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Therapeutic Remedial
Hematologic Blood
Recur To happen again
Supplement To complete or enhance when added
Sublingual Under the tongue
Retain Keep
Flushed Reddened
Exacerbated To make things worse
Access Entry
Diluted Weakened
Latent Hidden
Rational Reasonable
Preexisting Exist beforehand
Ominous Portentous
Manifestation Appearance
Volume The quantitative measurement of a liquid
Concave Bowed inward
Compensatory Corrective
Status Condition
Paroxysmal Sudden
Accountable Liable
Void To urinate
Primary First
Restrict To bind or inhibit
Musculoskeletal Muscles and bones
Neurovascular Nerves and blood flow
Cavity Empty hollow space
Depress Compress
Elevate Lift
Overt Obvious or visible
Strict Absolute
Pathology Study of the disease process
Respirations Breathing
Patent Open
Abrupt or abstain Sudden and possible unexpected
Comply To follow instructions willingly
Vital Important
Oral By mouth
Ingest To absorb or intake
Hydration Water balance
Gastrointestinal Relating to the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, and anus
Flaccid Limp
Consistency Texture
Deficit Shortfall
Nutrient Food; Substance or ingredient that provides nourishment
Suppress Counter
Cardiac Heart
Cease End
Contingent Dependent
Fatigue Exhaustion
Precaution Safeguard
Issues or characteristics Symptoms
Acute Sudden, intense
Adverse Undesired, possible harmful
Aegis Control, protection
Ambivalent Uncertain, having contradictory feelings
Assent To give consent; to agree
Bilateral Present on two sides
Chronology Order of events as they occurred; timeline
Concise Brief, to the point
Constrict To draw together or become smaller
Contraindication A reason something is not advisable or should not be done
Convulsive Having or causing convulsions, i.e., violent shaking of the body
Cursory Quick, perfunctory, not thorough
Defecate Expel feces
Discrete Distinct, separate
Distended Enlarged or expanded from pressure
Etiology The origin or cause of a disease or condition
Exacerbate To make worse or more severe
Flexion Bending a joint
Hematologic Of or relating to blood
Impaired Diminished or lacking some usual quality or level
Impending Occurring in the near future, about to happen
Impervious Impenetrable, not allowing anything to pass through
Imply To suggest without explicitly stating
Infer To conclude or deduce
Insidious So gradual as to not become apparent for a long time
Kinetic Of or related to movement
Labile Changing rapidly and often
Lacerations Cut; tear
Latent Present but not active or visible
Lethargic Difficult to arouse
Manifestation An indication or sign of a condition
Musculoskeletal Of or relating to muscle and skeleton
Neurologic Of or relating to the nervous system
Neurovascular Of or relating to the nervous system and blood vessels
Occluded Closed or obstructed
Parameter A characteristic or constant factor, limit
Pathogenic Causing or able to cause disease
Precipitous Rapid, uncontrolled
Prognosis The anticipated or expected course or outcome
Transdermal Cross through the skin
Transmission Transfer, such as of a disease, from one person to another
Triage Process used to determine the priority of treatment for patients according to the severity of a patient’s condition and the likelihood of benefit from the treatment
Ubiquitous Being or seeming to be everywhere at once
Vascular Of or relating to blood vessels
Virulent Extremely harmful and severe
Otic Aural
Popular Medical sets




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