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n/a, abbreviations

Medical Terminology: word roots, prefixes, and abbreviations

fasci/o fascia
fibr/o fibrous connective tissue
leiomy/o smooth muscle that lines the walls of internal organs
my/o muscle
myocardi/o heart muscle
myos/o muscle
plant/o sole of the foot
rhabdomy/o skeletal muscle connected to bones
-asthenia lack of strength
ab- away from
ad- toward
dorsi- back
AC acromioclavicular
ACL anterior cruciate ligament of the knee
ANA anti-nuclear antibody
BKA below knee amputation
BMD bone mineral density
C1 to C7 cervical vertebrae
Ca calcium
CK creatine kinase
CMC carpometacarpal
CTS carpal tunnel syndrome
Dexa or DXA dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
DMARD disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug
DO doctor of osteopathy
DTRs deep tendon reflexes
EMG electromyography
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
HNP herniated nucleus pulposus
IM intramuscular
L1 to L5 lumbar vertebrae
NSAID nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
OA osteoarthritis
ORIF open reduction (of fracture) /internal fixation
Ortho orthopedics
OT occupational therapy
P phosphorus
PT physical therapy
RA rheumatoid arthritis
RF rheumatoid factor
ROM range of motion
SLE systemic lupus erythematosus
T1 to T12 thoracic vertebrae
TKR total knee replacement/arthroplasty
THR total hip replacement/arthroplasty
TMJ temporomandibular joint
Created by: josefinek
Popular Medical sets




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