the lung
pneumoconiosis a lung condition caused by dust
pneumonia a lung condition
pneumonitis inflammation of the lung
pulmonary embolism blockage in the pulmonary blood supply
pulmonary neoplasm new growth (tumor) in the lung
restrictive lung disorder a lung disorder caused by the limiting of air into the lungs
bronchiogenic carcinoma a cancerous tumor originating in the bronchi
mesothelioma a cancerous tumor of the mesothelial cells lining the lungs
antitussive a drug that prevents coughing
bronchodilator a drug that expands the walls of the bronchi
expectorant a drug that encourages the expulsion of material from the lungs
mucolytic a drug that aids in the breakdown of mucus
nebulizer a machine that administers
adenoidectomy removal of the adenoids
intubate to insert a breathing tube from the mouth down into the trachea, to provide breathing support
laryngectomy removal of the larynx
laryngoplasty reconstruction of the larynx
palatoplasty reconstruction of a palate
septoplasty reconstruction of a septum
tonsillectomy removal of the tonsils
tracheostomy creation of an opening in the trachea
tracheotomy incision into the trachea
endotracheal intubation insertion of a tube inside the trachea
bronchoplasty reconstruction of a bronchus
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) method of artificially maintaining blood flow and airflow when breathing and pulse have stopped
lobectomy removal of a lobe
pleuropexy reattachment of the pleura
pneumonectomy removal of a lung
thoracentesis puncture of the chest
thoracocentesis puncture of the chest
thoracoplasty reconstruction of the chest
thoracostomy incision into the chest
ABG arterial blood gas analysis of the gases in the blood; used to determine the effectiveness of the lungs in exchanging gases occasionally they use capillary blood from a finger stick, at which point it’s known as a capillary blood gas (CBG)
ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
Bx biopsy
CF cystic fibrosis
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPAP continuous positive airway pressure a treatment for apnea involving keeping a patient’s airways open using air pressure delivered via a face mask
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CT computed tomography
CTA clear to auscultation when an examination reveals nothing abnormal about a patient’s lung
CXR chest x-ray
DOE dyspnea on exertion
ETT endotracheal tube
LRTI lower respiratory tract infection
LTB laryngotracheobronchitis
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
OSA obstructive sleep apnea
PE pulmonary embolism
PET positron emission tomography
PFT pulmonary function test
PSG polysomnography
SOB shortness of breath
T&A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
TB tuberculosis
URI/URTI upper respiratory infection, upper respiratory tract infection
V/Q ventilation–perfusion scan
Created by: chrystin
Popular Medical sets




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If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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