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11-13 terms

medical terms

pleuritis inflammation of the pleura
pleuropexy reattachment of the pleura
pneumatocele hernia of the lung
pneumoconiosis a lung condition caused by dust
pneumohemothorax air and blood in the chest
pneumonectomy removal of a lung
pneumonia a lung condition
pneumonitis inflammation of the lung
pneumothorax air in the chest
polysomnography recording multiple aspects of sleep
pulmonary angiography a procedure for recording pulmonary blood vessel activity
pulmonary edema swelling in the lungs
pulmonary embolism blockage in the pulmonary blood supply
pulmonary function testing a group of tests used to evaluate the condition of the lungs
pulmonary neoplasm new growth (tumor) in the lung
pyothorax pus in the chest
restrictive lung disorder a lung disorder caused by the limiting of air into the lungs
retraction the sucking in of the skin around bones during inhalation, happens when someone is in respiratory distress
rhinitis inflammation of the nasal passages
rhinorrhagia excessive blood flow from the nose (another term for nosebleed)
rhinorrhea runny nose
septoplasty reconstruction of a septum
sinusitis inflammation of the sinus
sleep apnea a condition where the patient ceases to breathe while asleep
spirometry a procedure to measure breathing
sputum mucus discharged from the lungs by coughing
tachypnea rapid breathing
thoracalgia chest pain
thoracentesis puncture of the chest
thoracocentesis puncture of the chest
thoracoplasty reconstruction of the chest
thoracoscopy examination of the chest
thoracostomy creation of an opening in the chest
thoracotomy incision into the chest
tonsillectomy removal of the tonsils
tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils
tracheitis inflammation of the trachea
tracheomalacia softening of the trachea
tracheostenosis narrowing of the trachea
tracheostomy creation of an opening in the trachea
tracheotomy incision into the trachea
ventilation–perfusion scan a scan that tests whether a problem in the lungs is caused by airflow (ventilation) or blood flow (perfusion)
adenoid/o adenoidectomy
bronch/o, bronchi/o bronchiectasis bronchiogenic carcinoma bronchioplasty bronchitis bronchodilator bronchorrhea bronchoscopy bronchospasm laryngotracheobronchitis
bronchiol/o bronchiolitis
capn/o capnography capnometer hypercapnia hypocapnia
carb/o hypercarbia hypocarbia
laryng/o laryngectomy laryngitis laryngoplasty laryngotracheobronchitis
lob/o lobectomy
nas/o nasopharyngoscope
ox/o hypoxemia hypoxia oximetry
palat/o palatoplasty
pector/o expectorant expectoration pectoriloquy pectus carinatum pectus excavatum
pharyng/o nasopharyngoscope
phren/o phrenoplegia phrenoptosis phrenospasm
pleur/o pleural effusion pleuralgia pleuritis pleurodynia pleuropexy
-pnea apnea bradypnea dyspnea eupnea hyperpnea hypopnea orthopnea sleep apnea
pneum/o, pneumat/o, pneumon/o pneumatocele pneumoconiosis pneumohemothorax pneumonectomy pneumonia pneumonitis pneumothorax
pulmon/o cardiopulmonary resuscitation chronic obstructive pulmonary disease pulmonary angiography pulmonary edema pulmonary embolism pulmonary function testing pulmonary neoplasm
rhin/o rhinitis rhinorrhagia rhinorrhea
sept/o septoplasty
sin/o, sinus/o pansinusitis sinusitis
spir/o spirometry
thorac/o chylothorax hemothorax laryngotracheobronchitis pneumohemothorax pneumothorax pyrothorax thoracalgia thoracentesis thoracocentesis thoracoplasty thoracoscopy thoracostomy thoracotomy
tonsill/o tonsillectomy tonsillitis
trache/o endotracheal intubation tracheitis tracheomalacia tracheostenosis tracheostomy tracheotomy
or/o, stomat/o oral, stomatosic mouth
gingiv/o gingivitis, gingivostomatitis gums
dent/o, odont/o dentist, odontalgia tooth
gloss/o, lingu/o glossopathy, hypoglossal, sublingual tongue
gastor/o gastritis, gastropexy stomach
esophag/o esophageal, esophagitis esophagus
enter/o gastroenterology, dysentery intestines
duoden/o gastroduodenoscope, duodenectomy duodenum
jejun/o jejunotomy, jejunitis jejunum
ile/o ileotomy, ileitis ileum
hepat/o hepatectomy hepatomalacia hepaticogastrostomy hepatomegaly hepaticotomy hepatopexy hepatitis hepatoptosis hepatocarcinoma hepatosclerosis hepatoma
ile/o ileitis ileostomy ileocolitis ileotomy ileocolostomy jejunoileitis ileorrhaphy
jejun/o gastrojejunostomy jejunorrhaphy jejunitis jejunostomy jejunoileitis jejunotomy
lapar/o laparocele laparoscopic surgery laparoenterostomy laparoscopy laparoscope laparotomy
odont/o aerodontalgia odontodynia odontalgia orthodontics odontectomy orthodontist odontoclasis periodontitis
pancreat/o cholangiopancreatography pancreatography pancreatectomy pancreatolith pancreatitis pancreatolithectomy pancreatoduodenectomy pancreatolithiasis
peritone/o peritoneoscopy peritonitis
proct/o proctitis proctoptosis proctologist proctoscope proctology proctoscopy proctoplasty
rect/o colorectal carcinoma rectitis rectalgia rectopexy
sial/o sialagogic sialolith sialoadenectomy sialolithiasis 710 sialoadenitis sialolithotomy sialoadenosis sialorrhea sialoangiectasis sialostenosis
sigmoid/o anosigmoidoscopy sigmoidoscopy sigmoidoscope
stomat/o anastomosis jejunostomy choledochoenterostomy laparoenterostomy colostomy stomatitis gastroduodenostomy stomatodynia gastroenterostomy stomatogastric gastrojejunostomy stomatomycosis gingivostomatitis stomatoplasty hepaticogastrostomy stoma
antacid fistula
antiemetic flatus
aphagia hematemesis
ascites hemorrhoid
bariatrics hemorrhoidectomy
cathartic herniorrhaphy
cirrhosis herniorrhaphy
constipation hyperemesis
diarrhea hypochondriac
diverticulitis icterus
diverticulosis inguinal
dyspepsia jaundice (icterus)
endoscope lumbar
endoscopy pyloric stenosis
eupepsia steatorrhea
fecal occult blood test (FOBT) umbilical
ureter/o cystoureteritis heminephroureterectomy nephroureterectomy pyeloureterectasia ureteralgia ureteritis ureterocele ureteroileostomy ureterolithiasis ureteronephrectomy ureteroplasty ureteropyelitis ureteropyelonephritis ureterorrhaphy ureterosc
urethr/o cystourethrocele transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) urethroplasty urethrorrhea urethrectomy urethritis urethrocystitis urethrodynia urethrogram urethropexy urethroscope urethroscopy urethrospasm urethrostenosis urethrotomy
ur/o albuminuria anuria azoturia diuresis diuretic dysuria enuresis glucosuria glycosuria hematuria ketonuria nocturia nocturnal enuresis oliguria polyuria pyuria stress urinary incontinence uremia urinalysis urinary catheterization urinary
vesic/o prostatovesiculectomy prostatovesiculitis vesicocele vesicostomy vesicotomy vesicoureteral reflux vesiculectomy
antispasmodic hypospadiast
azotemia incontinence
azotorrhea ketolysis
blood urea nitrogen kidney dialysis
circumcision phimosis
digital rectal exam polydipsia
dipsogenic priapism
ejaculation resectoscope
fulguration seminoma
gonads transrectal ultrasonography
gonorrhea ultrasonography
hemodialysis varicocele
hydrocele vas deferens
hydrocelectomy vasectomy
hyperkalemia vasovasostomy
hyponatremia voiding
colp/o, vagin/o colposcope, vaginitis vagina
episi/o, vulv/o episiotomy, vulvodynia vulva
perine/o perineoplasty, perineorrhaphy perineum
gynec/o, gyn/o gynecology, gynecologist woman
mast/o, mamm/o mastopexy, mastectomy, mammogram breast
lact/o lactation, lactorrhea milk
cervic/o cervicodynia, cervicitis cervix
hyster/o, metr/o, uter/o hysterectomy, endometrium, uterus uterus
pelv/i pelvimetry, pelvic sonography pelvis
oophor/o, ovari/o oophorectomy, ovariocentesis ovary
men/o menorrhea, menopause menstruation
salping/o salpingectomy, salpingoscope fallopian tube
amni/o amniocentesis amnion
-cyesis pseudocyesis pregnancy
Created by: chrystin
Popular Medical sets




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