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Chapter 4 vocabulary
Hartman’s Nursing Assistant Care: Long-Term Care and Home Care, 4th Edition
Term | Definition |
communication | the process of exchanging information with others by sending and receiving messages. |
verbal communication | communication involving the use of words or sounds, spoken or written.. |
nonverbal communication | communication without using words. |
cultural diversity | the different groups of people with varied backgrounds and experiences who live together in the world. |
bias | prejudice. |
culture | a system of learned beliefs and behaviors that is practiced by a group of people. |
clichés | phrases that are used repeatedly and do not really mean anything. |
objective information | information based on what a person sees, hears, touches, or smells; also called signs. |
subjective information | information that a person cannot or did not observe, but is based on something reported to the person that may or may not be true; also called symptoms. |
incontinence | the inability to control the bladder or bowels. |
cyanotic | skin that is blue or gray. |
incident | an accident, problem, or unexpected event during the course of care that is not part of the normal routine in a healthcare facility. |
sentinel event | an unexpected occurrence that results in grave physical or psychological injury or death. |
impairment | a loss of function or ability. |
farsightedness | the ability to see objects in the distance better than objects nearby; also called hyperopia. |
nearsightedness | the ability to see objects nearby more clearly than objects far away; also called myopia. |
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) | a condition that occurs when blood supply to a part of the brain is blocked or a blood vessel leaks or ruptures within the brain; also called stroke. |
hemiplegia | paralysis on one side of the body. |
hemiparesis | weakness on one side of the body. |
expressive aphasia | difficulty communicating thoughts through speech or writing. |
receptive aphasia | difficulty understanding spoken or written words. |
emotional lability | inappropriate or unprovoked emotional responses, including laughing, crying, and anger. |
dysphagia | difficulty swallowing. |
combative | violent or hostile. |