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MED149 Med Ethics

Ch 3 Terms

Accountable Care Organization (ACO) A predetermined payment for providers who take care of a designated patient population. Providers work together to provide care. Quality targets must be met.
Accreditation a process for officially authorizing, approving, and recognizing quality in health care education programs, facilities, managed care plans, and other health care organizations.
Certification A voluntary credentialing process whereby applicants who meet specific requirements may receive a certificate.
Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) A managed care plan that pays for health care services only within the plan’s network of physicians, specialists, and hospitals (except in emergencies).
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) A health plan that combines coverage of health care costs and delivery of health care for a prepaid premium.
Health Savings Account (HSA) Offered to individuals covered by high-deductible health plans, these accounts let these individuals save money, tax free, to pay for medical expenses.
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) A plan with a higher deductible than a traditional health plan. The monthly premium is usually lower.
Independent Practice Association (IPA) A type of HMO that contracts with groups of physicians who practice in their own offices and receive a per-member payment (capitation) from participating HMOs to provide a full range of health services for HMO members.
Licensure A mandatory credentialing process established by law, usually at the state level, that grants the right to practice certain skills and endeavors.
Managed Care A system in which financing, administration, and delivery of health care are combined to provide medical services to subscribers for a prepaid fee.
Managed Care Organization (MCO) A corporation that links health care financing, administration, and service delivery.
Medical Services Organization (MSO) A physician group purchases a hospital, which then contracts with employers to provide full health care services.
Open Access Plan (OAP) Subscribers may see any in network provider without a referral.
Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH)
Physician-Hospital Organization (PHO) A health care plan in which physicians join with hospitals to provide a medical care delivery system and then contract for insurance with a commercial carrier or an HMO.
Point of Service plan (POS) A primary care physician determines services for the patients within a network.
Practice Acts State laws written for the express purpose of governing the practice of a specific health care profession.
Preferred Provider Organization /Association (PPO/PPA) A network of independent physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers who contract with an insurance carrier to provide medical care at a discount rate to patients who are part of the insurer’s plan.
Primary Care Physician (PCP) The physician responsible for directing all of a patient’s medical care and determining whether the patient should be referred for specialty care.
Professional Boards Bodies established by each states practice act for the purpose of protecting the health safety and welfare of health care consumers by proper licensing and regulation of health care practitioners.
Reciprocity The process by which a professional license obtained in one state may be accepted as valid in other states by prior agreement without reexamination.
Registration  Similar to certification, individuals must meet certain educational requirements, as well as possibly successfully completing a nation exam.
Scope of Practice The determination of the duties/procedures that a person may or may not perform under the auspices of a specific health care professional’s license.
Created by: BrilliantMAs
Popular Medical sets




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