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Prefixes Body


Oste/o Bone
Encephal/o Brain
Ot/o Ears
Or/o Mouth
Ocul Eyes
Knee genu
Mouth stomat/o
kidney nephr/o
ribs cost-
gums gingiv
Gallbladder cyst/o
hyster/o Uterus
lapar/o abdominal wall
Ped- foot
Pedo- child
Proct-, rectum
Nail onych/o
orchid/o testis, testicle
teeth dent
necr/o death
Gland aden/o
Tongue Gloss/o, Lingua
Stomach gastr/o
Breast mamm/o, mast/o
Chest steth/o
Nerves neur/o
capill- Hair
Nipple papill-
heart cardi/o
andr/o man
Gyne women
Iris irid/o
hepat/o liver
oste/o bone
Bronch/o bronchus
my/o muscle
chiel/labi lips
Vagina colp
Penis peo-
spine acanth
faci- face
bas- base
Kerat/o- cornea
Cor- Eye's pupil
fat lip/o
Mouth or/o
Eardrum myring/o
spinal cord, bone marrow myel/o
Molar teeth and lower Jaw Myl/o
Abdomen Abdomin/o
Vessel Angi/o
Appendix Apoendic/o
Artery Arteri/o
Joint Arthr/o
Head Cephal/o
Cerebrum Cerebr/o
Cell Cyt/o
Intestines Enter/o
Esophagus Esophag/o
Blood Hem/o
Ileum Ile/o
Ovary Oophor/o
Pancreas Pancreat/o
Vein Phleb/o, Ven/i
Lungs Pneum/o
Anus An/o
Nose Rhin/o
Trachea Trache/o
Created by: Abbyown
Popular Medical sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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