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● main sources of energy in the body. ● mobilized - monosaccharides (glucose). Carbohydrates
● polysaccharides of glucose. ● normally stored in the liver, heart and skeletal muscle. Glycogen
● made of hexosamines (neutral mucopolysaccharides). ● is mucus that is secreted by the goblet cells of intestinal mucosa, respiratory lining cells and certain glands. ● found in intercellular substances and connective tissue fibers. Mucin
Demonstrate carbohydrates which contain 1-2 glycols or closely related structures in the tissue. ○ Periodic Acid Shiff
Types of Reaction (PAS) PAS-positive staining reaction ■ oxidation must occur to produce aldehyde. ○ PAS-negative staining reaction ■ oxidation beyond the aldehyde stage. ○ Pale or false negative reaction ■ over-oxidation
● Most used and most effective oxidizing agent ● Less popular for fungal cell walls ○ oxidant used for fungi is often chromic acid (chromium trioxide in water) Periodic Acid
Other Oxidizing Agents (For Periodic Acid) ○ Permanganic acid ○ Performic acid ○ Peracetic acid ○ Lead tetraacetate
Most fixatives can be used with this staining technique, except those that contain osmic acid, chromates and permanganates. PAS stain
PAS stain can be used to demonstrate the following substances: Polysaccharides, Neutral Mucus, Tissue basement membrane, Fungal organism
counter stain to visualize other tissue elements. Hematoxylin
PAS Stain can help with the diagnosis of: Glycogen storage diseases: Tumors, Fungal Infection, Basement Membrane.
Essential component of Schiff reagent is basic fuchsin, which is a mixture of three dyes: Rosaniline, Pararosaniline, Magenta II
Expected Result from Staining Method (PAS) Magenta, Purplish-pink color
Order (Stain-Substance Stained-Color Result-Comments
PAS -Glycogen, Mucins, Bacteria & Fungi, basement membrane-PAS (+):Magenta red-Basic fuchsin: essential component of Schiff reagent
PAS w/diastase ctrl -Glycogen-Red-Method of choice for glycogen staining
Best Carmine -Glycogen-Bright Red-Selective & highly specific for glycogen
Langhan's iodine Method -Glycogen-Mahogany-Brown-Obselete not specific for glycogen
Alcian Blue - Acid Mucins-Blue-Avoid celloidinization of slides
Alcian Blue-PAS Any Mucins (Acid/Neutral)-Acid mucin: Blue Neutral Mucin: Magenta:Avoid Ehrlich's hematoxylin
Gomori's Aldehyde Fuchsin Stain Acid MPS Sulfated mucins Carboxylated mucins-Sulfated mucins: purple Carboxylated mucins: blue
Mucicarmine Stain Cryptococcus neoformans Mucins - Mucin - Red - Avoid Ehrlich Hematoxylin
Colloidal Acid-Mucins-Dark blue
Acridine orange Acid mucins/MPS Fungi Acid MPS: black Fungi: greenish red fluorescence Lasts for only 2 hrs
Sudan black Lipids-Blue Black
Sudan IV (Scharlach R) Lipids (TAG) - red - Most commonly used stain
Oil red O Lipids - Brilliant Red
Osmium Tetroxide Lipids - Black
Nile blue sulfate method Neutral fat Cholesterin esters Cholesterin fatty acids Fatty acids & soap Cerebrosides = Pinkish red = Light red = Light red = Deep blue to violet = Light blue.
Toluidine blue-acetone mtd Sulfatide-Metachromatic red-brown or yellow
Borohydride-Periodic-Schiff Method Gangliosides-Red
Alkaline fast green method Histones-protamines-Green-Fast green stains basic groups in tissues
Peracetic Acid Alcian Blue Cystine, Cystein - Blue Green
Sakaguchi's test Arginine, Orange-red - Milton Reagent
Gomori Calcium Method Alkaline-Phosphatase-Brownish-black
Gomori Lead method Acid phosphatase, Black
Lead Method 5-nucleotidase-Blackish brown deposits
Metal Precipitation ATPase-Dark Brownish-black ppt-For skel. muscle biopsies
Calcium Cobalt Ion ATPase-Cobalt Phosphate Ppt- For Skeletal Muscle biopsy
a-naphtyl acetate method Non-specific esterase-Reddish brown
Indoxyl Acetate Method Nonspecific esterase-Blue
Teterzolium Method Monoamine oxidase-Bluish black
Feulgen Technique DNA-Red-Purple-Most reliable & specific histochemical staining technique for DNA Contains Schiff’s reagent
Methyl green-pyronin RNA, DNA- RNA(Red) DNA(Green)
Gomori’s silver impregnation stain Reticulin Fibers-Black-Reticulin=Argyrophilic (Silver Stain)
Van Gieson’s stain Collagen Muscle, cytoplasm, RBC, fibri, = Pink/Deep red = Yellow - Contains acid fuchsin and picric acid
Masson's Trichrome Stain Collagen & Mucus Muscle, RBC & Keratin = Blue = Red
Mallory's aniline blue Collagen fibers, cytoplasm, fibroglia fibrils, axon cylinders, neuroglia Elastic fibers, RBCs, myelin sheets, = Pale Pink/Yellow = Yellow, (-) Fuchsin: Excellent and colorful method of demonstrating CT fibers
Azocarmine CT, Glomerular basement membrane, Amyloid & mucous colloid, = Deep blue -Heidenhain's modification of Mallory's aniline blue stain
Weigert's Elastic fibers-Dark-blue/blue-black
Verhoeff's Elastic fibers/black
Taenzer-Unna-Orcein mtd Elastic fibers - Dark-brown
Krajin's technique Elastic fibers Fibrin & CT RBC,= Bright red = Dark blue = Orange-yellow, Rapid Method
Martius-Scarlet-Blue RBCs Muscle Collagen Fibrin= Yellow = Red = Blue - Early fibrin = yellow Old fibrin = blue= Red
Mallory’s PTAH Fibrin, muscle striations, neuroglia, amoeba RBCs Myelin Collagen, osteoid, cartilage, elastic fibers = Dark = Blue = Lighter blue = Deep brownish-red
Congo red Amyloid-Red
Methyl violet-crystal violet method Amyloid-Purplish red
Thioflavin-T fluorescent staining Amyloid Yellow Fluorescence
Modified Gomori’s Trichrome stain Muscle fibers Collagen = Red = Green
Lissamine fast red Muscle, RBC Collagen, =Red =Yellow
Schmorl's Picro-Thionin Lacunae & canaliculi Bone matrix = Dark brown-black = Yellow/brownish-yellow
Bielschowsky’s technique Neurofibril, axons & dendrites Neuroglia & collagen,= Black on a grayish BG = Lightly stained
Bodian Nerve fibers & nerve endings
Sevier-Munger technique Peripheral neuritis Axons Myelin sheath Neuritic plaques & tangles Argentaffin granules,= Black = Black = Light brown = Black = Black
Toluidine blue Nissl granules & nucleoli - Deep blue
Polychrome methylene blue Nissl granules & nucleoli -Deep blue
Thionine Nissl granuls & nucleoli - Purple
Cresyl fast violet Nissl substance Neurons= Purple-dark blue = Pale purple blue -Nissl granules: a.k.a. Tigroid substances
Weigert-Pal technique Myelin sheath -Blue black
Luxol fast blue Myelin-Blue-green
Weil’s method Myelin - Black
Cajal’s gold sublimate method Astrocytes -Black on a light brownish BG
Perl’s Prussian blue Hemosiderin - Deep blue
Gomori’s Prussian blue Iron pigments - Bright Blue
Turnbull's blue Ferrous Iron (Hemosiderin) Blue
Benzidine-nitroprusside stain Hemoglobin and oxidase granules - Dark blue
Mod. Fouchet’s technique Bile pigments -Emerald to blue green
Gmelin technique Bile & hematoidin -Blue-purple then green
Stein's iodine test Bile Pigments - Depend on the oxidation of the pigment to green biliverdin by iodine
Schmorl's ferric ferricyanide method Bile, lipofuscins, melanin, argentaffin cells, chromaffin thyroid colloid
Gomori's Aldehydre fuchsin Lipofuscin-Purple
Mallory's fuchsin stain Hemofuscin-Red
Masson Fontana technique Melanin-Argentaffin cell granules = Black = Black = Argentaffin reaction: melanin reduces ammoniacal silver solutions w/o use of a reducer
Von Kossa’s silver nitrate method Calcium - Black
Lindquist modified rhodanine technique Copper - Red to orange-red
Gram-Twort stain Gram (+) organisms Gram (-) organisms RBCs Elastic fibers = Blue-black = Pink-red = Green = Black
Brown & Brenn method Gram (+) bacteria Gram (-) bacteria = Blue = Red
Wade-Fite technique M. leprae - Golden yellow
Toluidine H. pylori - Dark blue against blue BG
Cresyl violet acetate mtd H. pylori - Blue violet
Dieterle method L. pneumophila & spirochetes - Dark brown to black
Levaditi’s method Spirochetes - Black on yellowish BG
Modified Steiner & Steiner technique Spirochetes, Donovan bodies, fungi, bacteria - Black
Warthin-Starry method Spirochetes Black
Grocott Methenamine Silver Fungi Mucin & glycogen Mycelia & hyphae RBCs = Sharply outlined I black = Gray-black = Old rose = Yellow
Lendrum’s phloxine- tartrazine method Viral inclusions-Bright Red
Orcein method HBsAg - Brown-black
Created by: Jahad000
Popular Medical sets




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