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Drug Cards

Generic Name 2-3 Brand Names Adult Dosages Route of Administration (list all) 3-4 Side Effects Therapeutic Classification Uses/Indications Contraindications
Generic Name: metoprolol tartrate Brand Names: Lopressor, Toprol XL, Betaloc Adult Dosages & Routes: MI: IV 5 mg q2min for 3 dose, f/u w/ PO 50 mg q6h for 48 hr, then 100 mg bid Side Effects: insomnia, bradycardia, hypoglycemia, SOB Therapeutic Class.: adrenergic antagonist, antihypertensive Use: hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, CHF Contraindications: cardiogenic shock, heart block >1, pregnancy, lactation
Generic Name: epinephrine Brand Names: Epi EZ Pen, EpiPen Auto-Injector Adult Dosage & Route: anaphylaxis SC 0.1-0.5mL of 1:1000q 10-15min prn; asthma inhale 1 q4h prn Side Effects: tremor, palpitation, MI Therapeutic Class.: adrenergic agonist, bronchodilator Use: bronchospasm, asthma, CV block syncope, anaphylaxis, open-angle glaucoma Contraindications: narrow-angle glaucoma, cardiogenic shock, cerebral arteriosclerosis, 2nd labor stage
Generic Name: codeine Brand Names: no brand indicated Adult Dosage & Route: analgesic PO/IM/SC 15-60mg qid; antitussive PO 10-20mg q4-6hprn max: 120mg/24h Side Effects: SOB, hypotension, nausea, constipation, rash, urinary retention Therapeutic Class.: opiate analgesic, antitussive Use: severe pain, cough suppressant Contraindications: acute asthma, COPD, head injury, acute alcoholism, hepatic & renal disfunction, hypothyroidism, pregnancy C, lactation
Generic Name: magnesium hydroxide Brand Names: MOM, Magnesia Magma Adult Dosage & Route: laxative PO 2.4-4.8 g 30-60 mL/d in 1 or more div. dose Side Effects: abd. cramps, diarrhea, mental depression, electrolyte imbalance, hypotension Therapeutic Class.: Antacid, GI agent Use: GI hyperacidity, constipation, arsenic & mineral acid poisoning Contraindications: abd. pain, nausea, severe kidney dysfunction, colostomy, lactation.
Generic Name: mebendazole Brand Names: Vermox Adult Dosage & Route: enterobiasis (PO 100 mg 1 dose), other infestation (PO 100 mg bid for 3 d) Side Effects: transient abd. pain, diarrhea, dizziness, fever Therapeutic Class.: anti-infective, anthelmintic Use: de-worming (whipworm, pinworm, roundworm, hookworm) in single or mixed infections. Contraindications: pregnancy C, lactation, child <2 y
Generic Name: nitroglycerin Brand Names: Nitrol, Tridil, Nitrostat Adult Dosage & Route: Angina SL 0.3-0.6 mg tab q3-5min prn, max 3 dose/15min; PO 1.3-9mg q8-12h; Top apply 1.5-5cm ointment q4-6h Side Effects: headache, pallor, abd. pain, nausea Therapeutic Class.: antianginal agent, nitrate vasodilator Use: angina pectoris, perioperative hypertension, MI assoc. CHF Contraindications: hypersensitivity, severe anemia, incr. ICP, glaucoma, pericardial tamponade, pregnancy C, lactation
Generic Name: diazepam Brand Names: Valium, Diastat Adult Dosage & Route: epilepticus IV/IM 5-10mg, rep. 10-15min prn up to 30 mg, rep. q2-4h prn; Others PO 2-10mg bid to qid, IV/IM 2-10mg prn q3-4 h Side Effects: drowsiness, throat, chest pain Therapeutic Class.: anxiolytic, anticonvulsant Use: epilepticus, anxiety, amnesic, alcohol withdrawal Contraindications: IV/IM (shock, coma, acute VS depression, pregnancy, infant <30d), Tab (w/in 14d of MAO inhibitor), lactation
Generic Name: amiodarone hydrochloride Brand Names: Cordarone, Pacerone Adult Dosage & Route: PO load 800-1600mg/d in 1-2 dose for 1-3 wk, PO maintenance 400-600mg/d in 1-2 dose Side Effects: fatigue, hypotension, nausea, photosensitivity Therapeutic Class.: antiarrhythmic (III) Use: ventricular & supraventricular arrhythmia (atrial fibrillation) Contraindications: cardiogenic shock, bradycardia, QR prolongation syndromes, torsade de pointes, pregnancy D, lactation
Generic Name: erythromycin Brand Names: PCE, E-Mycin, EryTab Adult Dosage & Route: Infection PO 250–500mg q6h; 333 mg q8h; chlamydia PO 500 mg qid or 666 mg q8h Side Effects: Nausea, abd. cramping, Ototoxicity, Erythema Therapeutic Class.: anti-infective, antibiotic Use: pneumonia, acute PID, STIs, strep, bacterial endocarditis, acne Contraindications: liver dysfunction, erythromycin-associated hepatitis
Generic Name: warfarin sodium Brand Names: Coumadin, Panwarfarin Adult Dosage & Route: PO/IV 10–15mg/d for 2–5d, then 2–10mg 1/d with dose adjusted to maintain PT 1.2–2 times control or INR of 2–3 Side Effects: hemorrhage, dermatitis, fever Therapeutic Class.: anticoagulant Use: DVT, pulmonary embolism, coronary occlusion, TIAs, rodenticide Contraindications: Vitamin C & K deficiency, hemophilia, peptic ulcer, hypertension, severe hepatic or renal disease
Generic Name: phenobarbital Brand Names: Barbital, Luminal Adult Dosage & Route: anticonvulsant PO 100–300mg/d IV/IM 200–600mg up to 20mg/kg; sedative PO 30–120 mg/d IV/IM 100–200 mg/d Side Effects: nightmares, "hangover", myalgia, neuralgia Therapeutic Class.: anticonvulsant, sedative, barbiturate Use: seizures, eclampsia, anxiety, pediatric sedation Contraindications: porphyria, severe respiratory & kidney disease, uncontrolled pain, pregnancy D, lactation
Generic Name: fluoxetine hydrochloride Brand Names: Prozac, Sarafem Adult Dosage & Route: PMDD PO 10–20mg qd max 60mg/d; bulimia nervosa PO 60 mg qd Side Effects: anxiety, insomnia, blurred vision, sexual dysfunction Therapeutic Class.: antidepressant Use: depression, OCD, bulimia, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) Contraindications: concurrent w/ MAOIs, pregnancy C, OCD children <7y , Depression children <8y
Generic Name: diphenoxylate hydrochloride w/ atropine sulfate Brand Names: Lomotil, Diphenidol Adult Dosage & Route: PO 5 mL tid-qid, 5mL contains 2.5mg diphenoxylate & 0.025mg atropine) Side Effects: hypersensitivity, toxicity, sedation Therapeutic Class.: GI agent, antidiarrheal Use: diarrhea Contraindications: severe dehydration, advanced liver disease, glaucoma, child. <2y, pregnancy C, lactation
Generic Name: dimenhydrinate Brand Names: Calm-X, Dramamine Adult Dosage & Route: Motion Sickness PO 50–100mg q4–6h max: 400mg/24 h IV/IM 50mg prn Side Effects: drowsiness, insomnia, dysuria, hypotension, urinary frequency Therapeutic Class.: antihistamine, antiemetic, antivertigo Use: motion sickness, vertigo, nausea, anesthesia Contraindications: narrow-angle glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy
Generic Name: ketoconazole Brand Names: Nizoral Adult Dosage & Route: Fungal PO 200–400mg/d; dandruff Top shampoo biw for 4 wk with 3d between application Side Effects: gynecomastia, nausea, loss of libido, oligospermia Therapeutic Class.: anti-infective, antibiotic, antifungal Use: PO (fungal infection), Top (ringworm, dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis Contraindications: chronic alcoholism, fungal meningitis, onychomycosis, pregnancy C, lactation
Generic Name: loratadine Brand Names: Claritin, Alavert Adult Dosage Route: PO 10mg/d on an empty stomach; patients with hepatopathy 10mg every other day Side Effects: hypotension, flatulence, weight gain, blurred vision, dizziness, rash Therapeutic Class.: antihistamine (non-sedating) Use: seasonal allergic rhinitis, idiopathic chronic urticaria Contraindications: hypersensitivity to loratadine
Generic Name: prazosin hydrochloride Brand Names: Minipress Adult Dosage & Route: PO start 1mg hs, then 1mg bid. or tid, may incr. to 20mg/d in div. doses Side Effects: syncope, edema, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, urinary frequency Therapeutic Class.: alpha adrenergic antagonist, antihypertensive, vasodilator Use: hypertension, severe refractory congestive heart failure, Raynaud's disease Contraindications: pregnancy C, lactation
Generic Name: aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) Brand Names: ASA, Bayer Adult Dosage & Route: Pain PO/PR 350–650mg q4h max: 4g/d; Arthritis PO 3.6–5.4g/d in 4–6 div. doses; TIA PO 650mg bid; MI PO 80-325mg/d Side Effects: heartburn, ulcer, bleeding Therapeutic Class.: analgesic, antipyretic, antiplatelet Use: pain, fever, anti-clotting, inflammation, systemic Lupus Contraindications: chronic urticaria, GI ulceration, vit K deficiency, hemophilia, CHF, Pregnancy D, lactation
Generic Name: simvastatin Brand Names: Zocor Adult Dosage & Route: PO 5–40mg qd max: 80mg qd. Pt taking danazol or cyclosporine should not exceed 10mg qd Side Effects: angina, flatulence, fatigue, vertigo, nausea Therapeutic Class.: antilipemic Use: hypercholesterolemia, familial hypercholesterolemia, reduce risk of coronary death Contraindications: hypersensitivity, active liver disease, alcoholics, pregnancy X
Generic Name: cyclophosphamide Brand Names: Cytoxan, Neosar Adult Dosage & Route: Neoplasm PO initial: 1–5mg/kg/d, maintenance: 1–5mg/kg q7–10d; RA PO 1.5–2.5mg/kg/d in combination Side Effects: vomiting, leukopenia, sterility, alopecia, anemia Therapeutic Class.: antineoplastic Use: chemotherapy, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis, STE Contraindications: men and women in childbearing years, serious infection, live virus vaccine, myelosuppression, pregnancy, lactation
Generic Name: acetaminophen Brand Names: APAP, Datril Extra Strength, Tylenol Adult Dosage & Route: PO 325-650 mg q4-6h (max 4 g/d), PR 650 mg q4-6h (max 4 g/d) Side Effects: rash, lethargy, hepatotoxicity, leukopenia Therapeutic Class.: analgesic, antipyretic Use: pain, fever, acute poisoning Contraindications: hypersensitivity, use with alcohol, hepatotoxicity, diaphoresis, chills
Generic Name: guaifenesin Brand Names: Mucinex, Robitussin Adult Dosage & Route: PO 200–400mg q4h up to 2.4 g/d Side Effects: low incidence of nausea, drowsiness Therapeutic Class.: antitussive, expectorant Use: cough suppressant, bronchitis, colds Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy C, lactation
Generic Name: acyclovir Brand Names: Acycloguanosine, Zovirax Adult Dosage & Route: HS1 Top apply 5times/d for 4d; HS2 PO 200mg q4h 5times/d, 400mg tid for 7-10d, Top apply q3h 6times/d for 7d Side Effects: headache, nausea, rash, tremors Therapeutic Class.: anti-infective, antiviral Use: HSV 1& 2, herpes varicella, herpes zoster Contraindications: hypersensitivity to acyclovir and valacyclovir
Generic Name: albuterol Brand Names: Ventolin, Proventil, Volmax Adult Dosage & Route: PO 2-4mg tid or qid, sustained release bid, Inhale 1-2 times q4-6h Side Effects: Tremors, palpitations, hypertension, hypotension Therapeutic Class.: bronchodilator Use: brochospasm, asthma, bronchitis, reversible obstructive airway diseases Contraindications: pregnancy C, lactation, oral syrup in child <2y
Generic Name: digoxin Brand Names: Lanoxicaps, Lanoxin Adult Dosage & Route: Digitizing Dose PO 10–15mcg/kg in div. doses over 24-48h ; Maintenance dose PO/IV 0.1–0.375mg/d Side Effects: diarrhea, diaphoresis, dysphagia, mental depression Therapeutic Class.: anti-arrhythmic Use: VHF, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia Contraindications: V Fib, ventricular tachycardia,
Generic Name: atropine sulfate Brand Names: Atropisol, Isopto Atropine Adult Dosage & Route: Preanesthesia IV/IM/SC 0.2-1mg 30-60min before surgery; OP Antidote IV/IM 1–2mg q5–60min until s/sx subside max 50mg Side Effects: VF, rash, anhidrosis Therapeutic Class.: anti-cholinergic, antimuscarinic Use: paranesthesia, arrhythmias, organophosphate (OP) antidote, COPD Contraindications: obstructive uropathy, severe ulcerative colitis, acute hemorrhage
Generic Name: neostigmine bromide Brand Names: Prostigmin Adult Dosage & Route: Tx MG PO 15–375mg/d in 3–6 div. doses IM/IV/SC 0.5–2.5mg q1–3h; post-op IM/SC 0.25mg q4–6h for 2–3d Side Effects: high BP, paralysis, pallor, twitching Therapeutic Class.: cholinergic agent Use: post-op abd, distention & urinary retention, myasthenia gravis (MG), reverse muscle relaxants Contraindications: bradycardia, hypotension, peritonitis, pregnancy C, lactation
Generic Name: pseudoephedrine hydrochloride Brand Names: PediaCare, Sudafed, Sudrin Adult Dosage & Route: nasal congestion PO 60mg q4–6h or 120 mg sustained release q12h Side Effects: tachycardia, nervousness, insomnia, dry mouth, nausea Therapeutic Class.: adrenergic agonist, decongestant Use: nasal congestion, , rhinitis, coryza (hay fever), sinusitis, eustachian tube congestion Contraindications: severe hypertension, CAD, within 14d of MAOs, pregnancy C, lactation, child <6y
Generic Name: furosemide Brand Names: Fumide, Lasix Adult Dosage & Route: edema PO 20–80mg in 1 or more div. doses max 600mg/d; HBP PO 10–40mg bid max: 480mg/d Side Effects: glycosuria, jaundice, dehydration, blurred vision, elevated BUN Therapeutic Class.: diuretic Use: Edema, CHF, hepatocirrhosis, HBP Contraindications: increasing oliguria, anuria, fluid and electrolyte depletion states; hepatic coma; pregnancy C, lactation
Generic Name: ipecacuanha Brand Names: Ipecac Syrup Adult Dosage & Route: emergency emesis PO 30mL f/u 8 oz glass of water, repeat once in 20 min prn Side Effects: convulsions, cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension, diarrhea, ipecac overdose Therapeutic Class.: emetic, GI agent Use: induce vomiting, Poisoning Contraindications: inebriated, deep sedation, shock, depressed gag reflex, arteriosclerosis, impaired cardiac function, seizures
Generic Name: cimetidine Brand Names: Tagamet, Peptol Adult Dosage & Route: gastric ulcer PO 300mg qid meals and hs IM/IV 300mg q6–8h; heartburn PO 200mg 2-4 times/d Side Effects: diarrhea, hypospermia, paranoid psychosis, rash Therapeutic Class.: antacid, GI agent Use: duodenal ulcer, benign gastric ulcer, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, heartburn Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy B, lactation
Generic Name: medroxyprogesterone acetate Brand Names: Depo-Provera, Cycrin Adult Dosage & Route: contraceptive IM 100mg q3mo, carcinoma IM 400–1000mg/wk; continue 400mg/mo if improved Side Effects: depression, hypertension, breakthrough bleeding Therapeutic Class.: hormone, progestin Use: contraception, dysmenorrhea, secondary amenorrhea, metastatic endometrial or renal carcinoma Contraindications: Hx of thromboembolic disorder, pregnancy X, lactation
Generic Name: Insulin, Isophane (NPH) Brand Names: Humulin N, Novolin 70/30 Adult Dosage & Route: SC Individualized doses 30min before first meal. 2nd smaller dose Rx 30min before supper or hs prn. Side Effects: hypoglycemia, coma, pallor, ataxia Therapeutic Class.: antidiabetic agent Use: hyperglycemia, diabetes Contraindications: during hypoglycemia or sensitivity to any formulation ingredients
Generic Name: doxapram hydrochloride Brand Names: Dopram Adult Dosage & Route: COPD IV 1–2mg/min max 2h max: rate 3mg/min Side Effects: involuntary movement, hyperpyrexia, laryngospasm, PVC, albuminuria, dyspnea Therapeutic Class.: stimulant Use: postanesthesia, COPD, drug-induced CNS depression Contraindications: epilepsy, pulmonary fibrosis, flail chest, severe hypertension, CVA
Generic Name: levothyroxine sodium Brand Names: Levoxyl, Synthroid Adult Dosage & Route: thyroid replacement PO 25–50mcg/d, gradually increased by 50–100mcg q1–4wk to usual dose of 100–400mcg/d Side Effects: insomnia, nausea, weight loss, fever Therapeutic Class.: thyroid agent Use: thyroid hormone replacement therapy, myxedematous coma Contraindications: hypersensitivity, thyrotoxicosis, severe CV conditions, adrenal insufficiency
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Generic Name: Ibuprofen Brand Names: Advil, Motrin, Pamprin-IB Adult Dosage & Route: inflammation PO 400–800mg tid or qid max: 3200mg/d; pain/dysmenorrhea PO 400mg q4–6h max 1200mg/d Side Effects: hypertension, heartburn, nausea, depression Therapeutic Class.: NSAID, analgesic, antipyretic Use: chronic RA & OA, pain, dysmenorrhea, fever Contraindications: urticaria, severe rhinitis, angioedema, bronchospasms.
Generic Name: ondansetron hydrochloride Brand Names: Zofran Adult Dosage & Route: post-op PO 8–16mg 1h preop IM 4mg stat prior to anesthesia or once postop if pt has nausea/vomiting shortly after surgery Side Effects: headache, sedation, diarrhea Therapeutic Class.: anti-emetic, GI agent Use: prevents nausea and vomiting Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Generic Name: promethazine hydrochloride Brand Names: Phenergan, Prorex Adult Dosage & Route: motion sick PO/PR/IM/IV 25mg bid; nausea PO/PR/IM/IV 12.5–25mg q4–6h prn Side Effects: sedation, nausea, vomiting, leukopenia, blurred vision Therapeutic Class.: antiemetic, antivertigo, GI agent Use: allergies, nausea, sedation, motion sickness Contraindications: epilepsy, bone marrow depression, coma, pregnancy C, lactation, child <2y, Reye's Syndrome, hepatopathy
Generic Name: diphenhydramine hydrochloride Brand Names: Benadryl, Diphen, Tusstat Adult Dosage & Route: allergy PO 25–50mg tid or qid max: 300 mg/d IV/IM 10–50mg q4–6h max: 400mg/d Side Effects: drowsiness, euphoria, insomnia Therapeutic Class.: antihistamine Use: allergies, motion sickness, vertigo, cough, nighttime sedation Contraindications: low respiratory tract symptoms, GI obstruction, pregnancy C, lactation, hs sedation in child <12y
Generic Name: diclofenac sodium Brand Names: Voltaren, Solaraze Adult Dosage & Route: RA PO 150–200mg/d in 3–4 div. doses; OA PO 100–150mg/d in 3–4 div. doses 100mg sustained release qd Side Effects: CHF, flatulence, nausea, rash Therapeutic Class.: analgesic, antipyretic, NSAID Use: RA, OA, ankylosing spondylitis, acute gout, bursitis, tendinitis Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy B, lactation
Generic Name: famotidine Brand Names: Pepcid Adult Dosage & Route: ulcer PO 40mg hs or 20mg bid Maintenance PO 20mg hs IV 20mg q12h; GERD, gastritis PO 10mg bid Side Effects: rash, acnes, depression, constipation, incr. BUN and creatinine Therapeutic Class.: antacid, GI agent Use: ulcer, GERD, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, gastritis Contraindications: Safe use during pregnancy B, nursing mothers
Generic Name: metformin Brand Names: Glucophage, Riomet, Fortamet Adult Dosage & Route: T2D PO start 500mgqd-tid or 850mg qd-bid with meals, may incr. 500–850mg/d q1–3wk max: 2550mg/d Side Effects: metal taste, lactic acidosis, nausea, abd. pain Therapeutic Class.: antidiabetic Use: type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), PCOS, ethanol intoxication Contraindications: hepatic or cardiopulmonary insufficiency, alcoholism, concurruent infection, sepsis, lactation, child <10y
Created by: anashburn
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