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Kims bones

anatomy and physiology

Acetabulum acetabul/o Cup-shaped socket in the hip bone that is formed by the ilium and the public bone.
Acromion Flat,bony projection of the scapula where it connects to the clavicle
Appendicular skeleton Appendicul/o limb;small attached part The bones of the shoulders, arms, hips and legs
Articular cartilage articul/o joint Cartilage that cover the bone ends in a synovial joint
Articulation articul/o joint A joint where two bones come together and join or articulate
Axial skeleton axi/o The bones of the head, chest, and spine they don't move very much
bones osse/o oste/o bone the 206 individual pieces of the skeleton
calcaneus calcane/o calcaneus (heal bone) Largest of the ankle bones, also known as the heel bone
cancellous bone cancell/o lattice structure Spongy bone found in the epiphyses of long bones. Is is filled with red bone marrow
carpal bones carp/o wrist the eight small bones of the wrist joint
cervical vertebrae cervic/o neck; cervix Vertebrae C1 through C7 in the cervical spine. C1 in the Atlas; C2 in the Axis
Clavicle clavic/o Horizontal bone in each shoulder. (collar bone)
coccyx coccyg/o Tail Bone, Group of small, fused certbrae below the scarum
Carocoid Process Small projection on the scaplula where the muscles of the arm and chest attach.
Coronal Suture coron/o encircling structure Suture between the frontal bone and the parietal bones of the cranium
Costal Cartilage cost/o rib Chondro/o cartilage Smooth,firm, flexible segments of connective tissue that join the rigs to the sternum.
Cranium crani/o Bony structure of the head that contains the cranial cavity and the brain
Diaphysis diaphys/o The straight shaft of a long bone
Epiphysis epiphys/o growth area on the end of a bone
Ethmoid bone ethm/o sieve Bone that forms the anterior base of the cranium bony nasal septum eye sockets
Extremity An arm or leg, Limb
Facial bones faci/o Face bones
femur femor/o trochanter/o Thigh bone, each end is call the trochanters
Fibula fibul/o Smaller Lower leg bone, located on the little toe side
Fontanel Soft spots on the baby's head
Foramen A hole in a bone,Foramen Magnum in the cranium, vertral foramen in the vertrabra, and obturator foramen in each ischium.
Fronta Bone front/o Bone that forms the forehead and front of the carnium
Glenoid fossa glen/o Socket of a joint, Where the head of the hurmerus articulates to form the shoulder joint
Hallux The great Toe
Humerus humer/o Upper arm bone, long bone of the upper arm
Hyoid bone hy/o U shaped structure/ bone that anchors the cuscles of the tonge and the larynx
Ilium ili/o Hip Bone, including the iliac crest and the lilac spine.
Intervertebral Disk vertebr/o Circular disk between two vertebrae, outer wall is fibrocartilage and inner is gelatinous substance, nucleus pulposus, cushion
Ischium ischi/0 Hip bone. Most inferior hip bone
Joint Area where two bones come together. There are 3 types of joints, suture, symphysis, synovial
Lacrimal bones lacrim/o tears Facial bones with in the eye socket
Ligament ligament/o Fibrous bands that hold two bone end together at synovial joint
Lumbar Vertebrae Lumbo/o Lower back; area between the ribs and pelvis L1 through L5 in the lumbar spine
Malleoulus malleol/o Bony projections of the distal tibia and fibula often called ankle bones.
Mandible mandibul/o Lower Jaw, facial bone that forms the lower jaw.
Manubrium Triangular, most superior part of the sternum
Maxillary Bones maxill/o Facial bones that form the immoveable upper jaw.
Medullary Cavity medull/o cac/o long cavity in the center of a long bone, it contains yellow bone marrow(fatty tissue)
Meniscus menisc/o Cresent shaped cartilage pad found in some synovial joints like the knee.
Metacarpal bones carp/o Wrist, The five long bones on the hand, one for each finger, that lie distal to the wrist.
Matarsal bones tars/o Ankle, one of the five long bones in the midfoot,for each toe,lies distal to the ankel
Nasal Bones nas/o Facial bones that form the bridge of the nose and inner roof of the nasal cavity
Obturator Forarm Large opening in the ischemia that is covered by a fibrous membrane and is a point of attachment for some muscles of the hip
occipital bone occipit/o Back of the head, forms the back of the cranium
osseous tissue osse/o Bone, which is a type of connective tissue
Olecranon Large, square, bony projection on the proximal ulna that forms the point of the elbow.
Ossous Tissue osse/o Bone, which is a type of connective tissue
Ossicles ossicul/o Three tiny bones in the middle ear, known as the ossicular chain
ossification ossificat/o Process which cartilaginous tissue is changed into bone form infancy through puberty.
Osteoblast oste/o Osteocyte that forms new bone or rebuilds bone
osteoclast oste/o Osteocyte that breaks down old or damaged bone areas
Osteocyte oste/o Bone cell. There are two types of osteoclast and osteoblast.;
Palanine Bones plata/o Facial bones that form the posterior part of the hard palate.
Paretal bones pariet/o wall of a cavity Bones that form the right and left sides of the top and back of the cranium
Patella Knee Cap, anterior to the knee joint.
Pelvis pelv/o hips renal pelvis The hip bones as well as the sacrum and coccyx of the spinal column
Periosteum oste/o bone Thick, fibrous membrane that covers the outside surface of a bone
Peroneal perone/o Adjective meaning the fibula. applies to the fibula bone and muscles & nerves in that area
Phalanx phalang/o (finger or toe) One of the bones of a finger or toe, or a digit or ray
Popliteal space poplite/o Area back of the knee, bordered by muscles, nerves and blood vessels
Pubis pub/o Most anterior hip bone.
Radius radi/o Forearm bone located along the thumb side of the lower arm
Rib cost/o The twelve pairs of bones that form the sides of the thorax
Sacrum sacr/o Group of five fused vertebrae below the lumbar vertebrae
Sagittal Suture sagitt/o goring from front to back Midline suture between the two parietal bones on the right and left on the cranium
Scapula scapul/o Trangular shaped bone on each side of the upper back, also known as the shoulder blade
Skeletal system skelet/o skeleton Body system that consists of all the bones, ligament joints in the body
Skeletomuscular System skelet/o muscul/o Combined bones and muscle systems.
Skeleton skelet/o The bony framework of the body that consists of all the bones
Skull Bony structure of the head that consists of the cranium and facial bones.
Sphenoid bone sphen/o wedge shape Bone that forms the central base of the cranium and posterior walls of the eyes
Spine spin/o backbone Bony vertical column of vertebrae, Spinal column, vertebral column, backbone
Sternum sern/o breast Vertical bone of the anterior thorax to which the clavicle and ribs are attached. Breast bone
Suture immovable joint between two bones of the cranium
Tarsal Bones tars/o ankle The seven bones in the ankle joint
Synovial joint synovi/o membrane,capsul/o enveloping structure Fully moveable joints, two types; hinged and ball and socket joints.
Temporal bones tempor/o side of the head Bones on the side of the head,
Thoracic Vertebrae thorac/o chest Vertebrae T1 thought T12 in the thoracic part of the spine in the chest.
Thorax thorac/o chest Bony cage of the chest, also known as the rib cage.
Tibia tibi/o shin bone Larger of the two bones of the lower leg, shin bone
Turbinates turbin/o scroll like structure Facial bones that are projections with in the nasal cavity
Ulna uin/o forearm Forearm bone located along the little finger side of the lower arm
Vertebra vertebr/o Bony structure of the spine
Vomer Facial bone that forms the bottom of the nasal septum and continues to base of cranium
Xiphoid process xiph/o sword Inferior pointed tip of the sternum
Zygomatic bones zybomat/o Facial bones that form the cheek bones. singular Zygoma
Created by: kimmykoolbeans
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