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degenerative disease of nervous system w/characteristic structural abnormalities within neurons
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congenital malformation; absence of brain, cranial vault, & scalp as result of defective closure of neural tube
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Concept Dis. Ch 26

Nervous System

degenerative disease of nervous system w/characteristic structural abnormalities within neurons Alzheimer disease
congenital malformation; absence of brain, cranial vault, & scalp as result of defective closure of neural tube anenchephaly
dilatation of structure, such as aorta, cerebral artery, or part of ventricular wall aneurysm
middle of 3 meninges that cover brain arachnoid
infectious nucleic acid particle transmitted by mosquitoes arthropod-borne-virus
large stellate cell having highly branched processes; form structural framework of nervous system; 1 of neuroglial cells astrocyte
stroke caused by blockage of cerebral artery by blood clot that has formed elsewhere in circulatory system & transported in bloodstream to brain cerebral embolus
stroke caused by rupture of cerebral artery, which allows blood to escape under high pressure into brain cerebral hemorrhage
stroke caused by thrombosis of arteriosclerotic cerebral artery cerebral thrombosis
injury to brain resulting in disturbance of cerebral blood flow caused by cerebral thrombosis, embolism, or hemorrhage cerebrovascular accident CVA
outer covering of brain & spinal cord dura
inflammation of brain encephalitis
cystic lesion of degenerated brain tissue as result of obstruction of cerebral blood flow encephalomalacia
encephalomalacia is the same as cerebral infarct
any brain tumor arising from glial cells of brain glioma
type of polyneuritis resulting from autoimmune reaction to myelin Guillain Barré syndrome
paralysis of one side of the body hemiplegia
dilatation of ventricular system caused by pressure arising from accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within ventricles hydrocephalus
membranes covering brain & spinal cord meninges
benign tumor arising from meninges meningioma
inflammation of meninges meningitis
protrusion of meninges through defect in spinal vertebral arches meningocele
type of spina bifida characterized by protrusion of meninges & cord through defect in vertebral arches meningomyleocele
malignant neoplasm of plasma cells multiple myeloma
chronic disease characterized by focal areas of demyelination in CNS, followed by glial scarring multiple sclerosis
slight tension present in resting muscles muscle tone
inflammation of spinal cord myelitis
ectodermal tube formed in embryo gives rise to brain & spinal cord neural tube
supporting cells of tissue of nervous system neuroglia
nerve cell, including nerve cell body & its processes neuron
1 type of neuroglia that surrounds nerve fibers within CNS oligodendroglia
abnormal sensation, such as burning, prickling or numbness paresthesia
chronic disease of CNS characterized by rigidity/tremor, caused by decreased concentration of dopamine in CNS Parkinson disease
innermost of 2 membrane covering brain & spinal cord pia
inflammation of multiple nerves polyneuritis
protein infectious particle responsible for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease & other degenerative disease of nervous system prion
incomplete closure of cerebral arches over spinal cord spina bifida
protrusion of meninges & neural tissue through defect cystic spina bifida
any injury to brain caused by disturbance of its blood supply stroke
space between arachnoid & pia, containing large blood vessel supplying brain subarachnoid space
temporary cerebral dysfunction as result of transient obstruction of cerebral vessel by bit of artheromatous debris/blood clot, usually embolized from arteriosclerotic plaque in carotid artery transient ischemic attack (TIA)
hollow cavities in the brain ventricles
arbovirus that infects birds, animals, & humans West Nile virus
nerve cells within the body are insulated with myelin
usually becomes fully sealed in the 4th week of fetal development neural tube
motor system that controls voluntary functions such as walking and balance extrapyramidal system
subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs between the arachnoid and pia
failure of the fusion in the vertebral arches is common to all types of spina bifida
bladder dysfunction, bowel dysfunction, loss of feeling and sensation in extremities, & loss of motor function in legs are long term effects of treating a large meningomyelocele
cystic spina bifida & anencephaly can be detected by testing for increased levels of AFP in amniotic fluid
relearning walking and balance may be easier than relearning use of a paralyzed upper limb after a stroke
Hemophilus influenzae & meningococcus are __ __ transmitted from person-to-person meningitis-causing bacteria
Poliomyelitis & West Nile virus are caused by arboviruses
most solitary Schwann cell tumors are benign
Created by: lfrancois
Popular Medical sets




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