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Medical Terminology (Jane Rice) Chapter 2
Term | Definition |
-algesia | condition of pain |
abrasion; ab-, ras, -ion | Process of scraping away from a surface, such as skin or teeth, by friction. Skinned knee, or wearing down teeth by mastation. (Away from, to scrape off, process) |
-ant | forming |
anesthetize; an- esthet, -ize | To induce a loss of feeling or sensation with the administration of an anesthetic. (Without/lack of, feeling/sensation, to make) |
-ase | enzyme |
arousal;arous, -al | Pertaining to a state of alertness or consciousness.(alertness/to rise, pertaining to) |
-ate | use, action |
Asymmetrical; a- , symmetric, -al | Unequal in size or shape. Without proportion of the body or parts of the body; different in placement or arrangement about an axis. (Lack of/without, symmetry, pertaining to) |
-blast | immature cell, germ cell |
Comatose; comat -ose | Literally means pertaining to a state of deep sleep (coma); total lack of consciousness. (A deep sleep, pertaining to) |
-cide | to kill |
Epithelium; epi- thel/I, -um | Structure that covers the internal and external organs of the body and the lining of vessels, body cavities, glands, and organs. It is the layer of cells forming the outermost layer of the skin and the surface layer of the mucous and serous membranes. |
-crit | to separate |
-cuspid | point |
-cyst | bladder, sac |
-cyte | cell |
-dipsia | thirst |
-drome | that which runs together |
-er | relating to, one who |
-gen | formation, produce |
-genesis | formation, produce |
-ide | having a particular quality |
-ive | nature of, quality of |
-liter | liter |
-logy | study of |
-lymph | clear fluid, serum, pale fluid |
-or | one who, a doer |
-phil | attraction |
-stasis | control, stop, stand still |
-therapy | treatment |
-thermy | heat |
-um | tissue, structure |
-uria | urination, condition of urine |
cardi/ac | pertaining to the heart |
cephal/ad | pertaining to the head |
con/genit/al | pertaining to the presence at birth |
muscul/ar | pertaining to the muscles |
integument/ary | pertaining to the skin (a covering) |
norm/o/cephal/ic | pertaining to a normal appearance of the head as used in the objective description during a physical examination |
pen/ile | pertaining to the penis |
anter/ior | pertaining to a surface or part situated toward the front of the body |
grandi/ose | pertaining to a feeling of greatness |
edemat/ous | pertaining to an abnormal condition in which the body tissues contain an accumulation of fluid |
cyan/o/tic | pertaining to an abnormal condition of the skin and mucous membranes caused by oxygen deficiency in the blood |
de/cubit/us | pertaining to a bedsore |
a/ton/y | pertaining to a lack of normal tone or tension |
enur/esis | condition of involuntary emission of urine; bedwetting |
a/lopec/ia | condition of hair loss; baldness |
pod/iatry | treatment of diseases and disorders of the foot |
obstetr/ician | physician who specializes in treating the female during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum |
embol/ism | condition in which a blood clot obstructs a blood vessel |
cardi/o/log/ist | physician who specializes in the study of the heart |
hyper/hidr/osis | condition of excessive sweating |
an/encephal/y | congenital condition in which there is a lack of development of the brain |
ventr/icle | literally means little belly; a small cavity or chamber within a body or organ |
bronchi/ole | one of the smaller subdivisions of the bronchial tubes |
Mac/ula | small spot of discolored area of the skin |
pust/ule | small, elevated, circumscribed lesion of the skin that is filled with pus |
-ate | use, action, having the form of, possessing |
-blast | immature cell, germ cell, embryonic cell |
-ectasis | dilation, distention stretching, expansion |
-gen | formation, produce |
-genesis | formation, produce |
-genic | formation, produce |
-gram | a weight, mark, record |
-ive | nature of, quality of, |
-lymph | serum, clear fluid, pale fluid |
-lysis | destruction, separation, breakdown, loosening, dissolution |
-penia | lack of, deficiency, abnormal reduction |
-plasm | a thing formed, plasma |
-plegia | stroke, paralysis, palsy |
-ptosis | prolapse, drooping, falling down, sagging |
-rrhea | flow, discharge |
-scopy | to view, examine, visual examination |
-spasm | tension, spasm, contraction |
-staxis | dripping, trickling |
-trophy | nourishment, development |
-y | process, condition, pertaining to |
-algia | Pain, ache |
-asthenia | Weakness |
-betes | To go |
-cele | Hernia, tumor, swelling |
-cusis | Hearing |
-derma | Skin |
-dynia | Pain, ache |
-ectasis | Dilation, distention |
-edema | Vomiting |
-ion | Process |
-itis | Inflammation |
-kinesis | Motion |
-lepsy | Seizure |
-lexia | Diction, word, phrase |
-malacia | Softening |
-mania | Madness |
-megaly | Enlargement, large |
-mnesia | Memory |
-noia | Mind |
-oid | Resemble |
-oma | Tumor |
-opia | Sight, vision |
-oxia | Oxygen |
-pathy | Disease, emotion |
-penia | Deficiency |
-pepsia | To digest |
-phagia | To eat, to swallow |
-phasia | To speak, speech |
-phobia | Fear |
-plasia | Formation, produce |
-plasm | A thing formed, plasma |
-plegia | Paralysis, stroke |
-pnea | Breathing |
-ptosis | Drooping, prolapse, sagging |
-ptysis | Spitting |
-rrhage | Bursting forth |
-rrhea | Flow, discharge |
-rrhexis | Rupture |
-spasm | Tension, spasm, contraction |
-trophy | Nourishment, development |
-centesis | Surgical puncture |
-clasis | A break |
-desis | Binding |
-ectomy | Surgical excision, surgical removal, resection |
-gram | A weight, mark, record |
-graph | Instrument for recording |
-graphy | Recording |
-ize | To make, to treat, or combine with |
-lysis | Destruction, separation, breakdown, loosening |
-meter | Instrument to measure, measure |
-metry | Measurement |
-opsy | To view |
-pexy | Surgical fixation |
-pheresis | Remove |
-plasty | Surgical repair |
-rrhaphy | Suture |
-scope | Instrument for examining |
-scopy | Visual examination, to view, examine |
-stomy | New opening |
-tome | Instrument to cut |
-tomy | Incision |
-tripsy | Crushing |
abrasion | process of scraping away from a surface, such as skin or teeth, by friction. (ex scraped knee or worn down teeth from grinding);ab- away from, ras- to scrape off, -ion process |
anesthetize | to induce a loss of feeling or sensation with the administration of an anesthetic; an- without, lack of esthet- feeling, sensation, -ize to make |