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Urgent care clinic Immediate medical attention for a non life threatning condition
CMS-1500 form is used in medical reimbursement for professional services from physicians and suppliers. This form is a uniform document that ensures all providers and insurers use the same format regarding insurance claims.
Office meeting to review patients PHI? peer to peer EOB
Birthday Rule The Birthday Rule determines the primary insurance for dependents, by whose birthday comes first in a calender year
HCPCS coding system used for non-physician based services, ex ambulance
which method of insurance claim submittal does Medicare perfer Electronic
First step to locating Diagnostic code Choose main term within the diagnostic statement
Clean Claim claim is a claim that has no billing or coding errors
Dirty Claim Claim with errors
What info is needed to fill out CMS-1500 diagnostic codes from encounter form
Where to store Crash Cart Nurses station
dependability faithfulness or allegiance to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product
Afferent Nerve carries impules to brain
Basophilia Overbundance of a particular white blood cell in peripheral blood.
Transcription The Conversion of the doctors notes to a medical report
Patient Signed Consent Medical records cannot without patient signed consent
itis unsafe to make purchases using the ? FAX
Accounts receivable is? is a record of all monies due to the practice
diagnosis Dx
emancipted minor a minor who has been judicially emancipated from their parents, or has reached the age of majority and is therefore free from the custody and control of their parents
Primary Insurance is the one who pays first on a claim
Secondary Insurance secondary insurance can provide benefits once the primary insurance has already paid
Tertiary Insurance is a third payer and will pay after the first and second insurances have paid.
Coding is? Transformation of verbal descriptions into numbers
Chest X ray CXR
Commercial Plans group policy sponsered by employer
Disibility Insurance Disability insurance provides partial income so you can pay your bills if you get too sick or injured to work.
Created by: barwigann
Popular Medical sets




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