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Chapter 4 vocabulary

Hartman’s Nursing Assistant Care: Long-Term Care and Home Care, 4th Edition

communication the process of exchanging information with others by sending and receiving messages.
verbal communication communication involving the use of words or sounds, spoken or written..
nonverbal communication communication without using words.
cultural diversity the different groups of people with varied backgrounds and experiences who live together in the world.
bias prejudice.
culture a system of learned beliefs and behaviors that is practiced by a group of people.
clichés phrases that are used repeatedly and do not really mean anything.
objective information information based on what a person sees, hears, touches, or smells; also called signs.
subjective information information that a person cannot or did not observe, but is based on something reported to the person that may or may not be true; also called symptoms.
incontinence the inability to control the bladder or bowels.
cyanotic skin that is blue or gray.
incident an accident, problem, or unexpected event during the course of care that is not part of the normal routine in a healthcare facility.
sentinel event an unexpected occurrence that results in grave physical or psychological injury or death.
impairment a loss of function or ability.
farsightedness the ability to see objects in the distance better than objects nearby; also called hyperopia.
nearsightedness the ability to see objects nearby more clearly than objects far away; also called myopia.
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) a condition that occurs when blood supply to a part of the brain is blocked or a blood vessel leaks or ruptures within the brain; also called stroke.
hemiplegia paralysis on one side of the body.
hemiparesis weakness on one side of the body.
expressive aphasia difficulty communicating thoughts through speech or writing.
receptive aphasia difficulty understanding spoken or written words.
emotional lability inappropriate or unprovoked emotional responses, including laughing, crying, and anger.
dysphagia difficulty swallowing.
combative violent or hostile.
Created by: nunya.bidnez
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