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Chapter 4
Musculoskeletal System
Term | Definition |
( Suffix )-physis | Growth ( epiphysis, diaphysis, metaphysics ) ( Physis is the study of matter, energy, and motion.) |
( Root ) oste/o | Bone ( osteopathy, periosteum ) At birth you had over 300 bones, but no kneecaps. |
( Root ) cran/o | Head, skull ( craniometer, craniomalacia ) The term migraine comes from the word hemicrania, meaning “ half the head. “ |
( Root ) brach/o | Arm ( brachiocephalic, brachialgia ) This root can also be seen in the word embrace, which literally means “ to put someone in your arms. “ |
( Root ) dacty/o | Finger ( adactyly, dactylalgia ) The flying dinosaur called the pterodactyl gets its name from ptero ( winged ) + dactly ( fingers ) . |
( Root ) crevice/o | Neck ( cervical spine, cervicitis ) Remember: when a C is follow by a, o, or u, it is pronounced hard like a K. When followed by e, or I, it is pronounced soft like an s. |
( Root ) carp/o | Wrist ( carpectomy, metacarpal ) The carpal tunnel is the area in the wrist where the nerves enter the hand. |
( Root ) spondylitis/o | Vertebra ( invertebrate, spondylitis ) Vertebra comes from the Latin, for to “ turn. “ |
( Root ) cost/o | Rib ( costectomy, intercostal ) The English word coast comes from this word. Think of a country’s coasts as its ribs or sides. The word accost, which means “ to come alongside someone. “ |
( Root ) lumb/o | Loin, lower back ( lumbar, lumbodynia ) The root lumbo comes from the Latin for “ loin. “ |
( Root ) femor/o | Femur ( thighbone ) ( femoral artery ) The femur is the strongest bone in the human body. |
(Root ) till/o | Tibia ( shinbone ) ( tiblaglia ) The term tibia originally meant “ pipe “ or “ flute. “ |
( Root ) tars/o | Ankle ( tarsitis, tarsalgia ) The root tarso comes from the Latin word tarsus, which can refer to the ankle or in general to the entire foot. |
( Root ) chondr/o | Cartilage ( chondrites, chondrodynia ) People who always think they are sick are called hypochondriacs. This term comes from hypo ( beneath ) + chondro ( cartilage - here specifically referring to the ribs) |
( Root ) arthr/o | Joint ( arthritis, arthroscopic surgery ) Insects, spiders, scorpions, and shellfish belong to animal family known as arthro- pods. The term comes from arthro ( joint ) + pod ( feet ) and refers to their segmented limbs. |
( Root ) burs/o | Bursa ( bursitis, bursectomy ) A bursa is a small fluid-filled sac found near the body’s joints. |
( Roots ) ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o | Tendon ( connective tissue connecting muscle to bone ) ( tenodynia, tendolysis, tendinitis ) From Latin, for “ to stretch. “ From English word attend, which means “ to stretch toward. “ |
( Roots ) muscul/o, my/o, myos/o | Muscle ( musculoskeletal, myopathy, myositis ) The term muscle comes from Latin, for “ little mouse. “ |
( Root ) fasci/o | Fascia ( fibrous connective tissue binding muscles together ) ( fasciotomy, fasclitis ) Fasclae are fibrous connective tissues that bind muscles together. |
( Root ) ton/o | Tone, tension ( dystonia, tonograph ) Tonic is a word for a medicinal drink. |
( Root ) kinesi/o ( also sometimes kinet/o ) | Movement, motion ( kinesiology, hyperkinesia, kinetic energy ) Akinetopsia ( pronounce ah- KEE- no-TOP-see-ah ) comes from the roots a (no) + kinet ( movement ) + Ossian ( vision ) a condition where you can see stuff still but not moving. |
( Root ) tax/o | Arrangement, order, coordination ( ataxia, hypotaxia ) Syntax is the English grammar term made up of roots syn ( together ) + tax ( arrangement). Taxidermy, which comes from taxo (arrange) + derby (skin). |
( Root ) ankyl/o | Stiff, bent ( ankylosis, ankylodactyly ) This root comes from a Greek word meaning “ hooked “ or “ bent. |
( ) kaws-TAL-jee-ah | Bones Costalgia Cost (rib ) / algia ( pain ) Rib pain |
() MET-ah-tar-SAL-jee-ah | Bones Metatarsalgia Meta ( after )/ tars ( ankle ) / algia ( pain ) Pain in the bones of the foot. |
() was-TAL-jee-ah | Bones Ostalgia Ost ( bone ) / algia (pain ) Also alternate spelling ostealgia. Bone pain. |
() AWS-tee-oh-DIN-eye-ah | Bones Osteodynia Osteo ( bone) / dynia ( pain ) Bone pain. |
() SPAWN-dig-log-DIN-we-ah | Bones Spondylodynia Spondylitis ( vertebra ) /dynia ( pain ) Vertebra pain. |
() TIB-we-AL-Jew-ah | Bones Tibialgia Tibi ( tibia ) / algia ( pain ) Tibia ( shin) pain. |
() SIR-vih-koh-DIN-ee-ah | Joints Cervicodynia cervico (neck) / dynia (pain) neck pain |
() krep-ih-TAY-shun | Joints Crepitation from Latin, for "rattle" or " creaking " A cracking sound heard in joints |
() JEH-nyoo VAL-gum | Joints Genu valgum knee pointed in Knock-kneed |
() JEH-nyooVAH-rum | Joint Bowlegged genu valgum knee bowed out |
() BRAD-ee-kih-NEE-see-ah | Muscles bradykinesia brady (slow) / kinesia ( kinesia ) Slow movement |
() DIS-kih-nee-zhee-ah | Muscles dyskinesia dys (bad) / kinesia (movement Inabillity to control movement |
() dis-TOH-see-ah | Muscles Dystaxia dys (bad) / taxia (coordination ) poor coordination |
()dis-TOH-nee-ah | Muscles Dystonia dys (bad ) / tonia ( muscle tone ) poor muscle tone |
() GRAF-oh-spazm | Muscles graphospasm grapho (write ) / spasm ( involuntary contraction ) writer's cramp |
() HAI-per-kih-NEE-zhee-ah | Muscles hyperkinesia hyper (over ) / kinesia ( movement ) Increase in muscle or activity |
HAI-per-TOH-nee-ah | Muscles hypertonia hyper (over) / tonia (muscle tone ) increased muscle tone or tightness |
() HAI-poh-kih-NEE-zhee-ah i | Muscles hypokinesia hypo (under) /kinesia (movement ) decrease in muscle movement or activity |
() HAI-poh-TOH-nee-ah | Muscles hypotonia hypo (under) / tonia (muscle tone ) decrease in muscle tone or tightness |
() mai-AL-jee-ah | Muscles myalgia my ( muscle) / algia ( pain) muscle pain |
() MAI-as-THEE-nee-ah | Muscles myasthenia my (muscle) /asthenia ( weakness ) muscle weakness |
() MAI-oh-DIN-we-ah | Muscles Myodynia Myo (muscles) / denial (pain) Muscle pain |
() MAI-oh-spazm | Muscles Myospasm Myo (muscle) / spasm (involuntary contraction) Muscle spasm |
() te-NAL- jee-ah | Muscle Tenalgia Ten (tendon) / algia (pain) Tendon pain |
AR-throh-sen-TEE-sis | diagnostic procedures arthrocentesis arthro / centesis joint / puncture puncture of a joint |
AR-throh-SKOHP | diagnostic procedures arthroscope arthro / scope joint / instrument to look instrument for looking into a joint |
ar-THRAWS-koh-pee | diagnostic procedures arthroscopy arthro / scopy joint / procedure to look procedure of looking into a joint |
eh-LEK-troh-MAl-oh-gram | diagnostic procedures electromyogram electro / myo / gram electricity / muscle / record a record of the electrical activity of a muscle |
eh-LEK-troh-mal-AWG-rah-fee | diagnostic procedures electromyography electro / myo graphy electricity / muscle / writing procedure procedure for measuring the electrical activity of a muscle |
mal-AWG-rah-fee | diagnostic procedures myography myo / graphy muscle / writing procedure |
AR-throh-GRAM | radiology arthro / gram joint / record visual record of a joint |
ar-THRAWG-ra-fee | radiology arthrography arthro / graphy joint / writing procedure procedure used to examine a joint |
kom-PYOO-ted AK-see-al toh-MAWG-rah-fee | radiology computed axial tomography (CAT or CT axi / al tomo / graphy axis / pertaining to cut writing procedure imaging procedure using a computer to produce cross sections along an axis |
kai-FOH-sis | spinal curvatures kyph / osis bent / condition humped back; abnormal forward curvature of the upper spine |
or-DOH-sis | lordosis lord / osis bent backward / condition sway back; abnormal forward curvature of the lower spine |
SKOH-lee-OH-sis | scoliosis scoli /osis crooked / condition crooked back; abnormal lateral curvature of the spine |
FRAK-chur | bones from Latin, for "break" a bone break |
AWS-tee-oh-DIS-troh-fee | osteodystrophy osteo / dys / trophy bone / bad / nourishment poor bone development |
AWS-tee-awl-ih-sis | osteolysis osteo / lysis bone / loss bone loss |
AWS-tee-oh-neh-KROH-sis | osteonecrosis osteo / necr / osis bone / death / condition death of bone |
AWS-tee-oh-skleh-ROH-sis | osteosclerosis osteo / scler /osis bone / hardening / condition abnormal hardening of bone |
PAWL-ee-DAK-tih-lee | polydactyly poly / dactyl / y many / finger / condition having more than the normal number of fingers (or toes) |
spawn-dih-LAIT-is | spondylitis spondyl / itis vertebra / inflammation vertebra inflammation |
SPAWN-dih-loh-mah-LAY-shee-ah | spondylomalacia spondylo / malacia vertebra /softening softening of the vertebra |
sin-DAK-tih-lee | syndactyly syn / dactyl/ y together / finger / condition fusion (sometimes called webbing) of fingers (or toes |
TAR-sawp-TOH-sis | tarsoptosis tarso / ptosis ankle / drooping condition flat feet |
BIR-soh-lith | bursolith burso / lith bursa / stone a stone in a bursa |
ee-FYOO-zhun | effusion ef / fusion out / pour fluld bulldup |
hem-ar-THROH-sis | hemarthrosis hem / arthr / osis blood / joint / condition blood in a joint |
HAI-drar-THROH-sis | hydrarthrosis hydr / arthr / osis water / joint / condition water (fluid) in a joint |
PAl-ar-THROH-sis | pyarthrosis py / arthr / osis pus / joint / condition pus in a joint |
A-troh-fee | atrophy a / trophy no /nourishment underdevelopment, decrease, or loss of muscle tissue |
hai-PER-troh-fee | hypertrophy hyper / trophy over / nourishment overdevelopment of muscle tissue |
MAI-oh-seel | myocele myo / cele muscle / hernia hernia of muscle tissue |
mai-AWL-ih-sis | myolysis myo /lysis muscle / loss loss of muscle tissue |
MAI-oh-mah-LAY-see-ah | myomalacia myo / malacia muscle / softening softening of a muscle |
MAl-oh-skler-OH-sis | myosclerosis myo / scler / osis muscle / hardening / condition hardening of a muscle |
mal-AWT-ah-sis | myotasis myo /tasis muscle / expansion stretching of a muscle |
MAI-oh-TOH-nee-ah | myotonia myo / tonia muscle / tone muscle tone |
ANG-kih-LOH-sing spawn-dih-LAl-tis | ankylosing spondylitis ankylos / ing spondyl / itis stiffen /causing vertebra / inflammation a stiffening inflammation of the vertebrae |
KAWN-droh-AWS-tee-oh-DIS-troh-fee | chondro-osteodystrophy chondro / osteo / dys / trophy cartilage / bone / bad / nourishment poor development of bones and cartilage |
KRAY-nee-oh-SIN-AWS-toh-sis | craniosynostosis cranio / syn / ost / osis skull / together / bone / condition the premature fusing of the skull bones |
DAK-tih-LAI-tis | dactylitis dactyl / itis finger / inflammation finger inflammation |
HAl-per-TROH-fik spawn-dih-LAl-tis | hypertrophic spondylitis hyper / trophic spondyl / itis over / nourishment vertebra / inflammation overdevelopment of the vertebrae causing inflammation |
AWS-tee-AIT-is | osteltis oste / itis bone / inflammation bone inflammation |
AWS-tee-oh-KON-DRAIT-is | osteochondritis osteo / chondr / itis bone / cartilage / inflammation inflammation of bone and cartilage |
AWS-tee-oh-JIN-eh-sis IM-per-FEK-tah | osteogenesis imperfecta osteo / genesis im / perfecta bone / creation not / complete a disease in which the bones do not develop correctly, also known as brittle bone disease |
AWS-tee-oh-mah-LAY-shee-ah | osteomalacia osteo / malacia bone / softening softening of the bone |
AWS-tee-oh-MAl-eh-LAIT-is | osteomyelitis osteo / myel / itis bone / marrow / inflammation inflammation of the bone and bone marrow |
AWS-tee-AWP-ah-thee | osteopathy osteo / pathy bone / disease bone disease |
AWS-tee-oh-PEE-nee-ah | osteopenia osteo / penia bone / deficiency reduction in bone volume |
AWS-tee-oh-poh-ROH-sis | osteoporosis osteo / por / osis bone / pore / condition loss of bone density |
SPAI-nal stih-NOH-sis | spinal stenosis spinal sten / osis spine narrow / condition abnormal narrowing of the spine |
SPAWN-dih-loh-ar-THRAWP-ah-thee | spondyloarthropathy spondylo / arthro / pathy vertebra /joint / disease joint disease of the vertebrae |
SPAWN-dih-loh-lis-THEE-sis | spondylolisthesis spondylo / listhesis vertebra /slipping the slipping or dislocation of a vertebra |
SPAWN-dih-LOl-ih-sis | spondylolysis spondylo / lysis vertebra / loss loss of vertebra structure |
SPAWN-dih-LOH-sis | spondylosis spondyl / osis vertebra / condition vertebra condition |
ar-THRAI-tis | arthritis arthr / itis joint / inflammation joint inflammation |
ROO-mah-TOYD ar-THRAI-tis | rheumatoid arthritis rheumat /oid arthr / itis rheumatic fever / resembling joint / inflammation inflammation of the joints; it is called rheumatold because its symptoms resemble those of rheumatic fever |
SEP-tikar-THRAI-tis | septic arthritis septic arthr / itis rotting joint / inflammation inflammation of the joint caused by infection |
AWS-tee-oh-ar-THRAI-tis | osteoarthritis osteo / arthr / itis bone /joint / inflammation inflammation of the joints, specifically those that bear weight |
AR-throh-SEEL | arthrocele arthro / cele joint / hernia hernia of a joint |
AR-throh-dis-PLAY-zhee-ah | arthrodysplasia arthro / dys / plasia joint / bad / formation abnormal joint development |
ar-THRAWP-ah-thee | arthropathy arthro / pathy joint / disease joint disease |
AR-throh-skleh-ROH-sis | arthrosclerosis arthro / scler /osis joint / hardening / condition hardening of the joints |
bur-SAIT-is | bursitis burs / itis bursa / inflammation inflammation of the bursa |
bur-SAWP-ah-thee | bursopathy burso / pathy bursa / disease disease of the bursa |
SUB-luk-SAY-shun | subluxation sub / luxation beneath / dislocation partial dislocation of a joint |
AY-KAWN-droh-PLAY-zhee-ah | achondroplasia a / chondro / plasia no / cartilage formation a defect in the formation of cartilage |
KAWN-droh-mah-LAY-shee-ah | chondromalacia chondro / malacia cartilage / softening abnormal softening of the cartilage |
KAWS-toh-kawn-DRAIT-is | costochondritis costo / chondr / itis rib / cartilage / inflammation inflammation of the cartilage of the rib |
FASH-ee-AIT-is | fasciitis fasci / itis fascia / inflammation inflammation of the fascia |
MUS-kyoo-lar DIS-troh-fee | muscular dystrophy muscul / ar dys/ trophy muscle / pertaining to bad / nourishment disorder characterized by poor muscle development |
MAI-AWK-loh-nus | myoclonus myo / clonus muscle / turmoil violent muscle contraction |
mal-AWP-ah-thee | myopathy myo / pathy muscle / disease muscle disease |
MAl-as-THEE-nee-ah | myasthenia my / asthenia muscle / weakness muscle weakness |
MAl-oh-FASH-ee-Al-tis | myofasclitis my / fasci / itis muscle / fascia / inflammation Inflammation of muscle and fascia |
mal-oh-SAl-tis | myositis myos /itis muscle / inflammation muscle inflammation |
NEK-roh-TAI-zing FASH-ee-AIT-is | necrotizing fasciitis necrot / izing fasci /itis death / causing fascia / inflammation inflammation of the fascia, causing the death of tissue |
PAWL-ee-MAI-oh-SAI-tis | polymyositis poly / myos / itis many / muscle / inflammation inflammation of multiple muscles |
TAR-div DIS-kih-NEE-zhee-ah | tardive dyskinesia tardive dys / kinesia slow bad movement condition characterized by the loss of muscle control |
TEN-dih-NAI-tis | tendinitis tendin / itis tendon / inflammation tendon inflammation |
TEN-dah-NAI-tis | tendonitis tendon / itis tendon / inflammation tendon inflammation |
kawn-DROH-mah | chondroma chondr / oma cartilage / tumor a tumorlike growth of cartilage tissue |
mai-OF-mah | myoma my /oma muscle / tumor a muscle tumor |
MAl-oh-sar-KOH-mah | myosarcoma myo / sarc / oma muscle / flesh / tumor a cancerous muscle tumor |
AWS-tee-oh-kar-sin-OH-mah | osteocarcinoma osteo / carcin / oma bone / cancer / tumor bone cancer tumor |
AWS-tee-oh-KON-DROH-mah | osteochondroma osteo / chondr / oma bone / cartilage / tumor a tumor made up of bone and cartilage, also known as an exostosis made up of cartilage |
AWS-tee-oh-sar-KOH-mah | osteosarcoma osteo / sarc / oma bone / flesh / tumor cancerous tumor arising out of bone cells |
AN-al-JEE-zik | analgesic an / alge / sic no / pain / agent a drug that relieves pain |
ANT-ee-ar-THRIT-ik | antlarthritic anti / arthri / tic against / joint (pain) / agent a drug that opposes joint inflammation |
ANT-ee-in-FLAM-ah-tor-ee | anti-Inflammatory anti / inflammatory against / inflammation a drug that opposes infiammation |
ANT-ai-pai-RET-ik | antipyretic anti / pyre / tic against / fever / agent a drug that opposes fever |
OR-THAWT-iks | orthotics ortho / tics straight / agent a device that aids in the straightening or stabilizing of a part of the body |
praws-THEE-sis | prosthesis pros / thesis toward / place a device that is added to a body to replace a missing part or lost function |
kar-PEK-toh-mee | carpectomy carp / ectomy wrist / removal removal of all or part of the wrist |
kaws-TEK-toh-mee | costectomy cost / ectomy rib removal removal of a rib |
kray-nee-EK-toh-mee | cranlectomy crani / ectomy skull / removal removal of a portion of the skull |
kray-nee-AWI-oh-mee | cranlotomy cranio / tomy skull / incision removal of a portion of the skull |
EK-stirn-al fik-SAY-shun | external fixation external fix / ation outside fix / procedure the fixation of a fractured bone from the outside (I.e., using casts, splints, stabilizers) |
IN-tir-nal fik-SAY-shun | Internal fixation internal fix / ation inside fix / procedure the fixation of a fractured bone from the inside (i.e., using screws, pins, plates) |
klohzd rih-DUK-shun | closed reduction closed re / duc / tion closed back / lead / procedure returning bones to their proper position without the use of surgery |
OH-pen rih-DUK-shun | open reduction open re / duc / tion open back / lead / procedure returning bones to their proper position through the use of surgery |
MET-ah-kar-PEK-toh-mee | metacarpectomy meta / carp / ectomy after / wrist / removal removal of a bone in the hand |
aws-TEK-toh-mee | ostectomy ost / ectomy bone / removal removal of a bone |
aws-tee-EK-toh-mee | osteectomy oste / ectomy bone / removal removal of a bone |
AWS-tee-oh-KLAY-zhee-ah | osteoclasia osteo / clasia bone / breaking the surgical breaking of a bone (often done to remedy a deformity) |
AWS-tee-oh-PLAS-tee | osteoplasty osteo / plasty bone / reconstruction reconstruction of a bone |
AWS-tee-AWT-oh-mee | osteotomy osteo / tomy bone /incision incision into a bone |
SPAWN-dih-loh-SIN-deh-sis | spondylosyndesis spondylo / syn / desis vertebra / together / binding fusing together of multiple vertebrae |
ster-NAWT-oh-mee | sternotomy sterno / tomy sternum / incision incision into the sternum |
tar-SEK-toh-mee | tarsectomy tars / ectomy ankle / removal removal of all or a portion of the ankle |
TAR-soh-KLAY-zhee-ah | tarsoclasia tarso / clasia ankle / breaking surgical fracture of the ankle (i.e., to treat clubfoot) |
ar-THREK-toh-mee | arthrectomy arthr / ectomy joint / removal removal of a loint |
AR-throh-KLAY-zhee-ah | arthroclasla arthro / clasia joint / breaking the therapeutic breaking of a joint to allow for increased mobility |
AR-throh-DEE-sis | arthrodesis arthro / desis joining / binding surgical fixation of a joint |
ar-THRAWL-ih-sis | arthrolysis arthro / lysis joint /loose loosening a stiff joint |
AR-throh-PLAS-tee | arthroplasty arthro / plasty joint / reconstruction reconstruction of a joint |
ar-THRAWT-oh-mee | arthrotomy arthro / tomy joint /incision incision into a joint |
bur-SEK-toh-mee | bursectomy burs / ectomy bursa / removal removal of a bursa |
bur-SAWT-oh-mee | bursotomy burso / tomy bursa / incision incision into a bursa |
kawn-DREK-toh-mee | chondrectomy chondr / ectomy cartilage / removal removal of cartilage |
KAWN-droh-PLAS-tee | chondroplasty chondro / plasty cartilage / reconstruction reconstruction of cartilage |
FASH-ee-EK-toh-mee | fasciectomy fasci / ectomy fascia / removal removal of fascia |
FASH-ee-AWD-eh-sis | fasciodesis fascio / desis fascia / binding binding of fascia |
FASH-ee-oh-PLAS-tee | fascioplasty fascio / plasty fascia / reconstruction reconstruction of fascia |
fash-ee-OR-ah-fee | fasciorrhaphy fascio / rrhaphy fascia / suture suturing of fascia |
fash-ee-AWT-oh-mee | fasciotomy fascio / tomy fascia / incision incision into fascia |
mai EK-toh-mee | myectomy my / ectomy muscle / removal removal of muscle |
mal-AWD-eh-sis | myodesis myo / desis muscle / binding binding of a muscle |
MAl-oh-MEK-toh-mee | myomectomy my /om / ectomy muscle / tumor / removal removal of a muscle tumor |
mai-oh-PLAS-tee | myoplasty myo / plasty muscle / reconstruction muscle reconstruction |
mal-OR-ah-fee | myorrhaphy myo / rrhaphy muscle / suture muscle suture |
mal-AWT-oh-mee | myotomy myo / tomy muscle / incision incision into muscle |
ten-DEK-toh-mee | tendectomy tend / ectomy tendon / removal removal of a tendon |
TEN-doh-PLAS-tee | tendoplasty tendo / plasty tendon / reconstruction reconstruction of a tendon |
ten-AWD-eh-sis | tenodesis teno / desis tendon / binding binding of a tendon |
ten-AWL-ih-sis | tenolysis teno /lysis tendon / loosen freeing/loosening a tendon |
TEN-oh-NEK-toh-mee | tenonectomy tenon / ectomy tendon / removal removal of a tendon |
TEN-oh-PLAS-tee | tenoplasty teno / plasty tendon / reconstruction reconstruction of a tendon |
ten-OR-ah-fee | tenorrhaphy teno / rrhaphy tendon / suture suture of a tendon |
teh-NAWI-oh-mee | tenotomy teno / tomy tendon / incision incision into a tendon |
Hx | history |
Fx | fracture |
TX | traction or treatment |
ACL | anterior cruciate ligament |
MCL | medial collateral ligament |
LCL | lateral collateral ligament |
PCL | posterior cruciate ligament |
C1_C7 | cervical (of the neck) vertebrae |
T1-T12 | thoracic (of the chest) vertebrae |
L1_L5 | lumbar (of the loin) vertebrae |
S1-S5 | sacral vertebrae |
DTR | deep tendon reflex (this is what doctors are testing when they tap the knee with a reflex hammer |
EMG | electromyogram |
FROM | full range of motion |
NSAID | nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory |
OA | osteoarthritis |
ORIF | open reduction internal fixation |
PT | physical therapy |
RA | rheumatoid arthritis |
RICE | rest, Ice, compression, elevation |
ROM | range of motion |
WB | weight bearing |
WBAT | welght bearing as tolerated |
ankyl/o | stiff, bent |
kinesi/o | movement, motion |
arthr/o | joint |
brachi/o | arm |
burs/o | bursa (a small fluid-filled sac found near the body's joint) |
carp/o | wrist |
cervic/o | neck |
chondr/o | cartilage |
cost/o | rib |
crani/o | head, skull |
dactyl/o | finger |
fasci/o | fascia (fibrous connective tissue binding muscles together) |
femor/o | femur (thighbone) |
lumb/o | loin, lower back |
muscul/o | muscle |
my/o, myos/o | muscle |
oste/o | bone |
-physis | growth |
spondyl/o | vertebra |
tars/o | ankle |
tax/o | arrangement, order, coordination |
ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o | tendon |
tibi/o | tibla (shinbone) |
ton/o | tone, tension |
achondroplasia | a defect in the formation of cartilage |
analgesic | a drug that relieves pain |
ankylosing spondylitis | a stiffening inflammation of the vertebrae |
ankylosis | joint stiffness |
antiarthritic | a drug that opposes joint inflammation |
anti-Inflammatory | a drug that opposes inflammation |
antipyretic | a drug that opposes fever |
arthrodysplasia | abnormal joint development |
arthralgia | joint pain |
arthritis | joint inflammation |
arthrocele | hernia of a joint |
arthrocentesis | puncture of a joint |
arthroclasia | the therapeutic breaking of a joint to allow for increased mobility |
arthrodesis | the surgical fixation of a joint |
arthrodynia | joint pain |
arthrectomy | removal of a joint |
arthrogram | visual record of a joint |
arthrography | procedure used to examine a joint |
arthrolysis | loosening a stiff joint |
arthropathy | joint disease |
arthroplasty | reconstruction of a joint |
arthrosclerosis | hardening of the joints |
arthroscope | instrument for looking into a joint |
arthroscopy | procedure of looking into a joint |
arthrotomy | incision into a joint |
atrophy | underdevelopment, decrease, or loss of muscle tissue |
bradykinesia | slow movement |
bursectomy | removal of a bursa |
bursitis | inflammation of the bursa |
bursolith | a stone in a bursa |
bursopathy | disease of the bursa |
bursotomy | incision into a bursa |
carpectomy | removal of all or part of the wrist |
carpitis | wrist inflammation |
cervicodynia | neck pain |
chondrectomy | removal of cartilage |
chondroma | a tumorlike growth of cartilage tissue |
chondromalacia | abnormal softening of the cartilage |
chrondro-osteodystrophy | poor development of bones and cartilage |
chondroplasty | reconstruction of cartilage |
closed reduction | returning bones to their proper position without the use of surgery |
computed axial tomography (CAT or CT) | imaging procedure using a computer to produce cross sections along an axis |
costalgla | rib pain |
costectomy | removal of a rib |
costochondritis | Inflammation of the cartilage of the rib |
cranlectomy | removal of a portion of the skull (bone is not replaced |
craniomalacia | softening of the skull |
cranlosynostosis | the premature fusing of the skull bones |
cranlotomy | removal of a portion of the skull (bone is later replaced |
crepitation | from Latin, for "rattle" or "creaking"; a crackling sound heard in joints |
dactylitis | finger inflammation |
dyskinesia | inability to control movement |
dystaxia | poor coordination |
dystonia | poor muscle tone |
effusion | fluid buildup |
electromyogram | record of the electrical activity of a muscle |
electromyography | procedure for measuring the electrical activity of a muscle |
exostosis | an abnormal growth of bone out of another bone |
external fixation | a fixation of a fractured bone from the outside (i.e., using a cast or splint |
fasciectomy | removal of fascia |
fasciitis | inflammation of the fascia |
fasciodesis | binding of fascia |
fascioplasty | reconstruction of fascia |
fasciorrhaphy | suturing of fascia |
fasciotomy | incision into fascia |
fracture | from Latin, for "break": a bone break |
genu valgum | knock-kneed |
genu varum | bowlegged |
graphospasm | writer's cramp |
hemarthrosis | blood in a joint |
hydrarthrosis | water (fluid) in a joint |
hyperkinesia | increase in muscle movement or activity |
hypertonia | Increased muscle tone or tightness |
hypertrophic spondylitis | overdevelopment of the vertebrae, causing inflammation |
hypertrophy | overdevelopment of muscle tissue |
hypokinesia | decrease in muscle movement or activity |
hypotonia | decrease in muscle tone or tightness |
Internal fixation | the fixation of a fractured bone from the inside (le., using screws, pins, plates |
kyphosis | humped back-abnormal forward curvature of the upper spine |
lordosis | sway back--abnormal forward curvature of the lower spine |
metacarpectomy | removal of a bone of the hand |
metatarsalglia | pain in the bones of the foot |
muscular dystrophy | disorder characterized by poor muscle development |
myalgia | muscle pain |
myasthenia | muscle weakness |
myectomy | removal of muscle |
myocele | hernia of muscle tissue |
myoclonus | violent muscle contraction |
myodesis | binding of muscle |
myodynia | muscle pain |
myofasciltis | inflammation of the muscle and fascia |
myography | procedure for studying muscles |
myolysis | loss of muscle tissue |
myoma | a muscle tumor |
myomalacia | softening of a muscle |
myomectomy | removal of a muscle tumor |
myopathy | muscle disease |
myoplasty | muscle reconstruction |
myorrhaphy | muscle suture |
myosarcoma | a cancerous muscle tumor |
myosclerosis | hardening of a muscle |
myositis | muscle inflammation |
myospasm | muscle spasm |
myotasis | stretching of a muscle |
myotomy | Incision into muscle |
myotonla | muscle tone |
necrotizing fasciitis | Inflammation of the fascla, causing the death of tissue |
open reduction | returning bones to their proper position through the use of surgery |
orthotics | a device that alds in the straightening or stabilizing of a part of the body |
ostalgia ostealgia (alt) | bone pain |
ostectomy | removal of a bone |
osteectomy | removal of a bone |
osteitis | bone inflammation |
osteoarthritis | inflammation of the joints, specifically those that bear weight |
osteocarcinoma | bone cancer tumor |
osteochondritis | Inflammation of bone and cartilage |
osteochondroma | a tumor made up of bone and cartilage |
osteodynia | bone pain |
osteodystrophy | poor bone development |
osteogenesis imperfecta | a disease in which the bones do not develop correctly; also known as brittle bone disease |
osteolysis | bone loss |
osteomalacia | softening of the bone |
osteomyelitis | inflammation of the bone and bone marrow |
osteonecrosis | death of bone |
osteopathy | bone disease |
osteopenia | reduction in bone volume |
osteoplasty | reconstruction of a bone |
osteoporosis | loss of bone density |
osteosarcoma | cancerous tumor arising out of bone cells |
osteosclerosis | abnormal hardening of bone |
osteotomy | incision into a bone |
polydactyly | having more than the normal number of fingers (or toes |
polymyositis | Inflammation of multiple muscles |
prosthesis | a device that is added to a body to replace a missing part or lost function |
pyarthrosis | pus in a joint |
rheumatold arthritis | Inflammation of the joint is called rheumatoid because its symptoms resemble those of rheumatic fever |
scoliosis | crooked back, or abnormal lateral curvature of the spine |
septic arthritis | inflammation of the joint caused by infection |
spinal stenosis | abnormal narrowing of the spine |
spondylitis | inflammation of the vertebra |
spondyloarthropathy | joint disease of the vertebrae |
spondylolisthesis | the slipping or dislocation of a vertebra |
spondylolysis | loss of vertebra structure |
spondylomalacia | softening of the vertebra |
spondylonia | vertebra pain |
spondylosis | vertebra condition |
spondylosyndesis | fusing together of multiple vertebrae |
sternotomy | incision into the sternum |
subluxation | partial dislocation of a joint |
syndactyly | fusion (sometimes called webbing) of fingers or toes |
tardive dyskinesia | condition characterized by the loss of muscle control |
tarsectomy | removal of all or a portion of the ankle |
tarsoclasia | the surgical fracture of the ankle (i.e., to treat clubfoot |
tarsoptosis | flat feet |
tenalgia | tendon pain |
tendectomy | removal of a tendon |
tendonitis tendinitis (alt) | tendon inflammation |
tendoplasty | reconstruction of a tendon |
tenodesis | binding of a tendon |
tenolysis | freeing/loosening a tendon |
tenonectomy | removal of a tendon |
tenoplasty | reconstruction of a tendon |
tenorrhaphy | suture of a tendon |
tenotomy | incision into a tendon |
tibialgia | tibia (shin) pain |
ankyl/o | ankylosing spondylitis ankylosis |
arthr/o | antlarthritic arthrectomy arthralgla arthritis arthrocele arthrocentesis arthroclasla arthrodesis arthrodynia arthrodysplasia arthrogram arthrography arthrolysis |
arthr/o | arthropathy arthroplasty arthrosclerosis arthroscope arthroscopy arthrotomy hemarthrosis hydrarthrosis osteoarthritis pyarthrosis rheumatold arthritis septic arthritis spondyloarthropathy |
burs/o | bursectomy bursitis bursolith bursopathy bursotomy |
carp/o | carpectomy carpitis metacarpectomy |
cervic/o | cervicodynia |
chondr/o | achondroplasia costochondritis chondrectomy chondroma chondromalacia chondroosteodystrophy chondroplasty osteochondritis osteochondroma |
cost/o | costalgia costectomy costochondritis |
crani/o | craniectomy craniomalacia craniosynostosis craniotomy |
dactyl/o | dactvlitis polydactyly syndactyly |
fasci/o | fasciectomy fasclitis fasciodesis fascioplasty fasciorrhaphy fasclotomy myofasciltis necrotizing fasciitis |
kinesl/o | bradykinesla dyskinesla hyperkineslas hypokinesia tardive dyskinesia |
muscul/o | muscular dystrophy |
my/o | electromyogram |
myos/o | electromyography myalgia myasthenia myectomy myocele myoclonus myodesis myodynia myofasciitis myography myospasm myotasis myotomy myolysis myoma myomalacia myomectomy myopathy myoplasty myorrhaphy myosarcoma myosclerosis myositis myotonia polymyositis |
oste/o | chondroosteodystrophy craniosynostosis exostosis ostalgia ostealgia ostectomy osteectomy osteitis osteoarthritis osteocarcinoma osteochondritis osteochondroma osteodynia osteodystrophy |
oste/o | osteogenesis imperfecta osteolysis osteomalacia osteomyelitis osteonecrosis osteopathy osteopenia osteoplasty osteoporosis osteosarcoma osteosclerosis osteotomy |
spondyl/o | ankylosing spondylitis hypertrophic spondylitis spondylitis spondyloarthropathy spondylodynia spondylolisthesis spondylolysis spondylomalacia spondvlosis spondylosyndesis |
tars/o | metatarsalgia tarsectomy tarsoclasia tarsoptosis |
tax/o | dystaxia |
ten/o tend/o tendin/o | tenalgia tendectomy tendinitis tendonitis tendoplasty tenodesis tenolysis tenonectomy tenoplasty tenorrhaphy tenotomy |
tibi/o | tibialgia |
ton/o | dystonia hypertonia hypotonia myotonia |