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Disease + Condition

Acute comes quick, and goes quick
Autoimmune body against itself
benign not malignant
chronic long lasting
congenital born with it
convalescence gradual recovery after an illness
debilitating weakening, harmful
endemic A disease that is particular to a locality or region.
endogenous Infection or disease originating within the body
epidemic A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease.
exogenous originating externally
genetic inherited; passed on from one's parents
hypersensitivity an exaggerated response by the immune system to a particular substance
iatrogenic arises from a complication of medical or surgical intervention
idiopathic unknown cause
immunological pertaining to a reaction between an antigen and an antibody
infectious capable of causing an infection
inflammatory marked by inflammation (redness, heat, fever, and swelling) or caused by inflammation
ischemic a condition or disease caused by a temporary deficiency in blood flow to an organ or tissue
malignant used to describe cancers that tend to spread, get progressively worse, and become life threatening
metabolic a disorder that interferes with normal metabolism, the chemical processes involved in converting food to energy and in sustaining life
neoplastic a new, abnormal growth that may be cancerous or noncancerous
nosocomial an infection acquired in a hospital setting that was not present upon admission
nutritional Relating to chemical processes in the body that occur after ingesting (eating) food.
opportunistic a pathogen that normally does not cause a disease unless the immune system is in a weakened state
syndrome A group of symptoms typical of a particular disease or condition
terminal a disease for which there are treatments but no cure; fatal
Created by: aIexa
Popular Medical sets




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