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Approaches studies

All key studies for Approaches AQA Psych

Wundt (not a study) Came up with the technique of introspection as a standardised method of investigating one's conscious experience of a stimulus (like a metronome)
Skinner Taught rats/pigeons etc new behaviours by using food as rewards for given behaviours (such as pressing a lever) in controlled environment known as the Skinner box.
Pavlov Paired the ringing of a bell (neutral stimulus) with food (unconditioned stimuli) to create salivation (conditioned response) at the ringing of a bell in the future (conditioned stimulus)
Watson and Raynor Taught an infant (Little Albert) to develop a phobia of fluffy items by pairing these items with loud noises
Gilroy et al Three sessions of systematic desensitisation compared to relaxation techniques (control). Symptoms lower in SD group after 3 and 33 months.
Bandura et al Developed SLT when he found that children who had seen an adult model behaving aggressively to a model were more likely to be aggressive to the model themselves
Bandura and Walters Children observed consequences for a model being aggressive to a doll– praised, punished or no consequence. Praised model most likely to be imitated.
March et al CBT is effective at treating depression in 81% of the time.
Darwin Explains evolution and the role of natural selection
Soomro et al SSRIs are 70%+ effective for OCD
Freud (not a study) Developed the Psychodynamic approach, including the psychosexual stages and his iceberg theory of the psyche, containing the id, ego and superego
Freud Little Hans case study. Little Hans had a phobia of horses that Freud explained as displaced feelings from castration anxiety from his father.
De Maat et al. Reviewed therapies for mental health disorders. Found psychoanalysis to be effective for many conditions
Fischer and Greenburg Conducted a systematic review of research. Found 2500+ studies that support elements of Freuds theory such as the unconscious and the use of defence mechanisms.
Maslow (not a study) Developed the hierarchy of needs, which is a key element of Humanistic psychology
Rogers (not a study) Developed client centred therapy (CCT) as a non-directive therapy to boost self-esteem and help people achieve congruence and self-actualisation.
Created by: SBlakeley
Popular Psychology sets




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