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Hospital Codes

CCMA 23-24 Hospital Codes SRMC

Code ColorProblem/DescriptionInitial ResponseSecondary ResponseFollow Up
Code Blue or Dr Broselow Respiratory or Cardiac Arrest - CPR, Dr Broselow is for Peds Pt initiate BLS using PPE, bring emergency cart in room, document code activities on code sheet; for dr broselow, staffe will respond with broselow pac support code team as needed, clear area of employees and family that are not needed to work the code, support family and friends, traffic control complete report of incident, call pharmacy to restock emergency cart drugs, restock supplies, document code in Pt Care notes
Code Red Fire, smoke, or smell something burning rescue those in immediate danger if safe to do so (RACE - Rescue Alarm Confine Extinguish) use extinguisher to put out fire (pull pin, aim hose, squeeze handle, sweep side to side) evacuate if appropriate
Code Pink Infant/child kidnap or missing go to closest exit and watch for female (18-44yrs) with an infant that is not being escorted out by a nurse in uniform or with a package that could hold an infant ask to verify identity (wrist name tag) or see contents of package. Get clear description of adult and not direction of travel immediately report info on any suspect to nursing office, security
Code White Any individual with violent or abusive behavior isolate individual by removing everyone else in area, dial 6, have operator announce Code White, call security clear area of visitors, family members, or employees complete report of incident
Code White H Individual taken hostage against will by armed perpetrator clear are to avoid others from becoming a hostage report all pertinent info to supervisor and others in charge of response complete report of incident
Code Black Severe weather conditions in area security monitors weather and notifies operator. move patients away from windows and into hallways if necessary. observe critics pts. - -
Code Orange Hazardous materials spill or release or radioactive incident - Incidental spill (IS) is small with no hazard to trained employee or environment, Emergency spill (ES) may present hazard, and Radioactive incident (RI) IS and ES: trained user cleans spill with PPE and decontaminate materials, isolate spill area, deny entry to others, notify supervisor, assist contaminated victims in decontamination if safe. RI: isolate spill area, deny entry to others, notify supervisor IS: appropriately dispose of materials. ES: seek/coordinate medical treatment of decontaminated victim. RI: notify Nuclear Medicine who will coordinate response complete report of incident
Code Silver Active shooter actively shooting or attempting to shoot people announce code silver with location of incident, evacuate patients and visitors and staff, if safe. remain clam, don't provoke shooter find location or room away from shooter, lock/barricade doors and windows, turn off all sound and silence cell phones provide police with number of shooters/victims, type and number of weapons, description of shooter. report to command center the number of patients and staff in area
Code Purple Evacuation due to hazard to life, health, or safety notify all in area of need to evacuate, evacuate ambulatory, wheelchair, the bed ridden. take records if safe to do so report to designated assembly area and count for all who were in previous area report evacuation status to safety officer, identify and personnel unaccounted for
Code Gray Bomb threat on campus, usually notified by outside caller obtain as much info as possible using bomb threat checklist - where is it, when will it go off, what does it look like, why placed, etc. report all info to supervisor or house supervisor search area for bomb by DO NOT touch if found, report anything suspicious
Code Triage Mass influx of pts. due to disaster (natural, radiological, chemical, or biological) secure your area, no one comes through any doors except ER triage doors. lock doors if your have outside exits. Prepare to receive patients from ER report any info to supervisor. command central in conference room or designated area. all press releases go to PIO in SRMC Annex complete report of incident
Code ELLA Missing patient alert staff of missing patient: ELLA (Elopement Lock down Look-for Assistance needed all staff conducts search of their area, cover all exits complete report of incident
Created by: albinomaPAche
Popular Medical sets




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