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Four main steps of CFM
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What flows from households to markets for goods/services?
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Econ Ch 4

Ch 4 Econ

Four main steps of CFM Households, markets for good/services, firms, markets for FOP
What flows from households to markets for goods/services? Consumer expenditures
What flows from markets for goods/services to firms? Firm revenues
What flows from firms to markets for factors of production? Wages and rents paid
What flows from markets for FOP to households? Income
What flows from households to markets for FOP? Supply of factors of production
What flows from markers for FOP to firms? FOP hired
What flows from firms to markets for goods/services? Output of finished goods/services
What flows from markets for good/services to households? Consumption of finished goods/services
How is most property acquired? By purchase
Capitalism has purchases by..? Voluntary exchange
When is voluntary exchange valid? When an act is by choice and there is exchange of valuable consideration
Buyer's Reservation Price Highest price voluntary paid for a good
Seller's Reservation Price Lowest price voluntary accepted for a good
Bargaining Range Difference between BRP and SRP (BRP-SRP=BR)
Positive Sum Outcomes Total gains of winners is greater than total losses of losers (win win)
Negative Sum Outcomes Total gains of winners is less than the total losses of losers (win lose)
Law of Demand As price of good increases, people buy less of it // as price of good decreases, people buy more of it
Law of Supply As price of good increases, business people make more of it // as price of good decreases, business people sell less of it
What type of interaction is the model of supply and demand? Voluntary
Law of Increasing Cost Marginal cost of production will increase as output expands
What is the equation of profit? Total revenue-total cost
Equilibrium Stable state of a system
Market Equilibrium Stable price/quantity pair in which an indiv. market could not improve the outcome for himself by altering his behavior
Entrepenuer Person who starts/finances/manages a company, searches for markets, and absorbs risk of venture
Bankruptcy Legal procedure to strip owners of assets when they can't pay debts
Costs of bankruptcy Owner loses investment in property, innocent workers are laid off
Benefits of bankruptcy Assets moved out of hands of poor stewards, assets no longer deployed in activity that consumers don't want
Subsidy Payment by gov to indiv/company to cover costs with no obligation to repay
Costs of Subsidy Leaves assets on hands of incompetent owners, leaves asset deployed in areas that people don't value, transfers asset from taxpayers to others involuntary
Benefits of Subsidy Prevents failure/bankruptcy, prevents lay offs
What system uses creative destruction? Capitalism
Creative destruction Process of constant industrial mutation where economy is always changing
Created by: MikalahQuillen
Popular Economics sets




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