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Chapter 8 vocabulary

Hartman’s Nursing Assistant Care: Long-Term Care and Home Care, 4th Edition

physiological needs needs that relate to the processes and activities that keep living things alive.
psychosocial needs needs that involve social interaction, emotions, intellect, and spirituality.
holistic care a type of care that involves caring for the whole person—including the person’s physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs.
masturbation to touch or rub sexual organs in order to give oneself or another person sexual pleasure.
sexual orientation a person’s physical, emotional, and/or romantic attraction to another person.
gender identity a deeply felt sense of one’s gender.
bisexual, bi a person whose physical, emotional, and/or romantic attraction may be for people of the same gender or different gender.
cisgender a person whose gender identity matches his or her birth sex (sex assigned at birth due to anatomy).
coming out a continual process of revealing one’s sexual orientation or gender identity to others.
cross-dresser typically a heterosexual man who sometimes wears clothing and other items usually associated with women.
gay a person whose physical, emotional, and/or romantic attraction is for people of the same sex.
lesbian a woman whose physical, emotional, and/or romantic attraction is for other women.
LGBTQ acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer.
queer a term used to describe sexual orientation that is not exclusively heterosexual..
straight a person whose physical, emotional, and/or romantic attraction is for people of the opposite sex.
nonbinary and/or genderqueer A person whose gender identity does not fit into the category of man or woman; the person’s gender may be in between those two categories or may be entirely different from them.
transgender a person whose gender identity differs from the sex assigned at birth due to anatomy
transition the process of changing genders, which can include legal procedures, medical measures, telling others, and using new pronouns.
spiritual of, or relating to, the spirit or soul.
reincarnation a belief that some part of a living being survives death to be reborn in a new body.
karma the belief that all past and present deeds affect one’s future and future lives.
yarmulke a small skullcap worn by Jewish men as a sign of their faith.
agnostics people who believe that they do not know or cannot know if God exists.
atheists people who believe that there is no God.
dietary restrictions rules about what and/or when individuals can eat.
fasting not eating food or eating very little food.
vegetarians people who do not eat meat, fish, or poultry and may or may not eat eggs and dairy products.
vegans vegetarians who do not eat any animal products, including milk, cheese, other dairy items, or eggs; vegans may also choose to not use or wear any animal products.
premature the term for babies who are born before 37 weeks’ gestation (more than three weeks before the due date).
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) a condition in which babies stop breathing and die for no known reason while asleep.
cognitive related to thinking and learning.
chickenpox a highly contagious viral illness that is common among children.
leukemia a form of cancer in which the body’s white blood cells are unable to fight disease.
anorexia an eating disorder in which a person does not eat or exercises excessively to lose weight.
bulimia an eating disorder in which a person eats huge amounts of foods or very fattening foods, and then eliminates the food by vomiting, using laxatives, or exercising excessively.
trauma severe injury.
menopause the end of menstruation (occurs when a woman has not had a menstrual period for 12 months).
geriatrics the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease in older and elderly adults, as well as problems related to aging.
gerontology the study of the aging process in people from midlife through old age.
ageism prejudice toward, stereotyping of, and/or discrimination against older persons or the elderly.
developmental disabilities disabilities that are present at birth or emerge during childhood up to age 22.
Created by: nunya.bidnez
Popular Medical sets




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