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-ac pertaining to
-agogue simulator, agent causing change
-algia pain
-an pertaining to
-ar pertaining to
-clast break
-coma profound unconsciousness
-cyte cell
-cytosis condition of cells, increase in number of cells
-dynia pain
-ectomy removal, excision
-edema swelling
-gen producing, origin
-genic producing, origin
-gram recording, metric unit of weight
-graph instrument that records
-ia condition, state, disease
-iasis condition, state
-ic pertaining to
-ior pertaining to
-ism condition, process
-ist person who specializes
-itis inflammation
-logy study of
-malacia softening
-meter measurement, instrument to measure
-metry to measure
-oid resembling
-opsy process of viewing
-osis abnormal condition
-ous pertaining to
-pathy disease
-piesis pressure
-plakia patches
-plasty surgical repair
-poiesis production, formation
-ptosis drooping, prolapse
-rrhea discharge, flow
-sclerosis abnormal hardening
-scope instrument used to view
-scopy process of viewing
-sis condition
-spadia to tear, cut
-spasm sudden, involuntary muscle contraction
-stalsis contraction
-stasis maintenance of level, prevent increase
-stomy new opening
-therapy treatment
-tion process of
-tome instrument to cut
-tomy cutting, incision
-trophy nourishment, development
-um structure, tissue
a- no, not, without, away from
abdomen The part of the body cavity below the thorax.
abscess Accumulation of purulent material in tissues, organs, or circumscribed spaces, usually associated with signs of infection.
absorption The processes by which substances, tissue, cells, etc. take up or take in other substances or energy.
abstract A summary of the facts, ideas and opinions presented in articles, studies, literature or presentations.
acid/o acid, sour, bitter
acu- needle
acute severe; sudden in onset; lasting a short time
adip/o fat
aer- air
aggression Forceful verbal or physical behavior, or an overt attitude of hostility.
agit/o rapidity, restlessness
albin/o white, deficient pigmentation
alcoholism A primary, chronic disease creating a physical dependence on alcohol. Genetic and environmental factors influence its development.
allo- other
ambul/o walking
ambulance A vehicle for transporting patients for treatment.
ambulatory Able to walk.
amphi- both sides
ampho- both sides, double
anatomy The study of the structure of organisms.
andro- male
anomal/o irregular
aphth/o ulcer
appendectomy Surgical removal of the appendix.
aque/o water
arch- beginning, origin, first
aspirin An analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. It also reduces the risk of vascular thrombosis.
auto- self, same
axill/o armpit
bacteri- bacteria
bandages Material used for wrapping or binding any part of the body. Used to secure wound dressing or immobilize a limb.
bar/o pressure, weight
bas/o base, bottom
basi- base, foundation
bi- double, twice, two
bi/o life
blast- bud, germ
brachy- short
capit/o head
cauter/i burn
cellul/o cell
centi- hundred
charts A patient record including data in tables and graphs.
chem- chemistry
chem/o chemical
chest The part of the body between the neck and the abdomen. Thorax.
chrom/o color
chronic Prolonged. Long-term.
chym/o juice, to pour
claustr/o closed space
cold A contagious viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. Transmitted by coughing and sneezing.
colp- vagina
comatose Pertaining to a state of coma.
compress A pad of soft material used to apply cold, heat, medication or to control bleeding.
congestion Presence of abnormal amounts of fluids in an organ or vessel.
consensual Giving permission or agreement.
consent forms Documents describing a medical treatment or research project, including proposed procedures, risks, and alternatives, that are to be signed by an individual, or the individual's proxy, to indicate his/her understanding of the document and a willingness to
contagious A transmissible or communicable disease or a person with such a disease.
copr- feces
corpor/o body
crur/o leg
cry/o very cold
crypt/o hidden
cyan/o blue
cycl/o recurring, round
cyt/o cell
de- lack of, without, less, down
deci- one tenth
dem/o people, population
di- two, twice, double
differential diagnosis Distinguishing between two or more conditions having similar symptoms by systematic clinical comparison.
dipl/o double, two-sided
disease A disorder of an organ or body function. Characterized by signs and symptoms.
disinfectant Substance that kills or inhibits harmful microorganisms.
drainage The removal of fluids or discharges from the body, such as from a wound, sore, or cavity.
dys- bad, painful, abnormal
echo- reflected sound
eco- environment
edema Swelling due to excess fluid in the body's tissues.
electro/o electricity
eosin/o rose-colored
epidemic An rapid, widespread outbreak of a contagious disease.
epidemiology Field of medicine concerned with the determination of causes, incidence, and characteristic behavior of disease outbreaks affecting human populations.
eponym The name of a disease, procedure or body structure that is based upon the name of the discoverer.
equi- equal
erg- work
eu- normal, good
excision Removal of tissue using a scalpel.
fat A substance that stores energy in the body and serves as an insulating material. One of the three primary constituents of food.
fiss- split
fissure A slit, cleft or deep furrow; a small tear.
fistula An abnormal connection between two body parts.
fluor/o fluorine, fluoride
fract- break
gen/o to become, being born, producing
ger/o old age
giga- billion
granul/o small grain
hemi- half
hiat/o gap, opening, pause
hist/o tissue
holo- entire, complete
home/o same, not changed
hydr/o water, fluid
hyper- excessive, above
hypo- deficient, under
iatr/o treatment, medicine
in- in, not or fiber
incision A cut made by a medical professional.
indication The basis, evidence or rationale for using a particular treatment or diagnostic test.
infant A child between 1 and 23 months of age.
infection The invasion of the body by disease causing agents and the body's reaction.
inflammation The response of body tissues to injury, irritation or infection. Usually manifested by the signs of pain, heat, redness and swelling.
interstitial Small space(s) between biological structures.
intra- within
intro- within
is/o equal
joints The points of connection between the ends of certain bones. Also known as articulations
jug- yoke
kal/i potassium
kary/o nucleus
kilo- one thousand
laceration A wound, specifically a deep tear or cut of the flesh.
lesion Any abnormal changes or damage to body tissues.
lob/o lobe
loc- place
lumin/o lumen (channel within a tube)
macro- large
mal- bad, deficient
malaise A general feeling of illness or discomfort or feeling unhealthy.
meat/o a natural opening
medicare Federal program that provides health insurance benefits to persons over the age of 65 and others eligible for Social Security benefits. It consists of hospital insurance (Part A) and supplementary medical insurance (Part B).
meta- beyond, change
micro- small
mon/o single, one
morph/o shape, form
muc/o mucus
mycosis A fungal inflection.
nano- one-billionth, dwarfism
natr/o sodium
necr- death, corpse
neo- new
neutr/o neutral
noct/i night
nod/o knot
non- not
norm- normal
nucle/o nucleus
nyct/o night, darkness
obstetrician A medical doctor specialized in the management of pregnancy, labor and birth
olig/o few, scanty
orth/o straight
papill/o nipple, optic disc
para- similar, beside
path/o disease
pathological Pertaining to or caused by disease.
pathology A medical specialty concerned with the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences.
ped/o child, foot
pediatrics A medical specialty concerned with maintaining health and providing medical care to children from birth to adolescence.
pedophilia An adult abnormal attraction to children for sexual purposes.
penta- five
phalanges Fingers or toes
phil/o attraction
phor/o to carry
plic/o fold
poly- many
por/o passage, opening, duct
pro- before, in front of
prognosis A prediction of a outcome of a disease.
proto- first
pseudo- false
pyr/o fire, fever
pyrex/o fever
quadr- four
quadri- four
radi/o x-rays, radius
re- again, back
rhabd- rod
rot- wheel, turn
sect- dissect, cut
semi- half
sept/o septum, seven
sign Objective evidence of a disease.
somat/o body
steat/o fat
sterc- feces
stere/o three dimensional
stethoscope Instrument for listening to body sounds (auscultation).
symptom Subjective evidence of disease. For example, a patient's complaints.
syn- together
teg- cover
temperature The sensible intensity of heat of any substance.
tetra- four
therm/o heat, temperature
tissue A group of differentiated cells that perform a specific function. There are four basic tissues in the body: epithelium, connective (including bone, blood and cartilage), muscle and nerve.
tom/o section, slice
top/o place
trauma Physical or emotional injuries that are severe and of sudden onset.
triage The process of classifying patients into groups based upon need and likely benefit of treatment
troph/o nourishment, development
ultra- beyond
uni- one
vir/o virus
viscer/o body organs
xen/o foreign
zo/o animal life
Created by: pushawave
Popular Medical sets




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